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Addding an station end values

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Please help!

How to add an station end values in my profile bands?

See picture attached

station end.jpg


It is possible to get into the CIV3d alignments.  A question first are you using civ3D ?


Its a complicated answer not from alignment point of view but how do you select the alignment by name or pick, the section has horizontal and vertical scales to be taken into account, are the sections in a layout v's model.


Last question for me most relevant why do it ? Any body else out there that would do this ?




Yes, this was all done using the C3D.

I want that  my station label show the end station of the horizontal aligmnt...its ending value (number) .

Is  it possible?



Somewhere in Civil 3D there is a tab for defining the points to show in a profile. I don't currently have the software, so I can't tell you exactly how to get there.


Alternately, look at this page. For some reason known only to Autodesk, you can't get a label at the ending station, but you can if you move it a hair inside the alignment range.

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