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Non visible attributes in block editor


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Hello everyone,


I am pretty sure somebody in this group have faced this situation once. I'd like to kow if there is somebody that came up with a solution.


I have a block with attributes inside I can change their values by double clicking the block.Nevertheless if I try to insert the block again, it contains no attributes. When I open it in the block editor it shows no attributes whatsoever. By "refediting", I realize, there is a block whitin the block with the same name.


Attached you will find an example.


My question is how come is it possible someone was able to make this happen? Maybe it was coming from another program. I want to know if there is a way to solve the problem.


Thanks in advance


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Maybe it was created in another software program that does this. But you can create your own block that behaves in the same way.

First create a normal attributed block, then insert a copy and fill in the attributes, now open the block in the block editor and delete all the attributes. Any new blocks you insert will not have the attributes but the first one will keep it's attributes, trying to use attsync just tells you the block has no attributes (whilst it clearly does, but the block definition does not). However you can copy and paste the first block and still double click to edit the attribute values.

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19 minutes ago, steven-g said:

Maybe it was created in another software program that does this. But you can create your own block that behaves in the same way.

First create a normal attributed block, then insert a copy and fill in the attributes, now open the block in the block editor and delete all the attributes. Any new blocks you insert will not have the attributes but the first one will keep it's attributes, trying to use attsync just tells you the block has no attributes (whilst it clearly does, but the block definition does not). However you can copy and paste the first block and still double click to edit the attribute values.


I think that is what happened in the first place. thanks a lot Steven.



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