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Table - Auto size height


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Is there a setting to automatically adjust the height of table rows. The adjustment is only made if the height increases, but not if it decreases.

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You can reset any row using (vla-SetRowHeight Objtable rownum rowht) you get how many rows then use a repeat to step through the rows.


; (vla-SetRowHeight Objtable row rowht) would change the 3rd row as rows start at 0.

(setq objtable (vlax-ename->vla-object (car  (entsel "\nPick table "))))
(setq rownum (vla-get-rows objtable))
(setq x 0)
(repeat (- rownum 1)
(vla-SetRowHeight Objtable (setq x (+ x 1)) rowht)


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Thanks BIGAL, I was asking with respect to a setting.

With the LISP, it's along the same lines as manually adjusting.

The reason is that more often than not, I forget to adjust or as the case may be, run the LISP.


In a similar manner to when the row increases in size, this is done automatically by AutoCAD.

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Use this pick an object reveals all sorts of stuff. Pick a table and a dim.


;;; DumpIt                                                            ; 
;;; Dump all methods and properties for selected objects              ; 
(defun C:Dumpit ( / ent) 
  (while (setq ent (entsel)) 
      (vlax-Ename->Vla-Object (car ent)) 


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OK thanks I tried it, there was a bunch of properties. The relevant one, I'm guessing it's relevant showed nothing.



RowHeight (RO) = ...Indexed contents not shown...


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I do see this in there. But if I type "VERTCELLMARGIN", it says unknown command.

VertCellMargin = 1.5


I can't understand what I'm supposed to do with "(vlax-put Obj 'VertCellMargin 5)".

I tried to enter into the command line but nothing works.

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OK thats just a std display of the command, the obj is a VL object that has been selected.


(setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object (car  (entsel "Pick table"))))
(vlax-put Obj 'VertCellMargin 5)


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Sorry BIGAL you've lost me here.

I tried various things including entering into the command line ... I don't know what happened but the table had all rows with a margin of what is input from above ... so something worked ... but I don't know what I did.


But I still don't understand where the automation comes into it. Is this set and forget?



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