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Yeah I meant shademode to 2Dwireframe not actually off. TEXTFILL = 0 but still it remains filled. It's a downloaded font and I remember having this problem when I started using it.

I finally figured it out, now I just gotta un-figure it out.

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Naaah, I just want to learn as much as I can about AutoCad.

This is just one of those things you've always wanted to get around to but never do projects.

To show you how dense I am I sat here yesterday for about an hour trying to figure out how to get an object to print "white".

After thinking and thinking it hit me!......There is no white ink.

But I also thought there should be. What if your printing on colored paper which is why I wanted it to be white.

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This wanting to print white is really messing with me. I read about a mask background but think it's only for text. I want an object to be white. So here's what I've come up with.

Made a shape fill it with the black hatch (Black peel and stick paper to print on) and place the object above it (Bring to front) and then give it a color of white.... Then there's that "There is no white" thing. So now I come to I have to.... cut a hole in thin solid the shape of what I want and place it front of another thin solid white colored material added to it. Seems making something white on a colored piece of paper ain't so easy to do. 

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Can your printer print white?


Try putting your object on its own layer with the layer color set to "True Color" 255,255,255.


In the image below, I have 2 solid hatches stacked on top of each other. The smaller hatch has color set to 255 and the larger one is obviously red. I printed this to pdf and it worked. Not sure how it would work on an actual physical printer though.




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OK now I know I've changed something in some kinda text fill setting and I don't know how to change it back.

Here it is way back:

Outline text.JPG

And here it is now. I knew I changed something to get it solid.

I tried to just copy and paste from one drawing to the other but it still tuned solid filled.

Outline Text 2.JPG

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Yeah, I remember you mentioned this a few days ago. I checked every setting I could think of, but couldn't figure out how you were able to get the text to display like that.


The only way, (that I'm aware of), to get text to outline like that is to use the TXTEXP command to explode the text. But then it's not actually text anymore. It's just polylines.


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I changed a setting somewhere and I can't remember what it was. It's the only drawing I could find like that. So I saved it as another file name and deleted everything in it. Now I have a template to use in that style. Whenever I want to make drawing with that text style I'll just rename it and use it and bingo outline text only.

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I have noticed something weird about the drawing that has the outline text. All the lines drawn look real thick but are all set to Bylayer. Can't remember if they started solid filled and I changed it to outline or the other way around. Got thinking I might have got the font from two different places on the internet. One could have had an outline property and the other no outline just solid fill. Either way I wish I could take that font style and place it in my font folder under a different name.

See how thick the lines are (?)

Thick line drawing.JPG

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For the line width, type LWEIGHT at the command line and switch off "Display Lineweight".


I'm not sure if 2007 has this or not, but there might be a button along the bottom of the screen where you can toggle lineweight on and off. You may have hit that button by accident.

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I did and yes 2007 has it. This doesn't change the printed line weight does it?

I searched for a way yesterday to save this font style to my font folder but found none. It's like you know you placed your keys there and no one has been in the house but they're not where you thought you left them, feeling. It's really annoying! I done it but can't for the life of me remember how.

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7 minutes ago, Berzerker said:

I did and yes 2007 has it. This doesn't change the printed line weight does it?

I searched for a way yesterday to save this font style to my font folder but found none. It's like you know you placed your keys there and no one has been in the house but they're not where you thought you left them, feeling. It's really annoying! I done it but can't for the life of me remember how.


The "Display Lineweight" button is just a visual thing. It shows you how thick your lines are on screen. Turning it on or off has no effect on printing. I don't like seeing those fat lines on screen so I keep the display turned off.


For the font, you need to know what type it is. Is it a TTF font or an SHX font? TTF fonts get saved in your Windows Fonts folder. SHX fonts get save in your Autocad Fonts folder.

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I remember I had to actually place it in my AutoCad font folder to get it to work, Two different installs. My hard drive failed. You'd have to see it from my end but they look different, act different if that makes sense.

When I type in the text box it starts out solid filled looking and once you hit OK it turns to the outline. Which is what I wanted to check out. That's how this all started in my head.

A simple "what would it look like this way?". But in the back of my head I remember doing this...Just had to hunt it down.

They are both named the same thing (Psychedelia HM) it's the font used on the original "Mind Blower".


I do my homework! The guy went outta business because of tax evasion/poor money management/Business practices. He had a manufacturing facility in the next town over from me.

Some readings say he wasn't doing to bad as far as having the money. He just didn't like giving it up to taxes.

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I just checked around online and found that font on many different websites. They all look the same though, solid filled. I didn't see any that were outline only. So I downloaded and installed one, but I can't get it to display with only the outline. So I'm still now sure how you did that?


Also, that font is a TTF font, so it should have been installed to your Windows Fonts directory, but if it works in your Autocad Fonts folder, I guess that's ok. It just won't be available for you to use in any other programs.


And yeah, don't get me started on taxes. :roll:

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It's in both my windows and AutoCad folders. I installed it as a windows font but when I searched for it in AutoCad it wasn't there. So I copied and pasted it to my AutoCad folder and it was there. it worked.

Here is all I wanted to see when this whole thing started:

I wanted to give it a 70's/Retro kinda look


MB Text Outline Test print.JPG

It's a bottom sticker label. While I'm waiting on other things I might as well get all the rest done.

I might have to give up my beloved skull...It just don't look or come out right on the label

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38 minutes ago, Berzerker said:

It's in both my windows and AutoCad folders. I installed it as a windows font but when I searched for it in AutoCad it wasn't there. So I copied and pasted it to my AutoCad folder and it was there. it worked.


When you install TTF fonts to the Windows Fonts folder you have to close Autocad and then open it back up in order to see the newly installed font.


That sticker definitely looks 70's/retro. :thumbsup:

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Ooops, I didn't do that. I don't want to mess anything up in the text settings so I'm avoiding messing with the font folder.

The skull was just a logo thinking thing after I found the box with the old speakers in it.

With the skull:


MB Text Outline Test print 2.JPG

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