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list_box with header and aligned items


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Hello guys i'm a few days trying to find a solution for this: /

I would like to create a list_box with the items aligned (similar to the FIND command)
but I don't know how to add the header or how to make the items right.

Has anyone done something like that that can give me an example ??



Edited by JuniorNogueira
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study : this




List Box with Tabs.

This attribute specifies the placement of tabs in character width units.
Possible value is a quoted string containing integers or floating-point numbers separated by spaces.
Default = None.
These values are used for vertically aligning columns of text in a 'popup_list' or 'list_box'.

DCL Code Sample 

lisp49af : dialog {				//dialog name
          label = "tabs" ;			//give it a label

	: list_box {				//define a list box
	  key = "lb1";				//give it a name
	  label = "Select Bolt Type:";		//give it a label
	  allow_accept = true;			//allow double clicking
	  list = "M20\t40LG\tGr. 8,8\n
	          M16\t30LG\tGr. 4,6\n
	          M30\t60LG\tGr. 8,8\n
	          M12\t35LG\tGr. 4,6\n
	          M8\t45LG\tGr. 8,8";		//define the list
	  height = 6;				//give it a height
	  fixed_height = true;			//fix the height
	}					//end list box

        ok_cancel ;				//predefined OK/Cancel button

        }					//end dialog


Edited by rlx
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@rlx  é isso que eu preciso, mas posso determinar o tamanho da minha guia? para caber no meu cabeçalho ??



Edited by JuniorNogueira
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you may have to experiment a little with the values for your tab stops. Code posted above misses the red line with


it just says next tab stop is on 8 , 16 and 24 , but you may want to have "4 14 28" , just use code above and change it to fit your needs

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4 hours ago, rlx said:

it just says next tab stop is on 8 , 16 and 24 , but you may want to have "4 14 28" , just use code above and change it to fit your needs


It looks like the DCL code you posted is missing the [ tabs = "8 16 24"; ] that is present in the original code on AfraLisp.

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yes I already wrote that in my previous post. Pasted the code , it was there , red & all, pressed save and poof.... like sending your wife to town with your creditcard and poof... all your money is gone

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Just now, rlx said:

yes I already wrote that in my previous post. Pasted the code , it was there , red & all, pressed save and poof.... like sending your wife to town with your creditcard and poof... all your money is gone

LOL Ok. I just posted because I wast confused on what you meant until I clicked on the link to the original. Good read though - I haven't used the tabs thing in a while and forgot about it. :)


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Last week I was writing something and thought , mm, have to write a function able to wblock a list of block names and totally forgot I wrote one before. The worst thing was I wrote it, oh I dunno, one or two months before. If it was like one or two decades, ok , but just a couple of months... think after not having a single day of vacation since 2012 its about time I do so. Maybe not a good time because of all the lockdowns and stuff but I hear Mars is lovely this time a year 🐲

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For anyone like me. missing bit

allow_accept = true;			//allow double clicking
	  tabs = "8 16 24";			//set tabs
	  list = "M20\t40LG\tGr. 8,8\n


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  • 2 years later...

Am I the only one getting multiple errors whilst trying to open this DCL? 

Error in dialog file "path\test.dcl", line 9: newline in string constant.

Error in dialog file "path\test.dcl", line 10: missing semicolon.

Error in dialog file "path\test.dcl", line 10: invalid attribute. Symbol "M16".

Error in dialog file "path\test.dcl", line 10: syntax error. Symbol "M16".

Edited by GeneJ
all errors listed
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lisp49af :dialog {label="tabs";
  :list_box {key="lb1";label="Select Bolt Type:";
     allow_accept=true; tabs="8 16 24";
     list="M20\t40LG\tGr. 8,8;\nM16\t30LG\tGr. 4,6;\nM30\t60LG\tGr. 8,8;\nM12\t35LG\tGr. 4,6;\nM8\t45LG\tGr. 8,8";


it seems its important for this code to work everything on line 4 is on the same line


alternatively you can pass the list to the dialog thru the lisp program because now the list will always be the same but what if you don't know how long your list is gonna be? look at : https://autolisp-exchange.com/Tutorials/MyDialogs.htm


Somewhere in the middle of the page is an example called 'My Multi Lists'


// MyMultiLists
MyMultiLists : dialog {
  key = "Title";
  label = "";
  : boxed_column {
    label = "Select an Item";
    : list_box {
      key = "List1";//Value1$ from lsp file
      height = 6.27;
      fixed_height = true;
      width = 32.92;
      fixed_width = true;
  : boxed_column {
    label = "Multi Select Items";
    : list_box {
      multiple_select = true;
      key = "List2";//Value2$ from lsp file
      height = 6.27;
      fixed_height = true;
      width = 32.92;
      fixed_width = true;


; c:MyMultiLists - Dialog for list_boxes with single and multi select examples
; Syntax: MyMultiLists
(defun c:MyMultiLists (/ Dcl_Id% List1@ List2@ Return# Value1$ Value2$)
  (princ "\nMyMultiLists")(princ)
  ; Set Default Variables
  (if (not *MyMultiLists@);Unique global variable name to store dialog info
    (setq *MyMultiLists@ (list nil "" ""))
  (setq Value1$ (nth 1 *MyMultiLists@)
        Value2$ (nth 2 *MyMultiLists@)
        List1@ (list "Sunday" "Monday" "Tuesday" "Wednesday" "Thursday" "Friday" "Saturday")
        List2@ (list "January" "February" "March" "April" "May" "June" "July" "August"
                     "September" "October" "November" "December")
  ; Load Dialog
  (setq Dcl_Id% (load_dialog "MyDialogs.dcl"))
  (new_dialog "MyMultiLists" Dcl_Id%)
  ; Set Dialog Initial Settings
  (set_tile "Title" " My Multi Lists")
  (set_tile_list "List1" List1@ Value1$);*Included
  (set_tile_list "List2" List2@ Value2$);*Included
  ; Dialog Actions
  (action_tile "List1" "(set_list_value \"List1@\" \"Value1$\")");*Included
  (action_tile "List2" "(set_multilist_value \"List2@\" \"Value2$\")");*Included
  (setq Return# (start_dialog))
  ; Unload Dialog
  (unload_dialog Dcl_Id%)
  (setq *MyMultiLists@ (list nil Value1$ Value2$))
);defun c:MyMultiLists


here you have ': list_box {  key = "List1";  //Value1$ from lsp file'  ,  which means this listbox will be filled by the program later on

The lisp program does so by first creating a list called 'List1@'

  (setq List1@ (list "Sunday" "Monday" "Tuesday" "Wednesday" "Thursday" "Friday" "Saturday")

and later it fills the listbox with :

  (set_tile_list "List1" List1@ Value1$) where Value1$ was set to "" earlier.


Just study and play with the examples on the autocad-exchange link , they can do a far better job than me explaining 🤓



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There are more roads that lead to Rome... so you can split up strings and later put them back together like is done for example with csv files where you have one string but each element is separated by a comma or something. But that's just the little stuf. Most important is your dialog design and the way it 'flows' and the rest will follow naturally.

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