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Block copy with new name and replace existing


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I am new to lisp, but I knew a little bit of VBA/VB.net and a tiny bit of C#.

I need a lisp code, that simply copy a block by it's name and replace the existing block (only in aktiv layout) with the new copy. Name of the new copy must be ("object-modell" + layoutname)


In example:

I already copy the layout with lisp and a new name. New layoutname is 2. I simply count it up.

I have a block called "object-modell1". "1" is the name of the layout I copied.

And then I want to copy the block and replace it with a the new block named "object-modell2".


I would be realy thankfull for any help.



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What is the difference between these blocks sounds like a title block thing so much easier to update attributes than renaming blocks. Please post a dwg or image showing details.

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I want to run a complete code to make all the things I need to change in a layout at once. I knew the attribut method, but for me its no solution, because the blocks have more information, that needed to be copied.


I already found some code and edited it.

It copy the layout with a new name, that can be given by the user.
Only thing I need is a "copy block with name MyBlock_OldLayout" as "MyBlock_NewLayoutName". The 

If I try to use the name insted of selecting the block, it doesnt work. Maybe the select method select a list/dict or array with infos?

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Ok... I dont knew whats wrong...

Following code chould change my block in aktiv layout to the new one I copied.


(setq num1 (1))
(setq num2 (2))
(setq bnameold (strcat "Gruppe" num1)) ; Name des original Blocks aus Layout
(setq bnamenew (strcat "Gruppe" num2)) ; Name des original Blocks aus Layout

    (if (setq ss (ssget "X" (list '(2 . bnameold) (cons 410 (getvar "ctab")))))

    (repeat (setq n (sslength ss))

      (setq edata (entget (ssname ss (setq n (1- n)))))

      (entmod (subst '(2 . bnamenew) '(2 . bnameold) edata))

    ); repeat

  ); if


Error: Fehlerhafter SSGET-Listenwert


Don't knew why... 

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Thanks. Code worked now for me.


(setq num1 (1))
(setq num2 (2))
(setq bnameold (strcat "Gruppe" num1)) ; Name des original Blocks aus Layout
(setq bnamenew (strcat "Gruppe" num2)) ; Name des original Blocks aus Layout

    (if (setq ss (ssget "X" (list (cons 2 bnameold) (cons 410 (getvar "ctab")))))

    (repeat (setq n (sslength ss))

      (setq edata (entget (ssname ss (setq n (1- n)))))

      (entmod (subst (cons 2 bnamenew) (cons 2 bnameold) edata))

    ); repeat

  ); if


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