Aftertouch Posted October 30, 2020 Posted October 30, 2020 (edited) Hi all, I got a code that i have been using for ages now. I use this to save files as .XLS, but i want to modify it to save as XLSX. I think i have to change the number in this part: (vlax-invoke-method (vlax-get-property *ExcelApp% "ActiveWorkbook") "SaveAs" ExcelFile$ -4143 "" "" :vlax-false :vlax-false nil ) But how can i find the propper number for XLSX??? ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Program Name: GetExcel.lsp [GetExcel R4] ; Created By: Terry Miller (Email: ; (URL: ; Date Created: 9-20-03 ; Function: Several functions to get and put values into Excel cells. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Revision History ; Rev By Date Description ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; 1 TM 9-20-03 Initial version ; 2 TM 8-20-07 Rewrote GetExcel.lsp and added several new sub-functions ; including ColumnRow, Alpha2Number and Number2Alpha written ; by Gilles Chanteau from Marseille, France. ; 3 TM 12-1-07 Added several sub-functions written by Gilles Chanteau ; including Cell-p, Row+n, and Column+n. Also added his ; revision of the PutCell function. ; 4 GC 9-20-08 Revised the GetExcel argument MaxRange$ to accept a nil ; and get the current region from cell A1. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Overview of Main functions ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; GetExcel - Stores the values from an Excel spreadsheet into *ExcelData@ list ; Syntax: (GetExcel ExcelFile$ SheetName$ MaxRange$) ; Example: (GetExcel "C:\\Folder\\Filename.xls" "Sheet1" "L30") ; GetCell - Returns the cell value from the *ExcelData@ list ; Syntax: (GetCell Cell$) ; Example: (GetCell "H15") ; Function example of usage: ; (defun c:Get-Example () ; (GetExcel "C:\\Folder\\Filename.xls" "Sheet1" "L30");<-- Edit Filename.xls ; (GetCell "H21");Or you can just use the global *ExcelData@ list ; );defun ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; OpenExcel - Opens an Excel spreadsheet ; Syntax: (OpenExcel ExcelFile$ SheetName$ Visible) ; Example: (OpenExcel "C:\\Folder\\Filename.xls" "Sheet1" nil) ; PutCell - Put values into Excel cells ; Syntax: (PutCell StartCell$ Data$) or (PutCell StartCell$ DataList@) ; Example: (PutCell "A1" (list "GP093" 58.5 17 "Base" "3'-6 1/4\"")) ; CloseExcel - Closes Excel session ; Syntax: (CloseExcel ExcelFile$) ; Example: (CloseExcel "C:\\Folder\\Filename.xls") ; Function example of usage: ; (defun c:Put-Example () ; (OpenExcel "C:\\Folder\\Filename.xls" "Sheet1" nil);<-- Edit Filename.xls ; (PutCell "A1" (list "GP093" 58.5 17 "Base" "3'-6 1/4\""));Repeat as required ; (CloseExcel "C:\\Folder\\Filename.xls");<-- Edit Filename.xls ; (princ) ; );defun ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Note: Review the conditions of each argument in the function headings ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; GetExcel - Stores the values from an Excel spreadsheet into *ExcelData@ list ; Arguments: 3 ; ExcelFile$ = Path and filename ; SheetName$ = Sheet name or nil for not specified ; MaxRange$ = Maximum cell ID range to include or nil to get the current region from cell A1 ; Syntax examples: ; (GetExcel "C:\\Temp\\Temp.xls" "Sheet1" "E19") = Open C:\Temp\Temp.xls on Sheet1 and read up to cell E19 ; (GetExcel "C:\\Temp\\Temp.xls" nil "XYZ123") = Open C:\Temp\Temp.xls on current sheet and read up to cell XYZ123 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun GetExcel (ExcelFile$ SheetName$ MaxRange$ / Column# ColumnRow@ Data@ ExcelRange^ ExcelValue ExcelValue ExcelVariant^ MaxColumn# MaxRow# Range$ Row# Worksheet) (if (= (type ExcelFile$) 'STR) (if (not (findfile ExcelFile$)) (progn (alert (strcat "Excel file " ExcelFile$ " not found.")) (exit) );progn );if (progn (alert "Excel file not specified.") (exit) );progn );if (gc) (if (setq *ExcelApp% (vlax-get-object "Excel.Application")) (progn ;(alert "Close all Excel spreadsheets to continue!") (vlax-release-object *ExcelApp%)(gc) );progn );if (setq ExcelFile$ (findfile ExcelFile$)) (setq *ExcelApp% (vlax-get-or-create-object "Excel.Application")) (vlax-invoke-method (vlax-get-property *ExcelApp% 'WorkBooks) 'Open ExcelFile$) (if SheetName$ (vlax-for Worksheet (vlax-get-property *ExcelApp% "Sheets") (if (= (vlax-get-property Worksheet "Name") SheetName$) (vlax-invoke-method Worksheet "Activate") );if );vlax-for );if (if MaxRange$ (progn (setq ColumnRow@ (ColumnRow MaxRange$)) (setq MaxColumn# (nth 0 ColumnRow@)) (setq MaxRow# (nth 1 ColumnRow@)) );progn (progn (setq CurRegion (vlax-get-property (vlax-get-property (vlax-get-property *ExcelApp% "ActiveSheet") "Range" "A1") "CurrentRegion") );setq (setq MaxRow# (vlax-get-property (vlax-get-property CurRegion "Rows") "Count")) (setq MaxColumn# (vlax-get-property (vlax-get-property CurRegion "Columns") "Count")) );progn );if (setq *ExcelData@ nil) (setq Row# 1) (repeat MaxRow# (setq Data@ nil) (setq Column# 1) (repeat MaxColumn# (setq Range$ (strcat (Number2Alpha Column#)(itoa Row#))) (setq ExcelRange^ (vlax-get-property *ExcelApp% "Range" Range$)) (setq ExcelVariant^ (vlax-get-property ExcelRange^ 'Value)) (setq ExcelValue (vlax-variant-value ExcelVariant^)) (setq ExcelValue (cond ((= (type ExcelValue) 'INT) (itoa ExcelValue)) ((= (type ExcelValue) 'REAL) (rtosr ExcelValue)) ((= (type ExcelValue) 'STR) (vl-string-trim " " ExcelValue)) ((/= (type ExcelValue) 'STR) "") );cond );setq (setq Data@ (append Data@ (list ExcelValue))) (setq Column# (1+ Column#)) );repeat (setq *ExcelData@ (append *ExcelData@ (list Data@))) (setq Row# (1+ Row#)) );repeat (vlax-invoke-method (vlax-get-property *ExcelApp% "ActiveWorkbook") 'Close :vlax-False) (vlax-invoke-method *ExcelApp% 'Quit) (vlax-release-object *ExcelApp%)(gc) (setq *ExcelApp% nil) *ExcelData@ );defun GetExcel ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; GetCell - Returns the cell value from the *ExcelData@ list ; Arguments: 1 ; Cell$ = Cell ID ; Syntax example: (GetCell "E19") = value of cell E19 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun GetCell (Cell$ / Column# ColumnRow@ Return Row#) (setq ColumnRow@ (ColumnRow Cell$)) (setq Column# (1- (nth 0 ColumnRow@))) (setq Row# (1- (nth 1 ColumnRow@))) (setq Return "") (if *ExcelData@ (if (and (>= (length *ExcelData@) Row#)(>= (length (nth 0 *ExcelData@)) Column#)) (setq Return (nth Column# (nth Row# *ExcelData@))) );if );if Return );defun GetCell ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; OpenExcel - Opens an Excel spreadsheet ; Arguments: 3 ; ExcelFile$ = Excel filename or nil for new spreadsheet ; SheetName$ = Sheet name or nil for not specified ; Visible = t for visible or nil for hidden ; Syntax examples: ; (OpenExcel "C:\\Temp\\Temp.xls" "Sheet2" t) = Opens C:\Temp\Temp.xls on Sheet2 as visible session ; (OpenExcel "C:\\Temp\\Temp.xls" nil nil) = Opens C:\Temp\Temp.xls on current sheet as hidden session ; (OpenExcel nil "Parts List" nil) = Opens a new spreadsheet and creates a Part List sheet as hidden session ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun OpenExcel (ExcelFile$ SheetName$ Visible / Sheet$ Sheets@ Worksheet) (if (= (type ExcelFile$) 'STR) (if (findfile ExcelFile$) (setq *ExcelFile$ ExcelFile$) (progn (alert (strcat "Excel file " ExcelFile$ " not found.")) (exit) );progn );if (setq *ExcelFile$ "") );if (gc) (if (setq *ExcelApp% (vlax-get-object "Excel.Application")) (progn ;(alert "Close all Excel spreadsheets to continue!") (vlax-release-object *ExcelApp%)(gc) );progn );if (setq *ExcelApp% (vlax-get-or-create-object "Excel.Application")) (if ExcelFile$ (if (findfile ExcelFile$) (vlax-invoke-method (vlax-get-property *ExcelApp% 'WorkBooks) 'Open ExcelFile$) (vlax-invoke-method (vlax-get-property *ExcelApp% 'WorkBooks) 'Add) );if (vlax-invoke-method (vlax-get-property *ExcelApp% 'WorkBooks) 'Add) );if (if Visible (vla-put-visible *ExcelApp% :vlax-true) );if (if (= (type SheetName$) 'STR) (progn (vlax-for Sheet$ (vlax-get-property *ExcelApp% "Sheets") (setq Sheets@ (append Sheets@ (list (vlax-get-property Sheet$ "Name")))) );vlax-for (if (member SheetName$ Sheets@) (vlax-for Worksheet (vlax-get-property *ExcelApp% "Sheets") (if (= (vlax-get-property Worksheet "Name") SheetName$) (vlax-invoke-method Worksheet "Activate") );if );vlax-for (vlax-put-property (vlax-invoke-method (vlax-get-property *ExcelApp% "Sheets") "Add") "Name" SheetName$) );if );progn );if (princ) );defun OpenExcel ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; PutCell - Put values into Excel cells ; Arguments: 2 ; StartCell$ = Starting Cell ID ; Data@ = Value or list of values ; Syntax examples: ; (PutCell "A1" "PART NUMBER") = Puts PART NUMBER in cell A1 ; (PutCell "B3" '("Dim" 7.5 "9.75")) = Starting with cell B3 put Dim, 7.5, and 9.75 across ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun PutCell (StartCell$ Data@ / Cell$ Column# ExcelRange Row#) (if (= (type Data@) 'STR) (setq Data@ (list Data@)) ) (setq ExcelRange (vlax-get-property *ExcelApp% "Cells")) (if (Cell-p StartCell$) (setq Column# (car (ColumnRow StartCell$)) Row# (cadr (ColumnRow StartCell$)) );setq (if (vl-catch-all-error-p (setq Cell$ (vl-catch-all-apply 'vlax-get-property (list (vlax-get-property *ExcelApp% "ActiveSheet") "Range" StartCell$)) );setq );vl-catch-all-error-p (alert (strcat "The cell ID \"" StartCell$ "\" is invalid.")) (setq Column# (vlax-get-property Cell$ "Column") Row# (vlax-get-property Cell$ "Row") );setq );if );if (if (and Column# Row#) (foreach Item Data@ (vlax-put-property ExcelRange "Item" Row# Column# (vl-princ-to-string Item)) (setq Column# (1+ Column#)) );foreach );if (princ) );defun PutCell ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; CloseExcel - Closes Excel spreadsheet ; Arguments: 1 ; ExcelFile$ = Excel saveas filename or nil to close without saving ; Syntax examples: ; (CloseExcel "C:\\Temp\\Temp.xls") = Saveas C:\Temp\Temp.xls and close ; (CloseExcel nil) = Close without saving ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun CloseExcel (ExcelFile$ / Saveas) (if ExcelFile$ (if (= (strcase ExcelFile$) (strcase *ExcelFile$)) (if (findfile ExcelFile$) (vlax-invoke-method (vlax-get-property *ExcelApp% "ActiveWorkbook") "Save") (setq Saveas t) );if (if (findfile ExcelFile$) (progn (vl-file-delete (findfile ExcelFile$)) (setq Saveas t) );progn (setq Saveas t) );if );if );if (if Saveas (vlax-invoke-method (vlax-get-property *ExcelApp% "ActiveWorkbook") "SaveAs" ExcelFile$ -4143 "" "" :vlax-false :vlax-false nil );vlax-invoke-method );if (vlax-invoke-method (vlax-get-property *ExcelApp% "ActiveWorkbook") 'Close :vlax-False) (vlax-invoke-method *ExcelApp% 'Quit) (vlax-release-object *ExcelApp%)(gc) (setq *ExcelApp% nil *ExcelFile$ nil) (princ) );defun CloseExcel ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ColumnRow - Returns a list of the Column and Row number ; Function By: Gilles Chanteau from Marseille, France ; Arguments: 1 ; Cell$ = Cell ID ; Syntax example: (ColumnRow "ABC987") = '(731 987) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun ColumnRow (Cell$ / Column$ Char$ Row#) (setq Column$ "") (while (< 64 (ascii (setq Char$ (strcase (substr Cell$ 1 1)))) 91) (setq Column$ (strcat Column$ Char$) Cell$ (substr Cell$ 2) );setq );while (if (and (/= Column$ "") (numberp (setq Row# (read Cell$)))) (list (Alpha2Number Column$) Row#) '(1 1);default to "A1" if there's a problem );if );defun ColumnRow ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Alpha2Number - Converts Alpha string into Number ; Function By: Gilles Chanteau from Marseille, France ; Arguments: 1 ; Str$ = String to convert ; Syntax example: (Alpha2Number "ABC") = 731 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun Alpha2Number (Str$ / Num#) (if (= 0 (setq Num# (strlen Str$))) 0 (+ (* (- (ascii (strcase (substr Str$ 1 1))) 64) (expt 26 (1- Num#))) (Alpha2Number (substr Str$ 2)) );+ );if );defun Alpha2Number ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Number2Alpha - Converts Number into Alpha string ; Function By: Gilles Chanteau from Marseille, France ; Arguments: 1 ; Num# = Number to convert ; Syntax example: (Number2Alpha 731) = "ABC" ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun Number2Alpha (Num# / Val#) (if (< Num# 27) (chr (+ 64 Num#)) (if (= 0 (setq Val# (rem Num# 26))) (strcat (Number2Alpha (1- (/ Num# 26))) "Z") (strcat (Number2Alpha (/ Num# 26)) (chr (+ 64 Val#))) );if );if );defun Number2Alpha ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Cell-p - Evaluates if the argument Cell$ is a valid cell ID ; Function By: Gilles Chanteau from Marseille, France ; Arguments: 1 ; Cell$ = String of the cell ID to evaluate ; Syntax examples: (Cell-p "B12") = t, (Cell-p "BT") = nil ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun Cell-p (Cell$) (and (= (type Cell$) 'STR) (or (= (strcase Cell$) "A1") (not (equal (ColumnRow Cell$) '(1 1))) );or );and );defun Cell-p ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Row+n - Returns the cell ID located a number of rows from cell ; Function By: Gilles Chanteau from Marseille, France ; Arguments: 2 ; Cell$ = Starting cell ID ; Num# = Number of rows from cell ; Syntax examples: (Row+n "B12" 3) = "B15", (Row+n "B12" -3) = "B9" ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun Row+n (Cell$ Num#) (setq Cell$ (ColumnRow Cell$)) (strcat (Number2Alpha (car Cell$)) (itoa (max 1 (+ (cadr Cell$) Num#)))) );defun Row+n ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Column+n - Returns the cell ID located a number of columns from cell ; Function By: Gilles Chanteau from Marseille, France ; Arguments: 2 ; Cell$ = Starting cell ID ; Num# = Number of columns from cell ; Syntax examples: (Column+n "B12" 3) = "E12", (Column+n "B12" -1) = "A12" ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun Column+n (Cell$ Num#) (setq Cell$ (ColumnRow Cell$)) (strcat (Number2Alpha (max 1 (+ (car Cell$) Num#))) (itoa (cadr Cell$))) );defun Column+n ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; rtosr - Used to change a real number into a short real number string ; stripping off all trailing 0's. ; Arguments: 1 ; RealNum~ = Real number to convert to a short string real number ; Returns: ShortReal$ the short string real number value of the real number. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun rtosr (RealNum~ / DimZin# ShortReal$) (setq DimZin# (getvar "DIMZIN")) (setvar "DIMZIN" (setq ShortReal$ (rtos RealNum~ 2 8)) (setvar "DIMZIN" DimZin#) ShortReal$ );defun rtosr ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edited October 30, 2020 by Aftertouch Quote
Lee Mac Posted October 30, 2020 Posted October 30, 2020 This is what I use: (vlax-invoke-method <Workbook Object> 'saveas <Filename> 51 "" "" :vlax-false :vlax-false 1 1) Reference: 1 Quote
Aftertouch Posted October 30, 2020 Author Posted October 30, 2020 Changing -4143 to 51 did the trick! Thanks @Lee Mac Quote
RepCad Posted March 10, 2024 Posted March 10, 2024 (edited) On 10/30/2020 at 6:39 PM, Lee Mac said: This is what I use: (vlax-invoke-method <Workbook Object> 'saveas <Filename> 51 "" "" :vlax-false :vlax-false 1 1) Reference: Hi Lee Mac, I'm using the code for Saveas an Excel file, but it gives Replace prompt when the file name is exist, Is it possible to overwrite the excel file without giving any prompt ? Edited March 10, 2024 by RepCad Quote
mhupp Posted March 10, 2024 Posted March 10, 2024 read the link documentation start with "ConflictResolution" Quote
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