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publish layouts with specific name with a lisp


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Hello all. I need a lisp that will merge all layouts, that start with a certain name, into one PDF file.


I have already made some progress with this Lisp. With the dwgprops I get information about the current file path, which I then merge all with the stract command. This also works, only the command "-Export" "ak" can only print one sheet.


The number of layouts that start with "Plan..." are always different.


Does anyone have an idea which command works instead for publish all Layouts, that beginns with the same name?

The -publish command always asks me for a dsd file.





(defun c:Documentsheets ( / pdfName )
;--------- get variabel für contact - number:

      (setq acadObject (vlax-get-acad-object))
      (setq acadDocument (vla-get-ActiveDocument acadObject))
        (setq dProps (vlax-get-Property acadDocument 'SummaryInfo))
        (vla-getCustomByIndex dProps 4 'myValue1 'myValue2)
        (setq contact myValue2)       

;--------- get variable for order - number:

      (setq acadObject (vlax-get-acad-object))
      (setq acadDocument (vla-get-ActiveDocument acadObject))
        (setq dProps (vlax-get-Property acadDocument 'SummaryInfo))
        (vla-getCustomByIndex dProps 5 'myValue1 'myValue2)
        (setq order myValue2)       
  (setq Pathone "\\\\company.lan\\xyz\\erp\\land\\contact\\")
  (setq Pathtwo "\\order\\")
  (setq Paththree "\\folder\\")

  (command "_Qsafe")
  (foreach layname (vl-remove-if-not
		     '(lambda (ln)
			(vl-some '(lambda (n)
				    (wcmatch ln n)
    (setvar "ctab" layname)
    (setq pdfName
              (strcat Pathone Contact Pathtwo Order Paththree
              (strcat order "_Drawing")
    (if	(findfile pdfName)
      (command "-EXPORT" "PDF" "Ak" "N" pdfName "J")
      (command "-EXPORT" "PDF" "Ak" "N" pdfName)



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