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Qleader lisp routine


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Below is my lisp routine i know the pause pause interrupts the points but i cant figure out how to replace the pause pause so i can make the qleader pick points.. I like the ability to stretch my leader when needed. Im very green when it comes to lisp routines so any help is appreciated 


(defun c:CCP () ;========================= CORNER CLOSURE PANEL W/LEADER
(command "-LAYER" "S" "DIM" "")


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Problem is the number of pauses you need is dependant on the current qleader settings.

Frank Whaley at Autodesk created qlset.lsp that can set any qleader settings to fit whatever you want to do with your qleader lisp and reset those settings afterwards if you wish.

I've attached qlset.lsp and lead.lsp I wrote years ago as an example you can modify to suit your needs.

I'd suggest  reading Frank Whaley's code first to see all it can do. If you search for qlset.lsp you'll find many other examples.

lead.lsp qlset.lsp

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