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please In writing a list like this MTEXT OR TEXT


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Hello all.....
Sorry for my language

If I have the list like this


(setq AL '("7.394" "44.454" "40.050" "22.976" "17.886" "15.146" "11.826" "75.878"))


I want to write it in the following way MTEXT OR TEXT 


7.394 + 44.454 + 40.050
22.976 + 17.886 + 15.146
11.826 + 75.878



I hope you have an idea and enough time


Please provide us with a code
Good health to you







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Use this @Lee Mac function


(defun LM:lst->str ( lst del / str )
    (setq str (car lst))
    (foreach itm (cdr lst) (setq str (strcat str del itm)))

;(LM:lst->str AL " + ") => "7.394 + 44.454 + 40.050 + 22.976 + 17.886 + 15.146 + 11.826 + 75.878"


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dlanorh wants group of numbers not all. no + on end.


Try this, note 1 will not work but can be added if required.


How many in groups to be added 5

7.394 + 44.454 + 40.050 + 22.976 + 17.886
15.146 + 11.826 + 75.878


How many in groups to be added 4

7.394 + 44.454 + 40.050 + 22.976
17.886 + 15.146 + 11.826 + 75.878


How many in groups to be added 3

7.394 + 44.454 + 40.050
22.976 + 17.886 + 15.146
11.826 + 75.878



(setq AL '("7.394" "44.454" "40.050" "22.976" "17.886" "15.146" "11.826" "75.878"))

(defun c:lstmtxt ( / x inc y txt diff pt1 pt2 howmany)
(setq x (length al))
(setq inc (getint "\nHow many in groups to be added  "))
(if (> inc x)(setq inc x))
(setq y -1 txt "")
(repeat (setq howmany (fix (/ x inc)))
(repeat (- inc 1)
(setq txt (strcat txt (nth (setq y (+ y 1)) al) " + "))
(setq txt (strcat txt (nth (setq y (+ y 1)) al) (chr 10)))
(setq diff (- x (* howmany inc)))
(if (> diff 0)
(repeat (- diff 1)
(setq txt (strcat txt (nth (setq y (+ y 1)) al) " + "))
(setq txt (strcat txt (nth (setq y (+ y 1)) al)))
(setq pt1 (getpoint "\nPick point for top left Mtext "))
(setq pt2 (getpoint pt1 "\nPick point for bottom right Mtext "))
(command "mtext" pt1 pt2 txt "")


Edited by BIGAL
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I don't know what the OP wants, as once again I can't open his attached drawing.


This also looks like a continuation of the previous topic, in which case there are easier ways to achieve what he wants.

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