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Longtime lurker, first time poster.  


I was wondering if someone could help me out with a program.  I have been trying to create a program that takes a profile with marks where I would like to place some webs (Figure A) and create two new profiles (Figures B & C).  Ultimately, I need to produce D & E, but would settle for B & C.  I've separated the results in the drawing for visual clarity, but ideally they would just be produced in-place where Figure A is.


851069306_FigureA.png.52bda8d652fd5af52b7ff6f792f96574.png    1159776666_FigureB.png.604bb1e19394b43d9f6a65747763a100.png    21994796_FigureC.png.9cd2a19b84c03654788d0ee7b9cfb59c.png


I have been trying to make it myself, but have been struggling with the logic of it.  Any help provided would be greatly appreciated.


The webs on A can vary from part to part and produce the gaps you see on C, so I included two sizes I use regularly.  B, always has a 0.020" overlap derived from the middle lines.


D & E are roughly the same as B & C, but have some added thickness on the ends of the hollow side of the cavities--not on single leg cavities.  They increase in thickness by 0.005" for a distance of 0.050" and then taper back to the original thickness over the same distance.  Also, the transition from the thicker portion to the taper must have a radius with a minimum of 0.010".


1945323136_FigureD.png.3cfb8041dc25cdca4182d9b90900d10d.png     46856351_FigureE.png.d121ea7b46b686b56323d9949ded8518.png


I am really grateful for any help with this. Thank you!



Figure 0.png



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Only 1 suggestion this is a hard task, as you have 3 lines for break point, you can use trim pick outer lines, then use the " F" fence option on the middle line it will trim out the gap.


You don't mention how the 3 lines are created, if some form of manual method then the middle line is not actually required. 


Looking for all the 4 line segments is a bit daunting but can be done to add the fillet.

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Thanks BIGAL.  I suspected this was probably a difficult thing to program--I was just hoping that I was missing some simple solution as it related to automating.  Some of my larger profiles can take an entire day to produce Figures D & E.


Yes, the three lines are created manually.  For automation, the middle line probably isn't necessary, but I include it because it is currently what I use to manually create my initial Fig. B/D parts.  Then use the outer lines to produce Fig. E.

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Can help auto that step, something like pick line near corner I do a routine then know direction is away. Enter offset 0.0 is start corner (getdist.


Pick other line.


It looks like the line gap is fixed so draw 2 lines = gap between two lines picked, trim gap, fillet both trim lines.


Have some other stuff in front for me maybe someone else will jump in and get started.




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I appreciate the offer BIGAL.  I am currently working on something that will do just that for the time being, until I can comprehend the steps to create the profile automatically.

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