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Beginner trying to use LDATA : Having trouble retreving setq


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Here is the way it worked before

;;(setq JOBN (getstring (strcat "\n<ENTER JOB NAME>  " (cond (JOBNANS) ("CUSTOMER")) " "))
;;    JOBNANS (cond ((/= JOBN "") (strcase JOBN)) (JOBNANS) ("CUSTOMER"))
;; )
(COMMAND "TEXT" "J" "R" TXT5 "1.000" "0" JOBNANS)


This is what im trying now but cannot get the  JOBANS to work in the text command


(setq JOBN (vlax-ldata-get "4PAN" "JOBN"))
(if (= JOBN nil) (setq JOBN "CUSTOMER"))              
(if (= "" (setq JOBANS (getstring (strcat "\nENTER JOB NAME [" JOBN "]: "))))
(setq JOBANS JOBN)                                  
(vlax-ldata-put "4PAN" "JOBN" JOBANS)





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Guessing you looked at this?

The only thing wrong is calling the wrong variable. you have an extra N in the text command. either change that or the ldata to match


(COMMAND "TEXT" "J" "R" TXT5 "1.000" "0" JOBNANS) ;needs to be JOBANS 


Its good practice to use "_non" in front point values (txt5) so if you have snaps on it could jump to something near.



Edited by mhupp
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Thank you.. Yes I got the idea from that other post. If I was using the visual Lisp editor would that have been easier to spot? I gotta force myself to learn how to use it. I still do the note pad thing.  Thanks for the tip on the "_non" on point values I will try that now. This is what I been doing to negate the bad picks.



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In all honesty didn't see it until i pasted it into notepad++. its a better notepad and you can get a lisp plug in for it.

also look into Visual Studio its has even more featurs then notepad++  but can be a bit overwhelming.




If your inputting the same customer I suggest use the second code. It will save and remember the last input between drawings.


(or (setq JOBN (getenv "4PAN")) (setq JOBN "CUSTOMER")) ;looks for JOBN in registry if not found sets it to Customer 
(if (= "" (setq a (getstring (strcat "\nENTER JOB NAME [" JOBN "]: "))))
  (setq a JOBN) ;if you hit enter it will set a to dia value else override it to what you input
(setenv "4PAN" JOBN)


Edited by mhupp
added a suggestion
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I tested both ways. Unless im crazy lol. its possible. When I tested Idata it would save the info in the drawing I ran the program from over and over & then the next time i opened the drawing & fired off the program it remembered.  -Ok im not Crazy i just did a fresh test. I saved the drawing, closed autocad, reopened the drawing and the variable held.


When i did the registry method, It remembered it in any new drawing I opened, Little Nervous of corrupting all drawing files.


How do I remove a variable from the registry?

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9 minutes ago, SIMPLYCRAZY said:

I tested both ways. Unless im crazy lol. its possible. When I tested Idata it would save the info in the drawing I ran the program from over and over & then the next time i opened the drawing & fired off the program it remembered.  -Ok im not Crazy i just did a fresh test. I saved the drawing, closed autocad, reopened the drawing and the variable held.


When i did the registry method, It remembered it in any drawing I opened, Little Nervous of corrupting all drawing files.


How do I remove a variable from the registry?

if I enter this in any drawing I get the value I set (getenv "cirdia")    from other example

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