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Parallel with Full distance to Arc Tangency

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why this don't "Snap to Tangent" like it should. Snap to Tangent it ON :)




This snap works but its make no sense :(





Edited by Hrki
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Since you know by experience that the Tangent snap is not giving what you want, I would draw a temporary line.


Draw a line perpendicular to the line at A to the centre of the radius. Extend that line to the arc and offset the line B using the endpoint snap. Erase temporary line.



offset solution.PNG

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I tried to reproduce the issue, and the "tangent" point is (in my case at least) calculated from the endpoint of the original line. I thought the Perpendicular snap would do what the OP wants, but it doesn't register anywhere on the arc. Strangely enough, you can draw a line perpendicular to an arc.


I agree with Eldon, a temporary line should help to find the right point. Anything else adds complexity.

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Thanks to CyberAngel's suggestion, my temporary line can be drawn in one go - draw the line perpendicular to A and then perpendicular to the arc. Job done in one.

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