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Extracting PLINE coordinate.


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Hi all. I'm new to AutoLISP and need some help. If i do a LIST on pline, i can see the X,Y and Z at every point.

How do i extract the coordinates so i can make a new pline next to it (in any angle)? Found this snipets but it just show the (princ).

No, i'm not exporting it to a text file. Please give me example not in VLisp.

(defun c:vv ()
	(setq elst (entget (car (entsel "\nSelect Polyline: "))))
	(setq vnum 0)
	(if (= (cdr (assoc 0 elst)) "LWPOLYLINE")
		(while (setq elst (member (assoc 10 elst) elst))
			(setq vnum (+ vnum 1))
			(setq vxcd (cadr (car elst)))
			(setq vycd (caddr (car elst)))
			(princ (strcat "\nPolyline Vertex #" (itoa vnum) " X,Y Coordinates: " (rtos vxcd) ", " (rtos vycd)))
			(setq elst (cdr elst))
		(princ "\nObject is not a 2D LWPolyline")

Thank you for your time.




Edited by Sheep
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Basically, i'm trying to answer my own question partially. Can i use:

(mapcar 'rtos
      (cdr (assoc 10 (entget ent)))
      (cdr (assoc 11 (entget ent)))

to get all the X,Y and Z or it's just for one coordinate?

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Hello, try this if you want 

(setq sset (ssget '((0 . "LWPOLYLINE"))))
;repeat for n selected plines
(repeat (setq i (sslength sset))
		(setq nam (ssname sset (setq i (1- i))))
			(setq ent (entget nam))
				(setq entD ent)
					(setq tt (assoc 10 entD))
		;Create list from X Y
		(while (/= nil tt)
			(setq all (cons tt all))
				(setq entD (vl-remove tt entD))
					(setq tt (assoc 10 entD))					
		); end while
(setq all (reverse all))

Hope to help you if dont work i will modify it.

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Just copy it using vla-Copy and then move it using vla-Move (although this uses VLisp)


;; ent - entity object
;; pt1 - base point
;; pt2 - move point

(defun pl (ent pt1 pt2)
    (vla-Move (vla-Copy (vlax-ename->vla-object ent)) (vlax-3d-point pt1) (vlax-3d-point pt2))


If you want just the coordinates:


(mapcar 'cdr (vl-remove-if-not '(lambda (x) (vl-position (car x) '(10 11))) (entget pl)))


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3 minutes ago, Jonathan Handojo said:

If you want just the coordinates:


(mapcar 'cdr (vl-remove-if-not '(lambda (x) (vl-position (car x) '(10 11))) (entget pl)))


What is the substitute of vl-remove-if-not and vl-position in Autolisp?

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You can use "member" in place of vl-position. It's just that "vl-position" is just slightly faster than "member". It accepts exactly the same arguments as "vl-position".


As for vl-remove-if-not, I don't think there's another. You just have to make one:


(defun vl-remove-if-not2 (fnc lst / rtn)
    (foreach x lst
	(if ((eval fnc) x)
	    (setq rtn (cons x rtn))
    (reverse rtn)


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