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I have a problem with my Dimension line. I want my arrow head to point inside out. But it wouldnt cos my text is bigger. So i try to change my text sixe, but i am not able to :( I have set my text By Block. Any clues?

Thing is I have something like 'Before' now. But i want something like 'After' (Though i did that by exploding which i dont want to do)

Also is it possible to remove the dimension line with the arrows in place without any change?

Pls help!





I'm not sure but I think "ddedit" may help you or use no arrow.


To make your dimensions to look like one on your "after" picture you should modify your dimension style the way shown on the attached pictures.


The "diameter" sign you also may put not in the dimstyle properties but in the Properties window (see third picture).

Untitled-1 copy.jpg

Untitled-2 copy.jpg



Here take a look


Command: dov


Enter dimension variable name to override or [Clear overrides]: dimasz

Enter new value for dimension variable : .2


Enter dimension variable name to override: dimzin

Enter new value for dimension variable : 8


Enter dimension variable name to override: dimexe

Enter new value for dimension variable : .2


Enter dimension variable name to override: dimgap

Enter new value for dimension variable : .1


Enter dimension variable name to override: dimpost

Enter new value for dimension variable : %%C


Enter dimension variable name to override: dimtxt

Enter new value for dimension variable : .2


Enter dimension variable name to override:


Select objects: 1 found


Select objects:



totzky, my respect for knowing all this variables meaning :shock:, but I'm afraid that for novices (and not only for them :wink:) using the dimstyle command would be more convenient :D Moreover if you change a dimstyle all dimension overrides will be cleared :(.


GeeN, dimension text size you also may change in the Modify dimstyle window.


Click on the dimension, right click on an arrow, pick flip arrow, now repeat for other arrow.

totzky, my respect for knowing all this variables meaning :shock:, but I'm afraid that for novices (and not only for them :wink:) using the dimstyle command would be more convenient :D Moreover if you change a dimstyle all dimension overrides will be cleared :(.


1. My personal experience tells me that I'm quicker this way. Well, let's just say that we have our own individuality.

2. DOV will not change dimstyle. It only affects the particular overriden dimension. Atleast on our version.


Thx a lot guyz... esp alex and totzky... ur answers helped me a lot in fixing the pblm... :)



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