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Alert Box for Longitude and Latitude


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I am working with a routine that is supposed to list the long and lat of a picked point within the geolocation map inside civil3d.


It seems like the Latitude that it show when I pick a spot on the map shows all negative degrees mins and seconds. Not sure how to fix that.


Hopefully its something i missed.


; Convert Decimal Degrees to dms.
(defun convertDDdms (x1 / deg mins sec )
  (setq deg   (rtos (fix X1)2 0) 				;- degrees 
	mins  (rtos (fix (* (- X1 (fix X1))60))2 0)   		; - minutes 
	sec   (rtos (* (- (* X1 60) (fix (* x1 60)))60) 2 4)	;- seconds
   (strcat deg " D " mins " M " sec " S ")

(defun c:longlat (/ as_cor ll lat lon pkpt)
  (Alert "A Coordinate System Must be set.\nPick Point...") 
  (setq as_cor (ade_projgetwscode))
  (if (/= "" as_cor)			;checks for an assigned coordinate system 
      (ade_projsetsrc as_cor)
      (ade_projsetdest "LL84")		; uses lat/lon with no datum  change as needed
      (while (not  (setq pkpt (getpoint "\nSelect a point: "))))
	(setq ll (ade_projptforward pKpt))
	(setq lat (car ll)
	      lon (car (cdr ll))
	(setq desc (ade_projgetinfo "LL84" "description"))
	(alert (strcat "\nLatitude: " (convertDDdms lat) 
		       "\nLongitude:" (convertDDdms lon) 
               "\nHorizontal Datum: NAD83"
               "\n "
		       "\nConverted from: "as_cor
		       "\nConverted to: " desc



Thank you for any help!!

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You  can set the mins and seconds to positive by adding abs function.


; Convert Decimal Degrees to dms.
(defun convertDDdms (x1 / deg mins sec)
  (setq deg (rtos (fix X1) 2 0)                                    ;- degrees
        mins (rtos (abs (fix (* (- X1 (fix X1)) 60))) 2 0)         ; - minutes
        sec (rtos (abs (* (- (* X1 60) (fix (* x1 60))) 60)) 2 4)  ;- seconds
  (strcat deg "° " mins "' " sec "\""))


So -16.1382675 is showing up as

Latitude: -16° -8' -17.7630"


with abs added it will look like this

Latitude: -16° 8' 17.7630"



Edited by mhupp
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Great idea about that. It does make sense what you are showing.


I did run the function and it works, but i am getting a difference result with the degrees mins secs in the Alert Box. Not really sure why either.


-86° 4' 26.2201"

39° 54' 18.6891"


; Convert Decimal Degrees to dms.
(defun convertDDdms (x1 / deg mins sec)
  (setq deg (rtos (fix X1) 2 0)                                    ;- degrees
        mins (rtos (abs (fix (* (- X1 (fix X1)) 60))) 2 0)         ; - minutes
        sec (rtos (abs (* (- (* X1 60) (fix (* x1 60))) 60)) 2 4)  ;- seconds
  (strcat deg "° " mins "' " sec "\"")

(defun c:longlat (/ as_cor ll lat lon pkpt)
  (Alert "A Coordinate System Must be set.\nPick Point...") 
  (setq as_cor (ade_projgetwscode))
  (if (/= "" as_cor)			;checks for an assigned coordinate system 
      (ade_projsetsrc as_cor)
      (ade_projsetdest "LL84")		; uses lat/lon with no datum  change as needed
      (while (not  (setq pkpt (getpoint "\nSelect a point: "))))
	(setq ll (ade_projptforward pKpt))
	(setq lat (car ll)
	      lon (car (cdr ll))
	(setq desc (ade_projgetinfo "LL84" "description"))
	(alert (strcat "\nLatitude: " (convertDDdms lat) 
		       "\nLongitude:" (convertDDdms lon) 
               "\nHorizontal Datum: NAD83"
               "\n "
		       "\nConverted from: "as_cor
		       "\nConverted to: " desc







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54 minutes ago, rcb007 said:

Great idea about that. It does make sense what you are showing.


I did run the function and it works, but i am getting a difference result with the degrees mins secs in the Alert Box. Not really sure why either.


Not 100% but might be a rounding error. rtos Function

Is the same value being used? maybe @ronjonp or @BIGAL can fill you in.


-16.1382 returns

Latitude: -16° 8' 17.5200"


-16.1382675 returns

Latitude: -16° 8' 17.7630"



Edited by mhupp
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