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i want to move one object from one point to another along particular line. For example, if i want to move by 1500mm, i will first put one x-line at that point  with perpendicular to center line and then offset 1500mm. Then move the object to that point.  Second method i am using is putting one circle with radius of 1500mm and move the object to the intersection point of circle and center line. My query is without doing this offset, if i able to set the angle by selecting two points on that center line, it will be easy for me by putting 1500mm and move the object. i checked if it is possible by enable polar tracking and temporary track point snap. But, i unable to find a solution.  Please see the attached screen shot.

Kindly give any idea. 



Move object along line-2.png


Set your "UCS" parllel to the center line and then use polar tracking.


Hi Guran,
If we change UCS for move command, it will be very often. i am asking the method like 'R'  after rotate command for taking reference angle.




If I had a drawing like the one in your image, I would have had the UCS oriented along the center line the hole time,
and then used the command PLAN to orient it parallel to the screen.


When you set up the Polar Tracking settings, set the Polar Angle measurement to 'Relative to last segment'.


Then when you have selected the objects to move and the prompt says 'Specify base point or displacement:' use the Object Snap 'Nearest' and click anywhere on the centre line. Now the Polar tracking is set to that line.


No need to set the UCS


Hi Eldon,
Thank you for reply.

it is working fine and it is exactly what i expect.




I've never even thought of that one before. So I thought this could
be really useful if you could easily switch back and forth.
So I made this really simple toggle lisp.
The command is RA or 'RA to run it transparently.

(defun c:Ra (/ AbRel)
(setq AbRel (getvar "polarmode"))
(if (= (rem AbRel 2) 0)
(setvar "polarmode" (+ AbRel 1))
(princ "Polar Angle Relative")
(setvar "polarmode" (- AbRel 1))
(princ "Polar Angle Absolute")
);end if

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