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Have command button run lisp function using a variable


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I have searched for several days and tried a dozen different ways but, so far, nothing works.

I have many command buttons that execute my custom functions.  Assuming the file is "loaded" a button's macro is simply: ^C^Cfname;

Now, I want a button that will execute the function name stored as a string in USERS1 variable.

The last code I tried is:  ^C^C(read(getvar "USERS1"));

This does, in fact, evaluate to the name of the function (with out quotes) but just sits there.  The function is not executed.

Please, how do I do this very, very simple thing?  I'm pulling out my hair and there isn't much left!

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13 hours ago, JerryFiedler said:

I have searched for several days and tried a dozen different ways but, so far, nothing works.

I have many command buttons that execute my custom functions.  Assuming the file is "loaded" a button's macro is simply: ^C^Cfname;

Now, I want a button that will execute the function name stored as a string in USERS1 variable.

The last code I tried is:  ^C^C(read(getvar "USERS1"));

This does, in fact, evaluate to the name of the function (with out quotes) but just sits there.  The function is not executed.

Please, how do I do this very, very simple thing?  I'm pulling out my hair and there isn't much left!



hi, not sure useful - click button?

             "Test app" ;; DCL caption - string
            '(  (  (getvar "USERS1") (progn (princ "\nUSERS1") (c:function1) )  )
                (  "Button2" (c:function2)  ) 
                (  "Button3" (progn (alert "NP") (startapp "notepad") )  )
                (  "Buttonx" (c:functionx)  )
              )  ;; quoted action list  '( ( <button_caption> (progn <Expression>) ) ( <capt> <expr> ) ( <etc ... >  <etc ... > )  etc... )
              20 ; dialog width
              2  ; height button

check at forum upper tab Downloads page


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Thanks BIGAL,

I have tried your suggestion.  Yes the function is a 😄 definition. For this example the "USERS1" variable is "DLEADER".  I use "read" to remove the quotation marks in the button's macro.

^C^C(command (read (getvar "users1"))) in the button's macro field results in:

error: bad argument value: AutoCAD command: DLEADER


When I type DLEADER in the command line the function executes perfectly.


Just for laughs I set "USERS1" to "LINE" and tried the button.  As you might expect the result was:

error: bad argument value: AutoCAD command: LINE


Obviously this is not the way to run a function using a variable.  I am missing something.  Again today I spent hours searching the web to no avail.

I have another button that loads the file name stored in "users1" and it works.

^C^C(load (getvar "users1"))

I have many buttons to run routines.  The button's macro is:

^C^C(if (null 😄 name)(load "name"));name;



Thanks hanhphuc,

I have no idea what you wanted me to do with your answer.  But thank you for reading my post and responding it is greatly appreciated.



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I only tried it on my osnap defun and it worked. (defun c:47 but I think it depends on your defun if they are a string or like this a number.


(setvar 'users1 "line")

(vl-cmdf (getvar 'users1))


(setvar 'osmode 0)

(setvar 'users1 "47")

(vl-cmdf (getvar 'users1))

osmode is now 47

Edited by BIGAL
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3 hours ago, JerryFiedler said:

Thanks BIGAL,

I have tried your suggestion.  Yes the function is a 😄 definition. For this example the "USERS1" variable is "DLEADER".  I use "read" to remove the quotation marks in the button's macro.


Thanks hanhphuc,

I have no idea what you wanted me to do with your answer.  But thank you for reading my post and responding it is greatly appreciated.




no worries.. i just offer an alternative dcl buttons (> 15~20++) , as sysvar only can store up to 5 variables (USERS1~5)

it seems you have customized toolbars, so you can just ignore it.


so if you wanna assign LISP expressions to toolbar macro, you may refer to DIESEL language


eg: "DLEADER" stored in variable "users1", for command

^C^C^P (command (getvar 'users1)) ^P  


or you have a function name (c:test)

but you don't want "c:test" but just "test",

so in expression can prefix "c:"

^C^C^P (eval(read(strcat "(C:" (getvar 'users2)")" ))) ^P  



p/s: i'm not familiar in DIESEL, maybe @steven-g can help u more



Edited by hanhphuc
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@hanhphuc thanks for the call-out, not sure if I can help this looks to me to be purely a macro to run a Lisp routine and I'm Lispless (LT). But having said that I  see that the OP tried starting the 'line' command using a stored string in the users1 variable, again something that is not available in LT (only userr1-5 and useri1-5), however this Diesel sequence does work to start the line command using a string stored in an environmental variable (test) which may or may not help. PS don't try this in full AutoCAD because I don't think full AutoCAD has access to the "GETENV" command outside of Lisp


So I would imagine that this should also work in full AutoCAD using


Unfortunately I can't test it.

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Solved!  Thank you all for an education thread.  The macro below provided by hanhphuc did the trick!!

^C^C^P (eval(read(strcat "(C:" (getvar 'users2)")" ))) ^P

I have not yet tried the other macros suggested by steve-g and BIGAL but intend to do so as a means of increasing my knowledge.


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A better way if you just want a certain number of commands to always be displayed then why not make a custom toolbar !


I took CIV3D pulled choices out of 3 menus and made 1 new  that I run in my Drafting workspace saving having to change workspaces.


I am happy to start you off its simple to do just start CUI and notepad  you copy the details from the cui into notepad making your menu. I know you can do it all in the cui but I find it easier having a custom mnu that's easy to edit.


This is a custom toolbar that I made, you can see the commands in it. You just use menuload to add it.

ID_ALAN_0    [_Toolbar("Alans1", _Right, _Show, 0, 0, 1)]
AECC_ShowTS  [_Button("Show Toolspace", RCDATA_16_IMAGE, RCDATA_16_IMAGE)]^C^C^C^P_ShowTS
ID_Matchprop [_Button("Match Properties", RCDATA_16_MATCH, RCDATA_16_MATCH)]^C^C_matchprop
ID_Erase     [_Button("Erase", RCDATA_16_ERASE, RCDATA_32_ERASE)]^C^C_erase
ID_Copy      [_Button("Copy", RCDATA_16_COPYOB, RCDATA_32_COPYOB)]$M=$(if,$(eq,$(substr,$(getvar,cmdnames),1,4),GRIP),_copy,^C^C_copy)
ID_Mirror    [_Button("Mirror", RCDATA_16_MIRROR, RCDATA_32_MIRROR)]$M=$(if,$(eq,$(substr,$(getvar,cmdnames),1,4),GRIP),_mirror,^C^C_mirror)
ID_Offset    [_Button("Offset", RCDATA_16_OFFSET, RCDATA_32_OFFSET)]^C^C_offset
ID_Array     [_Button("Array...", RCDATA_16_ARRREC, RCDATA_32_ARRREC)]^C^C_array
ID_Move      [_Button("Move", RCDATA_16_MOVE, RCDATA_32_MOVE)]$M=$(if,$(eq,$(substr,$(getvar,cmdnames),1,4),GRIP),_move,^C^C_move)
ID_Rotate    [_Button("Rotate", RCDATA_16_ROTATE, RCDATA_32_ROTATE)]$M=$(if,$(eq,$(substr,$(getvar,cmdnames),1,4),GRIP),_rotate,^C^C_rotate)
ID_Scale     [_Button("Scale", RCDATA_16_SCALE, RCDATA_32_SCALE)]$M=$(if,$(eq,$(substr,$(getvar,cmdnames),1,4),GRIP),_scale,^C^C_scale)
ID_Stretch   [_Button("Stretch", RCDATA_16_STRETC, RCDATA_32_STRETC)]$M=$(if,$(eq,$(substr,$(getvar,cmdnames),1,4),GRIP),_stretch,^C^C_stretch)
ID_Trim      [_Button("Trim", RCDATA_16_TRIM, RCDATA_32_TRIM)]^C^C_trim
ID_Extend    [_Button("Extend", RCDATA_16_EXTEND, RCDATA_32_EXTEND)]^C^C_extend
ID_BreakSele [_Button("Break at Point", RCDATA_16_BREAKATPT, RCDATA_32_BREAKATPT)]^C^C_break \_f \@
ID_Break     [_Button("Break", RCDATA_16_BRE2PT, RCDATA_32_BRE2PT)]^C^C_break
ID_Join      [_Button("Join", RCDATA_16_JOIN, RCDATA_32_JOIN)]^C^C_join
ID_Chamfer   [_Button("Chamfer", RCDATA_16_CHAMFE, RCDATA_32_CHAMFE)]^C^C_chamfer
ID_Fillet    [_Button("Fillet", RCDATA_16_FILLET, RCDATA_32_FILLET)]^C^C_fillet
ID_Explode   [_Button("Explode", RCDATA_16_EXPLODE, RCDATA_32_EXPLODE)]^C^C_explode
ID_LAYFRZ    [_Button("Layer, Layer Freeze", RCDATA_16_FRZLAY, RCDATA_32_FRZLAY)]^C^C_layfrz
ID_LAYOFF    [_Button("Layer Off", RCDATA_16_OFFLAY, RCDATA_32_OFFLAY)]^C^C_layoff
ID_LAYISO    [_Button("Layer Isolate", RCDATA_16_LAYISO,RCDATA_32_LAYISO)]^C^C_layiso
MM_LAYUNISO  [_Button("Layer Unisolate", RCDATA_16_LAYUNISO, RCDATA_32_LAYUNISO)]^C^C_Layuniso
ID_LAYDEL    [_Button("Layer, Layer Delete", RCDATA_16_LAYER_DELETE,RCDATA_32_LAYER_DELETE)]^C^C_laydel
ID_Line      [_Button("Line", RCDATA_16_LINE,RCDATA_32_LINE)]^C^C_line
MM_1608      [_Button("Circle", RCDATA_16_CIRRAD,RCDATA_32_CIRRAD)]^C^C_circle
MM_1607      [_Button("Arc", RCDATA_16_ARC3PT,RCDATA_32_ARC3PT)]^C^C_arc
ID_Pline     [_Button("Polyline", RCDATA_16_PLINE,RCDATA_32_PLINE)]^C^C_pline
ID_Pedit     [_Button("Polyline Edit", RCDATA_16_PEDIT, RCDATA_32_PEDIT)]^C^C_pedit
ID_DrawordeB [_Button("Draw Order, Send to Back", RCDATA_16_SN2BCK,RCDATA_32_SN2BCK)]^C^C^P_ai_draworder _Back ^P
ID_Appload   [_Button("Load Application...", RCDATA_16_LOAD_APPLICATIONS,RCDATA_16_LOAD_APPLICATIONS)]^C^C_appload



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On 4/15/2020 at 4:09 PM, steven-g said:

@hanhphuc thanks for the call-out, not sure if I can help this looks to me to be purely a macro to run a Lisp routine and I'm Lispless (LT). But having said that I  see that the OP tried starting the 'line' command using a stored string in the users1 variable, again something that is not available in LT (only userr1-5 and useri1-5), however this Diesel sequence does work to start the line command using a string stored in an environmental variable (test) which may or may not help. PS don't try this in full AutoCAD because I don't think full AutoCAD has access to the "GETENV" command outside of Lisp


So I would imagine that this should also work in full AutoCAD using


Unfortunately I can't test it.


@steven-g  Thanks for the lesson, we understand you can't test due to many of us not working at this hard time :)


DIESEL only has less than 30 functions 99% are available in LISP,  most useful is edtime with LISP menucmd

macro my $0.02 not too difficult? maybe get used to like ";;;" "^P" "\" " _" "+" "^C^Ctext" 


p/s: getenv is valid 



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The setenv / getenv commands are only available to Lisp in full Autocad not at the command line, in LT they are available at the command line which is probably why the 5 variables users1-5 are not available in LT. This means that when creating macro's like the above examples they may require different code to work. A diesel macro in full Autocad can use Lisp but this won't work in LT. A diesel macro created in LT should work in full Autocad except when it uses the format in the code I posted above 


This is a command line call to the getenv command and not a Lisp call, so I would have thought it would fail in full Autocad, are you telling me it does work?

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42 minutes ago, steven-g said:

The setenv / getenv commands are only available to Lisp in full Autocad not at the command line, in LT they are available at the command line which is probably why the 5 variables users1-5 are not available in LT. This means that when creating macro's like the above examples they may require different code to work. A diesel macro in full Autocad can use Lisp but this won't work in LT. A diesel macro created in LT should work in full Autocad except when it uses the format in the code I posted above 


This is a command line call to the getenv command and not a Lisp call, so I would have thought it would fail in full Autocad, are you telling me it does work?


Thank you for clarification. i never know LT they are available at the command line!

The difference in LISP that we can getenv from setenv. but DIESEL does not have setenv?

so i think above code does not work in full version, i just came out simply ^Princ   ^C^C^P   <LISP_Expression>  ^P



p/s: as Bricscad newbie, i haven't tried customization, ribbon is something new to me (ac2007)



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On 4/16/2020 at 6:52 AM, BIGAL said:

A better way if you just want a certain number of commands to always be displayed then why not make a custom toolbar !


I took CIV3D pulled choices out of 3 menus and made 1 new  that I run in my Drafting workspace saving having to change workspaces.


I am happy to start you off its simple to do just start CUI and notepad  you copy the details from the cui into notepad making your menu. I know you can do it all in the cui but I find it easier having a custom mnu that's easy to edit.


This is a custom toolbar that I made, you can see the commands in it. You just use menuload to add it.





few good marco for reference, this old fashion customize still useful :)

if you have multiple 'commands' in 1 routine, my $0.02 the best way is customize toolbar,

or alternatively perhaps using dcl eg: like @marko_ribar 's routine, you don't need to memorize too many 'commands'







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hanhphuc I agree like the look of Marco's dcl similar to Multi radio buttons with nicer buttons. Its a library routine so limited lisp knowledge required to make it work.

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