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Lisp routine that can add an addition symbol to multiple text


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Is there a Lisp routine that can add an addition symbol to multiple text. eg. have a list all in single text 5889.12, 5685.23, etc.


Results will be 5+889.12, 5+685.23, etc.



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6 hours ago, asra said:



Is there a Lisp routine that can add an addition symbol to multiple text. eg. have a list all in single text 5889.12, 5685.23, etc.


Results will be 5+889.12, 5+685.23, etc.




What happens with 0.62 or 7.93 or 29.01 or 168.75?

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15 hours ago, asra said:



Is there a Lisp routine that can add an addition symbol to multiple text. eg. have a list all in single text 5889.12, 5685.23, etc.


Results will be 5+889.12, 5+685.23, etc.




ymg's rtosa 


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4 hours ago, hanhphuc said:


ymg's rtosa 


did you click the link provided at previous post above ?


1 hour ago, asra said:


maksud saya bukan untuk menjumlahkan angka,
tapi untuk menambahkan simbol "+" 😅


;; rtosta                     by ymg  September 2013                          ;
;;                                                                            ;
;; Arguments:   sta Real number to format as a Station                        ;
;;             unit 1 for Imperials,                                          ;
;;                  2 for Metrics.                                            ;
;;             prec Integer for number of decimals                            ;
;;                                                                            ;
;; Examples: (rtosta 0 1 0)  -> "0+00"   (rtosta 1328.325 1 2) -> "13+28.33"  ;
;;           (rtosta 0 2 0)  -> "0+000"  (rtosta 1328.325 2 2) -> "1+328.33"  ;
;;                                                                            ;
;; If sta is negative, format is as follow:                                   ;
;;                                       (rtosta -1328.325 1 2) -> "13-28.33" ;
;;                                       (rtosta -1328.325 2 2) -> "1-328.33" ;
;;                                                                            ;
(defun rtosta (sta unit prec / str a b )
    (setq str (rtos (abs sta) 2 prec))
    (while (< (strlen str) (if (= prec 0) (+ unit 2) (+ prec (+ unit 3))))
        (setq str (strcat "0" str))
    (setq a (if (= prec 0) (- (strlen str) unit) (- (strlen str) prec (+ unit 1)))
          b (substr str 1 (- a 1))
          a (substr str a)
    (strcat b (if (minusp sta) "-" "+") a)

it does what exactly you asked

5889.12, 5685.23

(rtosta 5889.12 2 2)


(rtosta 5685.23 2 2)


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1 hour ago, asra said:

Error: too few arguments



you must supply 3 arguments in the function

assume your input causes error

(rtosta 1234.56 )

(rtosta 1234.56 22 ) 


(rtosta 1234.56  2  2 ) ; must use space


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;; rtosta                     by ymg  September 2013                          ;
;;                                                                            ;
;; Arguments:   sta Real number to format as a Station                        ;
;;             unit 1 for Imperials,                                          ;
;;                  2 for Metrics.                                            ;
;;             prec Integer for number of decimals                            ;
;;                                                                            ;
;; Examples: (rtosta 0 1 0)  -> "0+00"   (rtosta 1328.325 1 2) -> "13+28.33"  ;
;;           (rtosta 0 2 0)  -> "0+000"  (rtosta 1328.325 2 2) -> "1+328.33"  ;
;;                                                                            ;
;; If sta is negative, format is as follow:                                   ;
;;                                       (rtosta -1328.325 1 2) -> "13-28.33" ;
;;                                       (rtosta -1328.325 2 2) -> "1-328.33" ;
;;                                                                            ;
(defun rtosta (sta unit prec / str a b ) (rtosta 0 2 0)
    (setq str (rtos (abs sta) 2 prec)) 
    (while (< (strlen str) (if (= prec 0) (+ unit 2) (+ prec (+ unit 3))))
        (setq str (strcat "0" str))
    (setq a (if (= prec 0) (- (strlen str) unit) (- (strlen str) prec (+ unit 1)))
          b (substr str 1 (- a 1))
          a (substr str a)
    (strcat b (if (minusp sta) "-" "+") a)



like this? 

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On 12/24/2019 at 1:21 PM, asra said:


like this? 


Please DO NOT modify the function!!!

copy again click -> here!

That's why you got error!!


(defun rtosta (sta unit prec / str a b ) (rtosta 0 2 0) <-- remove this!!!


(princ) ;<-- why ??



it seems you have zero knowledge in LISP?

try this example:

(defun c:test ( / TEXT WORD NUMBER OBJECT )
  (setq TEXT (car (entsel "\nSelect TEXT.. ")))
  (setq OBJECT (vlax-ename->vla-object TEXT))
  (vlax-property-available-p OBJECT 'TextString)
  (setq NUMBER (read (vla-get-TextString OBJECT ))); atof
  (numberp NUMBER)
  (vla-put-Textstring OBJECT (rtosta NUMBER 2 2))
  )(princ "\nNUMBER please!!")


for multiple texts

1.use ssget for selection

2.loop repeat 

many examples, just search & learn



Edited by hanhphuc
symbol 'OBJECT' localized
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(defun rtosta (sta unit prec / str a b )
    (setq str (rtos (abs sta) 2 prec))
    (while (< (strlen str) (if (= prec 0) (+ unit 2) (+ prec (+ unit 3))))
        (setq str (strcat "0" str))
    (setq a (if (= prec 0) (- (strlen str) unit) (- (strlen str) prec (+ unit 1)))
          b (substr str 1 (- a 1))
          a (substr str a)
    (strcat b (if (minusp sta) "-" "+") a)
(defun c:test ( / TEXT WORD NUMBER )
  (setq TEXT (car (entsel "\nSelect TEXT.. ")))
  (setq OBJECT (vlax-ename->vla-object TEXT))
  (vlax-property-available-p OBJECT 'TextString)
  (setq NUMBER (read (vla-get-TextString OBJECT ))); atof
  (numberp NUMBER)
  (vla-put-Textstring OBJECT (rtosta NUMBER 2 0))
  )(princ "\nNUMBER please!!")

OK, its works 😁😁 thanks, so much.......


what if in selecting text not one by one, but at the same time a lot of text ?

Edited by asra
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(defun c:test ( / TEXT WORD NUMBER )
  (if (setq sset (ssget '((0 . "text"))))
    (repeat (setq cnt (sslength sset))
      (setq TEXT (ssname sset (setq cnt (1- cnt))))
      (setq OBJECT (vlax-ename->vla-object TEXT))
	  (vlax-property-available-p OBJECT 'TextString)
	  (setq NUMBER (read (vla-get-TextString OBJECT ))); atof
	  (numberp NUMBER)
	(vla-put-Textstring OBJECT (rtosta NUMBER 2 0))
	)(princ "\nNUMBER please!!")
;; rtosta                     by ymg  September 2013                          ;
;;                                                                            ;
;; Arguments:   sta Real number to format as a Station                        ;
;;             unit 1 for Imperials,                                          ;
;;                  2 for Metrics.                                            ;
;;             prec Integer for number of decimals                            ;
;;                                                                            ;
;; Examples: (rtosta 0 1 0)  -> "0+00"   (rtosta 1328.325 1 2) -> "13+28.33"  ;
;;           (rtosta 0 2 0)  -> "0+000"  (rtosta 1328.325 2 2) -> "1+328.33"  ;
;;                                                                            ;
;; If sta is negative, format is as follow:                                   ;
;;                                       (rtosta -1328.325 1 2) -> "13-28.33" ;
;;                                       (rtosta -1328.325 2 2) -> "1-328.33" ;
;;                                                                            ;
(defun rtosta (sta unit prec / str a b )
    (setq str (rtos (abs sta) 2 prec))
    (while (< (strlen str) (if (= prec 0) (+ unit 2) (+ prec (+ unit 3))))
        (setq str (strcat "0" str))
    (setq a (if (= prec 0) (- (strlen str) unit) (- (strlen str) prec (+ unit 1)))
          b (substr str 1 (- a 1))
          a (substr str a)
    (strcat b (if (minusp sta) "-" "+") a)


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Just a different approach 5846.234 divide 1000 = 5.846234 the fix = 5  so add + then multiple decimal part by 1000 and add back on 5+846.234 obviously playing with numbers and strings.

Edited by BIGAL
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1 hour ago, BIGAL said:

Just a different approach 5846.234 divide 1000 = 5.846234 the fix = 5  so add + then multiple decimal part by 1000 and add back on 5+846.234 obviously playing with numbers and strings.

not quite..

Try 1.234

divide 1000 = 0.001234

fix 0 & back 0.001234 x1000 = 1.234


it should be



slightly tweak, but i ignore unit normally we use this format as decimal

(defun _rtosta (x prec / i n)
  (setq n (abs (/ x 1e3)) i (* 1e3 (- n (fix n))))
  (strcat (itoa (abs (fix n)))
    (if (minusp x) "-" "+")
      ((< i 10.) "00") ((< i 100.) "0") (t "")
          (rtos i 2 prec )

(_rtosta 1.234 3)



wishing you a Merry X'mas 🎅


p/s: my company sucks! still a working day


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