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Tapered ellipse


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17 minutes ago, Berzerker said:

Don't know if there's a setting to change this. I revolved a shape and when I look at it in 2D mode it looks funny but if I go to 3D and shade it it looks fine. This is messing up the way I move things around. lines are missing, half my shape that I revolved are missing, outlines not there.....etc.

revolve1 shows it in 2D mode, revolve2 shows it shaded.


If you want to see the lines that define the shape, you could increase the ISOLINES variable. The default is 4. Try bumping it up to 12. Note: You will need to REGEN after changing the setting in order to see the result.

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Thanks Cad64.

I learned something else "NOT" to do yesterday while doing 3D. DO NOT use scale when trying to get something a certain thickness. I wasted so much time yesterday trying this.

I got so frustrated that I just stopped and said I'd start back at it this morning. While pondering this late last night I thought when subtracting something from something else just make a mold the correct size first and just do right the first time. No guessing numbers and trying and it be wrong over and over.

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I got it. It was (I guess) not moving my object I was going to subtract down far enough (?) I back up and moved it down a couple of more thousands and then subtracted and it's gone.

OH well.

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1 hour ago, Berzerker said:

Ghost (?)

I have a ghost in my drawing. It goes away when I zoom out but it's in my way when I zoom in.

What causes this?



Hmmmm, that's weird. Possibly a display issue? Have you tried closing Autocad and then open the drawing back up?

Also, when you subtracted, are you sure everything got removed? There wasn't a paper thin sliver leftover was there?

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I finally got rid of it Cad64. Just waited awhile and went back and for some reason it worked. It must have been a delay thing (?)  Not real sure! I didn't change anything so your guess is as good as mine.

I was busy carrying on with it so I forgot to post "I got it".

Thanks though.

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I'm starting to like the results. But I have to fix the colors and I'm working on it. I hate a white background but I guess I'll have to use it when I do the final render.

I'm working on the midrange and the tweeter now. Just thought I'd give an update and let you all know.

3D speaker render.JPG

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12 minutes ago, Berzerker said:

I hate a white background but I guess I'll have to use it when I do the final render.


It's looking pretty good. You've come a long way since your first post. :thumbsup:


For the final render, you don't have to use a white background. In fact, I would advise against it. I would create a large box under the model to use as a sort of tabletop. Then you can apply whatever material or color you want to the box. The box will also receive shadows which will help to ground the model, so it won't look like it's just floating in space.

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Thanks Cad64. I wouldn't have thought of that. I'm finding it hard in my materials list to find a dull silver like plastic color. The speaker itself is black metal and on my final render I want the colors to be just like the speaker looks. chrome-ish color is not there either but reading on the subject I just need to find something close and tweak it. 

The reason I have it all kinds of colors now is so I can keep things separated in "MY" head. I've done enough deleting only to say whoops too many times.

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Yeah, I don't remember what materials were available in 2007. That was too long ago. I'm surprised that you're not finding a chrome material though. I would think that would be standard. The plastic should be easy to tweak. Just pick one and adjust the RGB value until it looks right.

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I knew I was right. In my 2D drawing it is no where near like this. It shows it fully enclosed inside my cover in 2D but as you see I goofed again. 



sticking out2.JPG

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I'm having a problem trying to get this right. I need to bevel an edge and I can't get it to rotate to the right position. When I use angular dim it only tells me 12 degrees. I have my units set to 3 decimals, Dim to 3 decimals but it only shows the 12 degrees nothing after it. I want to rotate the object so the side is perpendicular to up and down, taper it and then rotate it back to the normal position afterwards.





bevel 2.JPG

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perfect! I'm learning so many things as I dive into 3D. I always thought when you start drawing in 2D in AutoCad it was like drawing on a flat piece of paper "This is not the case".

If you switch to an ISO view a line could be inches away from the other object that you just drew or you tell it to place it at a quadrant and you look at it in an ISO view it's no where near you told it to be.

Thanks Cad64

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Ever had one of those days? Like God is testing your patience. After Cad64 helped me get my angular setting right everything was going great. I rotated my object to the right position and start trying to put the bevel on it. I made my beveling shape, extruded it and when I hit subtract everything disappeared (the whole object). I look down and read something in the command line about a "Null solid". So as I stated before I come here I go to the internet and looked up what a null solid is (?) I was told by google that it's when there isn't enough material/object left over so it can't perform the command (?) I know better than that! The object is 2.5" round at the top and 4.187" long (Object two posts up) and all I wanted was to place a bevel on it. So I come back on here to ask if there is some other reason why it would do this and my internet is down. So while I waiting for it to come back up I keep fiddling with it and made another one from scratch and didn't union them first and then tried to place my bevel on it, It worked. Then while trying to hollow out the bottom my snap just stopped! No matter what UCS I used or what view I was in "no snap" and I checked everything snap was on. so I saved, shut down and restarted AutoCad. pull the drawing back up and it's fine, snap is back. Only to find that now there is a part I was using to subtract with now union-ed with my part. I tried the solidedit command to try to separate them with no luck. And with my internet down I have no Google or you all to come and ask! Now you have to realize this has been an "ALL DAY" thing trying to make this one piece. All of a sudden I get a call from my buddy and he's going to bring over my cover. He shows up, we shoot the bull for about 20 minutes and I come inside to check them out "Finally something is going my way". The parts were a little stringy so I was cleaning and seeing if they mated together right when.......SNAP! I broke the middle piece.


At this point I shut everything down.

All day no part, no internet and now I've only had my cover parts in my hands a few minutes and I've broke one.

We'll see how things go today.

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I've learned a lot since I first come here. 3D was pretty much Greek to me, "No offence to anyone, just a saying". I've learnt the revolve, sweep, loft and how to extrude and subtract pretty good! So thanks everyone for taking the time to help.

I have an object that just refuses to allow me to measure it. I've changed UCS, tried to snap by different points, took snap on and off but nothing works.

Can an object get corrupt? I know a drawing can but everything else is fine in the drawing.

And also is there a way to remove all colors and materials you've added to an object. The object still looks magenta until rendered.

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