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Snap to Grip OR Node at Grip

Jim Clayton

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I'm mostly just curious if something like this is possible.  A lisp that inserts a Node or 45 degree line at the grip of all selected text/objects/attributes.  Often times I use the grip as a starting point for various other things as a way to calm my OCD.  My train of thought is, select source object, use crossing window to select objects and have them snap to grip of source object.  Or window select, insert node at grip of selected objects.  Something along those lines.  Is this possible with lisp or does a feature already exist that I'm not aware of?  Appreciate any helpful feedback.  Tks.

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Not quite sure what your asking for. You want to move multiple objects onto one point?

Maybe the AutoCAD command From might be what you need. Use  the move command like normal and select the objects then pick the first point. before picking the second point type from. Then when you pick the second point the move command doesn't end but allows you to move from that point. and if you have snap to Insertion turned on you can use those points on text, blocks, and attributes

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What I tend to do is choose the grip of an object or piece of text, etc. as a basepoint.  Then I use this basepoint to align other objects, text, etc.  to organize things and make a more uniform looking drawing.  It would be helpful if I was able to insert a node at the grip rather than try to locate it manually.  I've tried using the ALIGN command but it doesn't achieve the same result.  I've also tried Lee Mac's AlignText lisp but it's not quit what I'm after.  Similar, but not quite.  Also it's primary use is for Text.  Tks.

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Good Morning.  Yes I have tried TEXTALIGN but it didn't achieve the results that I was after.  It looks like adjusting the OSNAPS might be taking care of it for the time being.  I appreciate the feedback though.  Thanks for the help.

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