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How can I open a *.dwg file from Autolisp? The line: (command "_open" "file path and name")

doesn't seem to be working.


The reason why it's not working is because you need to change the variable "FILEDIA" to "0" to display the command line version of the open command.

(command "FILEDIA" 0)

In what way will you be using this? As just an open routine, or as part of a bigger routine? That will help us understand how to go further with this. :twisted:



EDIT: The open command, when "FILEDIA" is set to "0" will require the FULL DRAWING PATH in order to open the correct drawing. If this is going to be just to open a drawing, not part of a bigger routine, you'd be better off just using the open dialog box, I.M.O.


Here's what I have:

(defun C:OpenDwg ()  
  (setvar "filedia" 0)  
  (command "_.open" "c:\\temp\\18-99.dwg")     
  (setvar "filedia" 1)      

It works from the command line but not the code.

What needs to be changed to make it work?


I've looked into it further, and although I couldn't get it to work correctly either, I did come across this page on AfraLisp:


[AfraLisp page]


This site had the following code on it. I haven't tried it (as I'm getting ready to hit the club :twisted:), but see if this helps you any:

;;;----------------CODING STARTS HERE---------------------------

;;; ( GEN:OpenDwgFile filename bit )
;;; Function discerns which Acad version and applies appropriate command.
;;; Bit controls as follows
;;; 0 = Open file if Acad2000 or separate session if Acad14
;;; 1 = Open file - Don't save current drawing
;;; 2 = Open file - Save current drawing.

( defun GEN:OpenDwgFile ( filenm bit / cmd f )
;;; local functions
( defun OpenDwgFileR15 ( f / cmd )
; string together the cmd expression and send to VBASTMT e.g.
; ( command "vbastmt" "AcadApplication.Documents.Open
( setq cmd ( strcat "AcadApplication.Documents.Open \"" f "\"" ))
( command "vbastmt" cmd )
) ; local defun
( defun OpenDwgFileR14 ( f bit / cmd )
( command "pan" "0.0,1.0,0.0" "0.0,0.0,0.0" ) ; force prompt
( if ( = bit 1 )
( command "_.open" "n" f ) ; save changes
( command "_.open" "y" f ) ; don't save changes
) ; local defun
( defun OpenDwgFile>0 ( f )
( alert "When using this file either SAVEAS and edit file \n OR
\nCUT and PASTE but don't overwrite original." )
(if ( wcmatch ( getvar "ACADVER" ) "15*" )
( progn
( setvar "SDI" 0 ) ; turn on multiple document interface
( OpenDwgFileR15 f ) ; if R2000 open dwg otherwise start separate
session of Acad.
); progn
( startapp "acad.exe" f)
); local defun
( defun OpenDwgFile>1 ( filenm / f ) ; don't save changes
(if ( wcmatch ( getvar "ACADVER" ) "15*" )
( progn ( OpenDwgFileR15 filenm ));progn
( OpenDwgFileR14 filenm 0 )
); local defun
( defun OpenDwgFile>2 ( filenm / f ) ;save changes
(if ( wcmatch ( getvar "ACADVER" ) "15*" )
( progn ( OpenDwgFileR15 filenm ));progn
( OpenDwgFileR14 filenm 1 )
); local defun
; main function
( if ( setq f ( findfile filenm )) ; locate file
( progn
( cond
(( = bit 0 )( OpenDwgFile>0 f )); access another drawing
(( = bit 1 )( OpenDwgFile>1 f )); don't save changes
(( = bit 2 )( OpenDwgFile>2 f )); save changes
( alert ( strcat "AutoCad cannot find " filenm ))
) ; defun

;;;----------------CODING ENDS HERE---------------------------

Guest SpeedCAD
Here's what I have:

(defun C:OpenDwg ()  
  (setvar "filedia" 0)  
  (command "_.open" "c:\\temp\\18-99.dwg")     
  (setvar "filedia" 1)      

It works from the command line but not the code.

What needs to be changed to make it work?




prove this:


(defun c:OpenDwg ()
 (vla-open (vla-get-documents
         (vla-get-application (vlax-get-acad-object))
) ;_defun


I knew the vla stuff would be able to do it...haven't learned it yet... :(


Thank you Dommy2Hotty and SpeedCAD for your help. Vla is definately on my programming to learn list.



  • 10 months later...
Guest alanhuro



It's happen that I ran in the same problem as you do. I have tried all the code in this topic but could not make it to work neither. What a bummer. Wonder why it works from command line but does not work from script. This is really dump. Odon I just wonder have you found out a solution yet? I try the code of Speedcad but don't know how it works.




Guest alanhuro

I went to Autocad website support and found a solution for it. We have to disable the Multiple Design Environment (MDE) before we are able to use that command


(setvar "SDI" 1)


Here is a code I use


(command "FILEDIA" 0)

(command "_.OPEN" "y" file)

(setvar "filedia" 1)


Hope this help



Guest alanhuro

I still have problem with is


It is weird that as soon as I open the file all of my variable define in my fuction is reset to NIL. What I try to do with my script is to open the file make a change and then save as different name. But when I execute that command all my variable set is gone. Do you know how can I define the variable so it will stay what it is.




  • 4 years later...

How to opwn a new file & insert a drawing template using autolisp


I want to use database created in excel file to draw a rectangular plate with a hole at its center by programming in autolisp.

I want to use database created in excel file to draw a rectangular plate with a hole at its center by programming in autolisp.


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