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How to continuously run a condition


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I want to run this condition (nextstep) continuously if "Y" is true until "N" is true.


	(initget 1 "Y y N n")
	(setq nextstep (strcase (getkword "\nDo you want to continue with next step? [Y/N]?: ")))
		((= nextstep "Y")
			(initget 1 "P p N n")
			(setq nextpos (strcase (getkword "\nContinue after Previous position or start at New postition? [P/N]?: ")))
				((= nextpos "P")
					;piece of code
				((= nextpos "N")
					;piece of code
		((= nextstep "N")
			(princ "Drawing is finished!")


How do I do that?


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As Steven correctly indicates, a while loop is the way to go, however, since both prompts offer a binary choice, you can encode a default option with no additional code, e.g.:

        (initget "Yes No")
        (/= "No" (getkword "\nDo you want to continue with the next step? [Yes/No] <Yes>: "))
    (initget 1 "Previous New")
    (if (= "Previous" (getkword "\nContinue after the Previous position or start at a New postition? [Previous/New] <New>: "))
        (princ "\nUser selected Previous.")
        (princ "\nUser selected New.")


Edited by Lee Mac
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That is a nice one Lee!

Where do I put the different lisp codes for New and Previous location then?

I also figured out a way, but not so efficient.


		(initget 1 "Y y N n")
		(= (setq nextstep (strcase (getkword "\nDo you want to continue with next step? [Y/N]?: "))) "Y")
		((= nextstep "Y")
			(initget 1 "P p N n")
			(setq nextpos (strcase (getkword "\nContinue after Previous position or start at New postition? [P/N]?: ")))
				((= nextpos "P")
						(princ "Previous Position is selected!")
				((= nextpos "N")
						(princ "New Position is selected!")
		((= nextstep "N")
			(princ "Drawing is finished!")


Edited by gsc
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14 hours ago, gsc said:

That is a nice one Lee!

Where do I put the different lisp codes for New and Previous location then?


Thank you - you would perform the relevant operations here:

        (initget "Yes No")
        (/= "No" (getkword "\nDo you want to continue with the next step? [Yes/No] <Yes>: "))
    (initget 1 "Previous New")
    (if (= "Previous" (getkword "\nContinue after the Previous position or start at a New postition? [Previous/New] <New>: "))
            ;; Do something if the user selects Previous
            ;; Do something if the user selects New


Edited by Lee Mac
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I don't know if I am right or wrong, but I suppose that if you stated in (initget 1 "Previous New") the following (getkword) will honor "Previous" and not just "P"...

So I believe that it should actually be :

        (initget "Yes No")
        (/= "No" (getkword "\nDo you want to continue with the next step? [Yes/No] <Yes>: "))
    (initget 1 "Previous New")
    (if (= "Previous" (getkword "\nContinue after the Previous position or start at a New postition? [Previous/New] <New>: "))
            ;; Do something if the user selects Previous
            ;; Do something if the user selects New


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2 hours ago, marko_ribar said:

I don't know if I am right or wrong, but I suppose that if you stated in (initget 1 "Previous New") the following (getkword) will honor "Previous" and not just "P"...


It was my mistake - it should have been (= "Previous" ...) in my earlier posts (I have since corrected the code in my earlier posts) - thank you for bringing this to my attention. (initget 1 ...) will force the user to specify an option rather than being able to press Enter to accept the default option.

Edited by Lee Mac
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Thanx, this is working.

I have only one other question.

If I want to print a message after the user has selected "No", where (and how) do I write that?

	(princ "The drawing is finished!")

I have tried several positions, but the message always appears, even if Yes is selected

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For me it may be easier to call a defun as next, rather than having a very deep multi cond running and trying to have lots of code inside the cond to balance.


(defun yesyes ()
(initget 1 "P p N n")
			(setq nextpos (strcase (getkword "\nContinue after Previous position or start at New postition? [P/N]?: ")))
				((= nextpos "P")(princ "Previous Position is selected!")) ; call defun "previous"
				((= nextpos "N") (princ "New Position is selected!")) ; call defun "newpos"
; starts here
(initget "Yes No")
(setq nextstep (getkword "\nDo you want to continue with the next step? [Yes/No] <Yes>: "))
		((= nextstep "Yes")(yesyes))
		((= nextstep "No")(Alert "Drawing is finished"))

or using ifs

(initget "Yes No")
(setq nextstep (getkword "\nDo you want to continue with the next step? [Yes/No] <Yes>: "))
(if (= nextstep "Yes")
            (initget 1 "P p N n")
			(setq nextpos (strcase (getkword "\nContinue after Previous position or start at New postition? [P/N]?: ")))
			(if (= nextpos "P")
			  (progn (princ "Previous Position is selected!")
			  do your thing here
			  (princ "New Position is selected!")
			  do your other thing here
    (Alert "Drawing is finished")


Edited by BIGAL
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15 hours ago, gsc said:

I have only one other question.

If I want to print a message after the user has selected "No", where (and how) do I write that?

	(princ "The drawing is finished!")

I have tried several positions, but the message always appears, even if Yes is selected


You would place this outside of the while loop entirely.

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