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By lack of plans, it has fallen upon me to design the slope of a parking lot.

They HAVE to use water-permeable asphalt.

The owner doesn't believe it will last and therefore he wants all water to evacutate towards 2 points.

The area is 1.500m².

The points are on the outside of the parking lot.

Towards one point, we are allowed to use some kind of gutter.


In the DWG the 3 buildings are red, the black lines are fixed in height, the green ones are not.

The "gutter" is pink.


the two points where all the water needs to flow towards are apointed with circles. 

These points are already the lowest points by nature.


Is there a tool or trick to make slopes towards those points or do i need to calculate the slopes manually and use some trial and error?


Thanks in advance!



design parking lot.dwgUnavailable


This is a Civil design question and there are multiple ways of solving it, if your struggling now I think you need to seek help from another more experienced staff member.


The simplest way to work out all the levels is to make a 3d plane surface that has the correct directional slope. You drape your design over this surface getting levels from the surface. The surface only needs 4 points.


This is built into some civil software like CIV3d and Civil Site Design. 



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