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Add polyline vertices at chainage points from a list


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I have a Polyline that is 17km long. I need to add vertices at approximately 250 unevenly spaced points along the line. For instance, I need a point at distance from start = 175.65m, another at 186.7m, 270.6m, etc. 


I have tried to modify the vtxdist.lsp I found online to iterate through a list but was unable to do so. 


Could anyone help me out with a lisp routine which allows me to read a list from a text file, or that I can paste my list directly into the lisp code?


Copy of vtxdist.lsp to save you time:


;Add polyline vertices in intervals
;CAD Studio, www.cadstudio.cz  www.cadforum.cz
(defun C:VTXDIST ( / pline plineo pt ptpar stan int seg)
 (setq pline (entsel "\nSelect a polyline to divide/measure: "))
 (if pline (progn
    (setq pline (car pline))
	(setq plineo (vlax-ename->vla-object pline))
	(if (member (cdr (assoc 0 (entget pline))) '("LWPOLYLINE" "SECTION")) (progn
		(if _lastVTXDIST (initget 6 "Number")(initget 7 "Number"))
		(setq int (getdist (strcat "\nSpecify the segment size or [Number]" (if _lastVTXDIST (strcat " <" (rtos _lastVTXDIST 2) ">") "") ":")))
		 (if (eq int "Number")(progn
		  (initget 7)
		  (setq seg (getint "\nNumber of segments: "))
		  (setq int (/ (vlax-get-property plineo 'Length) seg))
		  (princ (strcat " (size: " (rtos int 2) ")"))
		(if (not int)(setq int _lastVTXDIST)(setq _lastVTXDIST int))
		(setq stan int)
		(while (setq pt (vlax-curve-getPointAtDist plineo stan))
		  (setq ptpar (vlax-curve-getParamAtPoint plineo pt))
		  (vlax-invoke plineo 'AddVertex (1+ (fix ptpar))  (list (car pt)(cadr pt)))
		  (setq stan (+ stan int))
		(princ " added.")
		(sssetfirst nil (ssadd pline))
	) ;else
	(princ " not a lwpolyline ! ")
	) ;if eq
 )) ;if pline


Many thanks, 



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;Add polyline vertices in intervals
;CAD Studio, www.cadstudio.cz  www.cadforum.cz


(defun C:READVTXDIST ( / pline plineo pt ptpar stan int seg F FILEPATH LN)
 (if (and
       (setq pline (entsel "\nSelect a polyline to divide/measure: "))
       (setq FilePath (getfiled "Select TEXT file to read :"
			       (getvar "dwgprefix")
        (setq pline (car pline))
	(setq plineo (vlax-ename->vla-object pline))
	(if (member (cdr (assoc 0 (entget pline))) '("LWPOLYLINE" "SECTION"))
	    (setq f (open FilePath "r"))
;;;		(if _lastVTXDIST
;;;		  (initget 6 "Number")
;;;		  (initget 7 "Number"))
;;;		(setq int (getdist (strcat "\nSpecify the segment size or [Number]" (if _lastVTXDIST (strcat " <" (rtos _lastVTXDIST 2) ">") "") ":")))
;;;		 (if (eq int "Number")
;;;		   (progn
;;;		  (initget 7)
;;;		  (setq seg (getint "\nNumber of segments: "))
;;;		  (setq int (/ (vlax-get-property plineo 'Length) seg))
;;;		  (princ (strcat " (size: " (rtos int 2) ")"))
;;;		 ))

;;;		(if (not int)(setq int _lastVTXDIST)(setq _lastVTXDIST int))
;;;		(setq stan int)
		(while (setq ln (read-line f))
		  (IF (<= (atof ln) (vla-get-length plineo) )
		  (setq pt (vlax-curve-getPointAtDist plineo (atof ln)))
		  (setq ptpar (vlax-curve-getParamAtPoint plineo pt))
		  (vlax-invoke plineo 'AddVertex (1+ (fix ptpar))  (list (car pt)(cadr pt)))
;;;		  (setq stan (+ stan int))
		);  	(while 

		(princ " added.")
		(sssetfirst nil (ssadd pline))
	) ;else
	(princ " not a lwpolyline ! ")
	) ;if eq
 )) ;if pline





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