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Here's my immediate problem, im putting chainage lines off the centerline of a road and i need to find out how far to come around the curve in the road. eg i start a one end of a curve and i need to put a chainage line 5m around the curve.


whats the best way to do that? Help!




It's ok. Dont Panic Pauly, take a deep breath!


I found a way,which included drawing an arc using the center point of the curve on the road then specifying the lenght:)


But if anybody knows an even easier way to do it dont be afraid to jump in!


Use the command MEASURE, and make sure that the POINT is set as a visible mode :)


OR you can create a block containing the information you wish to show as your chainage. then use measure, but use block, then your distance along the curve you wish to place your chainage at


you could:

OFFSET your curve

DRAW 'POINT' at one end

ARRAY that point

(I think, can't check on this laptop)




(defun c:cdim(/ cCurve obType lEnt vlaDim pt1
      pt2 dis1 dis2 curMea *error*)


 (defun *error*(msg)
   (setvar "CMDECHO" 1)
   (if cCurve
     (vla-Highlight cCurve :vlax-false)
     ); end if
   (if vlaDim
     (vla-Delete vlaDim)
     ); end if
   (princ "\n*Cancel* ")
   ); end of *error*
    (setq cCurve
       "\nSelect curve > ")); end setq
     (setq cCurve
       (car cCurve))); end setq
  (setq obType
	 (vla-get-ObjectName cCurve))
  '("AcDbLine" "AcDbPolyline" "AcDb3dPolyline"
    "AcDbSpline" "AcDbArc" "AcDbCircle" "AcDbEllipse")
  ); end member
  (vla-Highlight cCurve :vlax-true)
  (setvar "OSMODE" 3071)
  (setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
  (setq lEnt(entlast))
  (command "_.dimaligned")
  (princ "\nSelect first extension line point on curve > ")
  (command pause)
  (princ "\nSelect second extension line point on curve > ")
  (command pause)
  (princ "\nSpecify dimension line location")
  (command pause)
    (not(equal lEnt(entlast)))
      (setq vlaDim
		 (vla-get-ExtLine1Point vlaDim)))
		  (vla-get-ExtLine2Point vlaDim)))
	    ); end setq
	  (setq dis1
		 (vlax-curve-GetDistAtPoint cCurve pt1))
	  (setq dis2
		 (vlax-curve-GetDistAtPoint cCurve pt2))
	  ); end and
	  (if(< dis2 dis1)
	    (setq curMea(- dis1 dis2))
	    (setq curMea(- dis2 dis1))
	    ); end if
	  (vla-put-TextOverride vlaDim
	    (strcat "L = "(rtos(* curMea
				  (getvar "DIMLFAC"))
			          (getvar "DIMLUNIT")
			          (getvar "DIMTDEC"))))
	  ); end progn
	   (princ "\n>>> One one both points not on curve <<< ")
	   (vla-Delete vlaDim)
	  ); end progn
	); end if
      ); end progn
    ); end if
  ); end progn
(princ "\n>>> Invalid object type! <<<")
); end if
     ); end progn
   (princ "\n>>> Nothing selected! <<< ")
   ); end if
   (if cCurve
     (vla-Highlight cCurve :vlax-false)
     ); end if
 (setvar "CMDECHO" 1)
 ); end of c:cdim

(princ "\nType CDIM for curve dimension ")


  • 7 years later...

using array is the best option to place points and label nearby the polyline.


Thank you for that. Did you realize that this thread is almost 8 years old?

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