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That's actually an interesting one, and I'm quite surprised that there's no solution in Google anywhere for AutoLISP.


Let me be the first then:


;; JH:RGB->HEX --> Jonathan Handojo
;; Converts an RGB to HEX in the form of a string

(defun JH:RGB->HEX (r g b)
  (apply 'strcat (mapcar '(lambda (x / h) (if (< (strlen (setq h (JH:numhex x))) 2) (strcat "0" h) h))  (list r g b)))

;; JH:numhex --> Jonathan Handojo
;; Converts an integer to a hex number in the form of a string

(defun JH:numhex (num / hex)
  (setq hex (mapcar 'cons '(10 11 12 13 14 15) (mapcar 'chr '(65 66 67 68 69 70))))
  (apply 'strcat
	 ((lambda (x / l h)
	    (if (zerop x) '("0")
		(while (/= x 0)
		  (setq l (cons (cond ((cdr (assoc (setq h (rem x 16)) hex))) ((itoa h))) l)
			x (/ x 16)


I'm sure someone has a better approach.


_$ (JH:RGB->HEX 45 89 142)


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For example:

(defun rgb->hex ( r g b )
    (apply 'strcat
        (mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (setq x (strcat "00" x)) (substr x (1- (strlen x))))
            (mapcar 'LM:dec->hex (list r g b))

;; Decimal to Hexadecimal  -  Lee Mac
;; Converts a decimal number to hexadecimal string
;; d - [int] 32-bit signed integer
;; Returns: [str] Hexadecimal representation of supplied integer

(defun LM:dec->hex ( d )
    (if (< d 16)
        (chr (+ d (if (< d 10) 48 55)))
        (strcat (LM:dec->hex (/ d 16)) (LM:dec->hex (rem d 16)))
_$ (rgb->hex 255 0 0)


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1 hour ago, Anushka said:

My XML asks for an extra value "I think it's opacity"
so my red is like this FF0000FF, how can I deal with it ???


Simply concatenate the opacity value?

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49 minutes ago, Lee Mac said:


Simply concatenate the opacity value?


Opacity of 255? I thought in AutoCAD it's only up to 100 (as in percentage)

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27 minutes ago, Jonathan Handojo said:

Opacity of 255? I thought in AutoCAD it's only up to 100 (as in percentage)


I imagine that the OP is not using the output to set transparency in AutoCAD, but for some other application which uses RGBA colour coding.

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3 hours ago, Lee Mac said:


I imagine that the OP is not using the output to set transparency in AutoCAD, but for some other application which uses RGBA colour coding.



Thanks from wiki ,  ARGB max A is FF, but my test in CAD max just reach 7F??




(defun wiki:rgb (lst)
  ((lambda (i)
     (apply 'logior
	    (mapcar '(lambda (x) (lsh (fix x) (setq i (- i 8)))) lst)
    (* (length lst ) 8)

;(wiki:rgb (list 45 89 142))

example : R,G,B,A =  45,89,142,127

(mapcar 'set '(r g b a) '(45 89 142 127))
(LM:dec->hex (wiki:rgb (list a r g b)) )

"7F2D598E" --> AGRB

but if A>127, i.e: (128 ~ 255 )

"¾"  ???


maybe concatenate either "A+RGB "  or  "RGB+A"

in ARGB case if A=128 

(apply 'strcat
     (mapcar ''((x) (LM:dec->hex x))
         (list 128 (wiki:rgb (list r g b)))








Edited by hanhphuc
syntax color
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2 hours ago, Lee Mac said:

Hint: integers in AutoLISP are represented using signed 32-bit integers, unsigned integers aren't available.


Thanks Lee! +2,147,483,647 to -2,147,483,648 


p/s:  rgb reminds me UTF-8 time flies! 

4.18? cheers guru 🍻 :)


Edited by hanhphuc
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