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can anyone help me to make all my exiting polylines to end fillet of 45 degree


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As I said Have a go if stuck post.


Understand what you want. Remember people who post solutions are doing so as a free service so are not under a obligation to jump straight in and provide a solution, most that do have a day job as well. If you dont understand lisp say so.

Edited by BIGAL
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Thank you for your reply.

I do not understand lisp except  statements like “setq”, “command”.
I have tried to understand and modify your program, but  did not achieve my requirements.
I'll try again, thanks.

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I have tried to modify BIGAL‘s Lisp,It basically meets my requirements.

(defun C:45dpline ( / oldsnap pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4 pt5 dire off rad ent)
(setq oldsnap (getvar 'osmode))
(setvar 'osmode 0)
(setq off 180.0 rad 0.0)  ;
(setvar 'filletrad rad)

(setq dire (getstring "\n Clockwise(Y/n): "))

(while (setq ent (entsel "\npick p/line near end Enter to exit"))
;(setq pt3 (cadr ent))
(setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object (car ent)))
(setq pt1 (vlax-curve-getStartPoint obj))
(setq pt2 (vlax-curve-getEndPoint obj))

(setq ang (angle pt1 pt2))
(setq pt4 (polar pt2 (- ang (/ pi 2.0)) off))
(setq pt5 (polar pt4 (+ ang (* pi 0.75)) off))

(if (= dire "n")
    (setq pt4 (polar pt2 (+ ang (/ pi 2.0)) off))
    (setq pt5 (polar pt4 (- ang (* pi 0.75)) off))

(command "line" pt4 pt5 "")
(setq pt5 (mapcar '* (mapcar '+ pt4 pt5) '(0.5 0.5)))4 
(command "fillet" ent pt5)
(setvar 'osmode oldsnap)

But when I click on the OFF part on the pline, it will bends like pl3,I don't understand why this happens.

How to avoid this ?   I hope No matter where I click to select ,it bends like pl2.


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On 19/08/2021 at 11:56, yxl030 said:

I have tried to modify BIGAL‘s Lisp,It basically meets my requirements.

(defun C:45dpline ( / oldsnap pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4 pt5 dire off rad ent)
(setq oldsnap (getvar 'osmode))
(setvar 'osmode 0)
(setq off 180.0 rad 0.0)  ;
(setvar 'filletrad rad)

(setq dire (getstring "\n Clockwise(Y/n): "))

(while (setq ent (entsel "\npick p/line near end Enter to exit"))
;(setq pt3 (cadr ent))
(setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object (car ent)))
(setq pt1 (vlax-curve-getStartPoint obj))
(setq pt2 (vlax-curve-getEndPoint obj))

(setq ang (angle pt1 pt2))
(setq pt4 (polar pt2 (- ang (/ pi 2.0)) off))
(setq pt5 (polar pt4 (+ ang (* pi 0.75)) off))

(if (= dire "n")
    (setq pt4 (polar pt2 (+ ang (/ pi 2.0)) off))
    (setq pt5 (polar pt4 (- ang (* pi 0.75)) off))

(command "line" pt4 pt5 "")
(setq pt5 (mapcar '* (mapcar '+ pt4 pt5) '(0.5 0.5)))4 
(command "fillet" ent pt5)
(setvar 'osmode oldsnap)

But when I click on the OFF part on the pline, it will bends like pl3,I don't understand why this happens.

How to avoid this ?   I hope No matter where I click to select ,it bends like pl2.


Do not expect him to help you, of course, always incomplete and provocative solutions, compared to other professionals.

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I have over 16000 posts here and respond to 4 forums occasionally I miss a request they could have sent me a private message.


Sounds like I did not send an answer to you for a request. Or I did as much as I was prepared to do. I test the code before posting it and make sure it works often a user will do something not considered and it does not work. 


The code has been changed and not by me what I posted works for the original request.


The code posted here is mostly provided free of charge, have you posted anything useful ?



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I wasn't sure if that was a serious comment or a joke - very odd either way.


A weird post to pick particualrly when the OP and subsequent question appear to be satisfied, have a code they can use or learnt enough that they can adjust what the suggestions above gave.



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6 hours ago, BIGAL said:

I have over 16000 posts here and respond to 4 forums occasionally I miss a request they could have sent me a private message.


Sounds like I did not send an answer to you for a request. Or I did as much as I was prepared to do. I test the code before posting it and make sure it works often a user will do something not considered and it does not work. 


The code has been changed and not by me what I posted works for the original request.


The code posted here is mostly provided free of charge, have you posted anything useful ?



Almost funny but too on point 🤪


Quality over quantity IMO.

Edited by ronjonp
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