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move all polylinew to a new layer


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Hi i want to select all polylines from a drawing and move them in specific layer

(defun c:TEST ()
 (COMMAND "_layer" "_m" "SHAPE" "_c" "7" "" "_lw" "0.40" "" "") ; this is the new layer
 (ssget "_X" '((0 . "*POLYLINE"))) ; All Polylines are selected

I dont know do it !!!!!!


Any options?



Edited by prodromosm
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The following should get the job done as expected but would ignore the polylines on locked layers.

(defun c:Ply2Lay (/ ss)
  (command "_layer" "_m" "SHAPE" "_c" "7" "" "_lw" "0.40" "" "")
  (and (setq ss (ssget "_X" '((0 . "*POLYLINE"))))
       ((lambda (int / sn lst)
          (while (setq int (1+ int)
                       sn  (ssname ss int)
            (setq lst (entget sn))
            (entmod (subst '(8 . "SHAPE") (assoc 8 lst) lst))


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Hi Tharwat. Thanks for the replay. I forgot something .I want to convert the global width to 0


(command "_.pedit" "_m" s "" "w" 0 "") ; global 0

can you help?



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Here you go.

(defun c:Ply2Lay (/ ss)
  (command "_layer" "_m" "SHAPE" "_c" "7" "" "_lw" "0.40" "" "")
  (and (setq ss (ssget "_X" '((0 . "*POLYLINE"))))
       ((lambda (int / sn lst pos)
          (while (setq lst nil
                       int (1+ int)
                       sn  (ssname ss int)
            (foreach dxf (entget sn)
              (or (and (setq pos (vl-position (car dxf) '(8 40 41 43)))
                       (setq lst (cons (cons (car dxf) (nth pos '("SHAPE" 0.0 0.0 0.0))) lst))
                  (setq lst (cons dxf lst)))
            (entmod (reverse lst))
) (vl-load-com)


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Hi Tharwat. I want to ask something else about this code ,for education reasons.


if i have polylines and point and hatches in layer1 , layer2 ,layer3 and i want to move only the polylines from layer 1 to layer poly-1 ,the polylines from layer 2 to layer poly-2 and the polylines from layer 3 to layer poly-3 , how to change this code


(defun c:Ply2Lay (/ ss)
  (command "_layer" "_m" "SHAPE" "_c" "7" "" "_lw" "0.40" "" "")
  (and (setq ss (ssget "_X" '((0 . "*POLYLINE"))))
       ((lambda (int / sn lst pos)
          (while (setq lst nil
                       int (1+ int)
                       sn  (ssname ss int)
            (foreach dxf (entget sn)
              (or (and (setq pos (vl-position (car dxf) '(8 40 41 43)))
                       (setq lst (cons (cons (car dxf) (nth pos '("SHAPE" 0.0 0.0 0.0))) lst))
                  (setq lst (cons dxf lst)))
            (entmod (reverse lst))
) (vl-load-com)


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Do some home work about the SSGET command and how filters work, you can have multiple filters as you want plines and a layer.


A simple method would be to pick an object on desired layer and get its layer name for use with ssget.


You do have 747 posts you should be by now able to do this simple modification to the very clear code provided. 

Edited by BIGAL
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