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On 4/18/2020 at 12:22 PM, Dayananda said:

This need to run with Mac. OS also.


since you are coder, my $0.05 optimization.

when prompt password, it would be friendlier if user gets notified [Caps-Lock ON/OFF] 

1.Easy: Echo to the the screen entmake Text dynamic entmod. (advance may consider - Textbox , GrText or Textmask )

2.Advanced: create Attributed block update value

3.Expert: If MacOS supports Actable? emulate table as dialog box, column width=row height as Grid, customize merge cell as edit cell & buttoms. hittest

4.or slide vector image? 


as participant, i personal vote for Lee's because bonus [<--Backspace] compatibility & excludes includes loop for [Function] keys.👍 

though just minor spacer bug. (to replicate, just key-in all spaces then Backspace. notice the pipe "|" walks away)


p/s: Ron's dcl is more practical but excluded due to OP's query w/o DCL :) 


v1.1 revision
;expr - quoted list expression for additional functionality use 'STR' as token

;example: you make a fake dialog box using attributed block, Tag name is "KEY", 
;you use your-att-func which can replace or vla-put-textstring the token 'STR'
;(foo "•" 20 '(your-att-func blk (list (cons "KEY" (strcat (substr STR 10) "|")))) )

;for normal usage just put nil for expression
;(foo (chr 149) 20 nil) 

(defun foo ($ n expr / l k str x)
  ;;hp:pword 16.04.2020
  (princ (setq x t
               str "Password: "
               ! str

  (while (and x (setq k (grread nil)))
    (if (and (= (car k) 2)
             (numberp (setq x (cadr k)))
             (or (= 8 x) (<= 32 x 127)) ;; 
             (< (length l) n)

          (strcat "\r"
                  (setq str
                    (if (= x 8)
                      (if (> (strlen str) (strlen !))
                        (substr str 1 (1- (strlen str)))
                      (strcat str $)

        (setq l (if (= x 8)
                  (if (> (length l) 0)
                    (cdr l)
                  (cons x l)
    (eval expr)
      (setq x nil)
  (vl-list->string (reverse l))


;example: you make a fake dialog box using attributed block, Tag name is "KEY", 
;you use your-att-func which can replace or vla-put-textstring the token 'STR'


(foo "•" 20 '(your-att-func blk (list (cons "KEY" (strcat (substr STR 10) "|")))) )









Edited by hanhphuc
code updated backspace, expr & allow space
  • Thanks 1
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For any of you have to remember DOS you take your password test code and add it to the start of a lisp file saving into another directory then turn into fas or VLX this is super fast for 100's of files.


make a bat filecopy 
copy c:\mydirectory\lips\password.lsp+c:\mydirectory\lips\file1.lsp c:\mydirectory\lips\tobecomp\file1.lsp
copy c:\mydirectory\lips\password.lsp+c:\mydirectory\lips\file2.lsp c:\mydirectory\lips\tobecomp\file2.lsp
copy c:\mydirectory\lips\password.lsp+c:\mydirectory\lips\file3.lsp c:\mydirectory\lips\tobecomp\file3.lsp


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7 hours ago, BIGAL said:

For any of you have to remember DOS you take your password test code and add it to the start of a lisp file saving into another directory then turn into fas or VLX this is super fast for 100's of files.

make a bat filecopy 
copy c:\mydirectory\lips\password.lsp+c:\mydirectory\lips\file1.lsp c:\mydirectory\lips\tobecomp\file1.lsp
copy c:\mydirectory\lips\password.lsp+c:\mydirectory\lips\file2.lsp c:\mydirectory\lips\tobecomp\file2.lsp
copy c:\mydirectory\lips\password.lsp+c:\mydirectory\lips\file3.lsp c:\mydirectory\lips\tobecomp\file3.lsp



with VLISP

vl-file-copy & vl-directory-files but avoid large file


(foo "c:\\mydirectory\\lips\\password.lsp"  ;;header file 

"*.lsp" ;;pattern
"c:\\mydirectory\\lips\\" ;;source path
"c:\\mydirectory\\lips\\tobecomp\\" ) ;;destination path


(defun foo (Header Ext SPath DPath / new fname)
  ;;addheader - hp 21.04.2020 
    (findfile header)
    (foreach fname (vl-directory-files SPath ext)
      (if (<= (vl-file-size fname) 10000)
	    (setq new (strcat DPath
			      (if (= SPath DPath)
	    (strcat SPath fname)

	  (princ (strcat "\n" new))



    (setq ext  "*.txt"
	  path (strcat (getenv "userprofile") "\\Downloads\\")
	  password (getfiled "Select password header file " path "txt" 16)
     (foo password ext path path)




@Dayananda sample attributed 


Bcad PassWin7.dwg 


Block name PASSWIN7 

Tag name KEY = password

Tag name USER = Header 

insert at viewctr 

try -> attributes library

token= 'STR'



Edited by hanhphuc
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