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TIN Surface 3Dface

Eduardo Celiz

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Hello, and being looking for information on how to obtain a specific elevation within a 3dface, I comment that I generated a surface conforming it by 3Dfaces and I am trying to be able to obtain a specific elevation by clicking (getpoint) in any internal part of the 3dfaces, I hope Can you help me with some idea of how to get what I require or if I am on the wrong path tell me what would be the correct procedure

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See if this suits you. Basically, the function finds the projection point on the 3dface entity, starting from a point located on the same x and y coordinates.




;;; Syntax:
;;; (pointxface P1 fent)
;;; Arguments:
;;; P1 - point on Z=0
;;; fent - entity 3dFace
;;; Retval:
;;; projection point on 3dface, if the projection of the point is outside the 3dface, the result will be nil 

(defun pointxface (P1 fent / vertice1 vertice2 vertice3 V1 V2 V3 D1 D2 D aa bb somma zeta puntoinalto)
 (setq vertice1	(cdr (assoc 10 (entget fent)))
       vertice2	(cdr (assoc 11 (entget fent)))
       vertice3	(cdr (assoc 12 (entget fent)))
       V1 (list (car vertice1)(cadr vertice1))
       V2 (list (car vertice2)(cadr vertice2))
       V3 (list (car vertice3)(cadr vertice3))
 (setq D1 (- (* (- (car P1) (car V1)) (- (cadr V3) (cadr V1)))
	     (* (- (cadr P1) (cadr V1)) (- (car V3) (car V1)))

 (setq D2 (- (* (- (car V1) (car P1)) (- (cadr V2) (cadr V1)))
	     (* (- (cadr V1) (cadr P1)) (- (car V2) (car V1)))

 (setq D (- (* (- (car V2) (car V1)) (- (cadr V3) (cadr V1)))
	    (* (- (cadr V2) (cadr V1)) (- (car V3) (car V1)))
 (setq aa (/ D1 D))
 (setq bb (/ D2 D))
 (setq somma (+ aa bb))

 (if (equal aa 0.00 0.000001)(setq aa 0.0))
 (if (equal bb 0.00 0.000001)(setq bb 0.0))
 (if (equal somma 1.0 0.000001)(setq somma 1.0))

 (if (and (>= aa 0.0) (>=  bb 0.0)(<= somma 1.0)) ;;; Se aa>=0 and bb>=0 and aa+bb<=1 allora P è interno al triangolo o sul bordo. Altrimenti è esterno
   (setq zeta	     (/	(+ (-
			    (- (* (- (car P1) (car vertice1))
				  (- (*	(- (cadr vertice2) (cadr vertice1))
					(- (caddr vertice3) (caddr vertice1))
				     (*	(- (cadr vertice3) (cadr vertice1))
					(- (caddr vertice2) (caddr vertice1))
			       (* (- (cadr P1) (cadr vertice1))
				  (- (*	(- (car vertice2) (car vertice1))
					(- (caddr vertice3) (caddr vertice1))
				     (*	(- (car vertice3) (car vertice1))
					(- (caddr vertice2) (caddr vertice1))
			   (* (caddr vertice1)
			      (- (* (- (car vertice2) (car vertice1))
				    (- (cadr vertice3) (cadr vertice1))
				 (* (- (car vertice3) (car vertice1))
				    (- (cadr vertice2) (cadr vertice1))
			(- (* (- (car vertice2) (car vertice1))
			    (- (cadr vertice3) (cadr vertice1))
			 (* (- (car vertice3) (car vertice1))
			    (- (cadr vertice2) (cadr vertice1))
	 puntoinalto (list (car P1) (cadr P1) zeta)
  (setq puntoinalto nil)
 (princ "\n")


Edited by confutatis
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Use civil3d create surface > add object > select 3d face > edit style surface > open point surface > explode point surface to autocad object or > create point by autocad point to get civil3d point

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