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draw left and right line segment from point


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i am sorry i need this lisp urgently , i have heavy work in my job or i fail

lisp senario attached below . i hope some body help me . this is my final requier , please 


there is an lisp file can draw equal line parts of line midell point , can make modify to get newest lisp have required sinario


ليسب رسم خط من جهتين.JPG

سيناريو رسم خط من جهتين.txt

line from midpoint.lsp

Edited by Abdulellah
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Something like this


;; 1 - pick point (core point)
;; 2 - click left or right
;; 3 - user sets distance
;; 4 - enter right factor
;; 5 - calculate dist
;; 5b - draw line
;; 6->9 - Now repeat for the other side.  Press enter for the same value
;; 10 - Repeat all

(defun drawLine (p1 p2)
 (entmakex (list (cons 0 "LINE")
                 (cons 10 p1)
                 (cons 11 p2)))

;; Draw Left Right
(defun c:dlr ( / pt_core fact dist a ang)
  ;; 10 - Repeat all
  (while T  
    ;; 1 - pick point (core point)
    (setq pt_core (getpoint "\nPick core point: "))
    ;; 2 - click left or right
    (setq a (getpoint "\nLeft or right side?  Pick a point: : "))
    (if (> (nth 0 a) (nth 0 pt_core))  ;; see if x-value is bigger or smaller
      (setq ang 0)   ;; right
      (setq ang pi)  ;; left
    ;; 3 - user sets distance
    (setq dist (getdist "\nSet distance (enter value or click 2 points): "))
    ;; 4 - enter right factor
    (setq fact (getreal "\nEnter factor: "))
    ;; 5 - calculate dist - draw line
    (drawLine pt_core (polar pt_core ang (/ dist fact) ))
    ;; 6->9 - Now repeat for the other side.
      ;; opposite angle
    (if (= 0 ang)
      (setq ang pi)
      (setq ang 0)
    (princ "\nNow the other side")
    (setq a (getdist "\nSet distance (enter value or click 2 points or press enter for the previous distance): "))
    (if a
      (setq dist a)
        ;; else the dist stays the same
    (setq a (getreal "\nEnter factor or press enter for the previous distance: "))
    (if a
      (setq fact a)
    (drawLine pt_core (polar pt_core ang (/ dist fact) ))
    (princ "\nNew lines")

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thanks bro ,  can i get .lsp file , i do not have internet connection for my pc . i use mobile browser can not test your lisp .

kinddly if you upload lisp file

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$0.02 unless I misunderstood?

why not just (setvar 'orthomode 1)

during LINE command use transparent command:  'CAL

'cal >>>> expression : 10*0.3048

or you can preset global variable (setq f 0.3048)

'cal >>>> expression : 10*f


or polarmode =1 ? @10<90d


not sure this helps? 

Edited by hanhphuc
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