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Request for 'simple' DCL, as final puzzle piece...


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Hello everybody,


Usualy, i create my own lisps and when i get stuck i ask for help.

But in this case i got an other type of problem.


We used to have a plug-in that we used to create layers from an excelsheet to AutoCAD.

The developer has stopped the support of this tool and now, we cannot use it anymore.


I managed to create a LSP-code that wil create a layer with the right settings from an EXCEL-database into the DWG.

Now i am looking for a way to give the users a selection methode to pick the layer they want to be created.


I am thinking of a DCL-format, where i get a scrollable list with all my layer names, and a simple button that wil execute 'my' command to create that layer.

That should look something like this, where the user can select a layername, and press a button, that wil execute command: (CREATENEWLAYER "<layername>")



The list could be generated from a (setq layerlist (list "layer1" "layer2" "layer3"), i can make the translation from the excel to that format.



I have never done anything with DCL, and to the honest, i find it hard to learn DCL.

We are in pretty need of a tool like this, so i am realy hoping somebody can help me fix this last piece of my puzzle...



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just a quicky (before my boss finds out)

; choose from list
(defun cfl (l / f p d r)
  (and (setq p (open (setq f (vl-filename-mktemp ".dcl")) "w"))
       (princ "cfl:dialog{label=\"Choose\";:list_box{key=\"lb\";}ok_cancel;}" p)
       (not (setq p (close p)))(< 0 (setq d (load_dialog f)))(new_dialog "cfl" d)
         (start_list "lb")(mapcar 'add_list l)(end_list)
         (action_tile "lb" "(setq r (nth (atoi $value) l))(done_dialog 1)")
         (action_tile "accept" "(setq r (get_tile \"lb\"))(done_dialog 1)")
         (action_tile "cancel" "(setq r nil)(done_dialog 0)")
         (start_dialog)(unload_dialog d)(vl-file-delete f)
  (cond ((= r "") nil)(r r)(t nil))

(defun c:t1 ( / lay-list)
  (setq lay-list '("layer1" "layer2" "layer3"))
  (if (setq inp (cfl lay-list)) (alert (strcat "You selected " inp))(alert "You cancelled"))


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you're welcome Aftertouch :beer:


its a single selection only but if you want to be able to select multiple options maybe this one helps :


; multiple from list (setq inp (mfl '("A" "B" "C" "D") '("A" "B")))
(defun mfl (%l %df / toggle l f p d r)
  (setq l (mapcar '(lambda (x)(if (member x %df)(strcat "[X] " x)(strcat "[O] " x))) %l))
  (defun toggle (v / s r) (if (eq (substr (setq r (nth (atoi v) l)) 2 1) "X") (setq s "[O] ") (setq s "[X] "))
    (setq l (subst (strcat s (substr r 5)) r l))(start_list "lb")(mapcar 'add_list l)(end_list))
  (and (setq p (open (setq f (vl-filename-mktemp ".dcl")) "w"))
       (princ "cfl:dialog{label=\"Choose\";:list_box {key=\"lb\";} ok_cancel;}" p)
       (not (setq p (close p)))(< 0 (setq d (load_dialog f)))(new_dialog "cfl" d)
       (progn (start_list "lb")(mapcar 'add_list l)(end_list) (action_tile "lb" "(toggle $value)")
         (action_tile "accept" "(setq r (get_tile \"lb\"))(done_dialog 1)")
         (action_tile "cancel" "(setq r nil)(done_dialog 0)") (start_dialog)(unload_dialog d)(vl-file-delete f)))
  (mapcar '(lambda (y)(substr y 5)) (vl-remove-if '(lambda (x)(eq (substr x 2 1) "O")) l))


or his bigger brother multiple input listbox function



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@rlx Nice mfl idea 😎  though your cfl can ;multiple_select=true 


my $0.05 



BCAD's VLIDE supports unicode 

(setq s (if    (wcmatch (setq r (nth (atoi v) l)) "*☐*")
          "☑ " ;"\U+2611 "
          "☐ " ;"\U+2610 "


Edited by hanhphuc
typo 2610
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9 hours ago, BIGAL said:

lee-mac has a dual list dcl ideal for this as you "Add" to a blank list so create multiple.



I doubt there is anything that master Lee doesn't already have 😁

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On 6/7/2020 at 4:33 PM, rlx said:


I doubt there is anything that master Lee doesn't already have 😁


i recall Grrr's  😝


On 4/7/2018 at 7:32 AM, Grrr said:


As for Lee,

I always thought he's far ahead of everyone.. (and I still think so)

So with my every code attempt I kept the thought "can I even impress this guy with some of my codes?"

Then I realised how experienced he is, so perhaps the answer was 'no'.. so my next thought was "can I get close to his skill?"

So I learned/practiced, but the thing was every time I ask about something on the forums - and he answers,

he reveals how much he knows about the subject.. so instead of thinking that I'm getting closer I realise how much stuff I didn't knew about!

So this guy is like the Universe: the more you ask him, the more he reveals, and the more you know how much you don't know. :lol:

..and the more scary he becomes (his knowledge).




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I think we are all created equal but some people just have better focus and / or better chances to shine in this world. Even master Lee has his limits its just his is so much higher than most of us. Still , he's (probably?) no rocket engineer else he wouldn't be responding on this site but at Nasa's site 😁

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