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List to Columns

Jonathan Handojo

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Hi guys,


Who has the shortest way to do something like the reverse of (apply 'append assoc_list)?


I'm simply looking for a function that can sort one long list into an association list of x items each.


So for example, if your function is (list-to-columns lst cols), then calling:


(list-to-columns '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14) 4)


will return ((0 1 2 3) (4 5 6 7) (8 9 10 11) (12 13 14))



Jonathan Handojo

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Found it. Thanks for that... I kinda thought it should be a recursive function, but I didn't know how to write one XD

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Didn't know that existed in your website. I didn't know what it was called so...


When I actually wrote an iterative approach before posting this question (thinking that it was a non-efficient function), it was actually more or less the same as your iterative approach... which is why I hope there was a recursive approach somewhere (because I'm weak in recursive functions, but willing to find examples to learn from). Thanks Lee.

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1 hour ago, Jonathan Handojo said:

which is why I hope there was a recursive approach somewhere (because I'm weak in recursive functions, but willing to find examples to learn from)


Back in the time was playin' around with such -

(setq pL '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15))
('((f L)(f L)) '(( L ) (if L (cons (mapcar ''( (x) (nth x L)) '(0 1 2)) (f (cdddr L))))) pL)

Now I'm so tight that I can't take the time to write out a decent reply to my own threads :sad:

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This may seem off the topic, but I'm pretty sure it's online somewhere, I just can't find it... Do you also happen to know of a function that can list all possible combinations of a list if you're supplied an association list?

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Never mind, I figured it out... I went through all sorts of hell to figure it out, lost half my hair


(defun JH:listcombination (lst)
    (if (null lst) '(nil)
	(apply 'append
		   '(lambda (x)
			    '(lambda (y)
				 (cons x y)
			    (JH:listcombination (cdr lst))
		   (car lst)


I was simply toying around, though I'm not sure how it actually ended up with the desired result.

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On 4/29/2020 at 11:52 AM, Jonathan Handojo said:


(defun JH:listcombination (lst)


I was simply toying around, though I'm not sure how it actually ended up with the desired result.


nice! you can trace your function in the console


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