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Advice on how to figure out a dimension


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14 hours ago, steven-g said:

Have you tried???

No I hadn't.


(don't have CAD here but it's 1.625" if my triganometry brain is still working)


Obviously my trigonometry brain wasn't working properly, and I admit that I got the calculation wrong.


My apologies to all.


Not sure just where I went wrong (cotan instead or arctan on the calculator maybe?), I was expecting the dimension at the centreline to come out at a 'round' number and when I got 1.625 I thought 'bingo' and didn't double check it.


I agree that it should be 1.7321 as in eldons drawing.

The correct calculation is simple; 2.8146 - (0.625 * tan60) = 1.73206

(Now for my own curiosity/satisfaction I'm going to have to spend an hour or so trying to replicate just how I calculated it wrong).


It still seems strange to have the tube/pipe length dimensioned to 4 DPs when it isn't even positioned that accurately.


And PS. Now that I'm on my laptop I can also now see that second lug/hole in hidden detail on the sketch, must have been the resolution on the other device that wasn't showing it.

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