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Double cranked poly line ( that help civil engineers )


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Before anything, I would like to salute Mr. Begal. 
All of my friends in the office are very pleased with the support you provided to them in the previous program.
 I hope you will provide us with a final service by writing the program shown in the picture.
 We are thankful to you.

Double cranked polyline.JPG

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Good one to have a go at writing yourself. Pick pt1 pt2 these are your base points, then using the polar command work out the other points its very straight forward.

Just wok out 1st a point above the base line with dist = cover, then left point 3 and so on.


Last is (command "pline" pt5 pt4 pt3 pt6 pt7 pt8 "")


(setq a45 (* pi 0.25))
(setq a90 (/ pi 2.0))
(setq a30 (* pi (/ 1.0 6.0)))
(setq a60 (* pi 3.0))

(setq dist (/ hordist (cos ang)) ; take horizontal distance convert to slope distance.


Writing this one yourself will make it easier to write even more rebar styles.


Edited by BIGAL
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That's the idea make a start, it really is not that hard.


(setq oldsnap (getvar 'osmode)) ; save the current osnap mode
(setq ent (entget ( car (entsel "\nPick point bottom line")))) ; pick bottom line use snap like near and mid
(setq pt1 (cdr (assoc 10 ent)))
(setq pt2 (cdr (assoc 11 ent)))
(setq ang (angle pt1 pt2)) ; angle of line
(setq len (distance pt1 pt2)) ; length of bottom line
(setq pt1 (Polar pt1 ang (/ (distance pt1 pt2) 2.0))) ; sets pt1 /2 way along 

(setvar 'osmode 128) ; set snap to perp

(setq off (getreal "\nEnter the cover")) ; enter value of concrete cover
(setq pt1 (Polar pt1 ang off) ; new point above bottom line

(setq pt2 (getpoint pt1 "\nPick point top line")) ; pick pt2
(setq dist2 (- (distance pt1 pt2) off)) ; dist between bars
(setq pt2 (Polar pt1 ang dist2)) ; point 2 at top minus cover

keep going for other points using polar and angles as per previous post



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about autodesk forum , time kill me i have large project i am designer and quantitiy survey engineer and strcture drafter engineer all thise job , i don not have time to learn auto lisp or other softwear , my job is tedious and complicated , time always kill me, i hope to appreciate this 

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3 hours ago, Abdulellah said:

...  i don not have time to learn auto lisp or other softwear , my job is tedious and complicated , time always kill me ...

More the reason to take the time to learn. 😉 This was precisely the motivator for me and now I don't have to rely on anybody else to solve my problems.

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Your being paid to do the job and people who post responses here are doing so for free, helping you to make money. The alternative if you want a fast answer you can pay for some one to do it for you. There is plenty out there who do commercial work.

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When he says "Helping you to make money" - I think BIGAL is referring to all the extra productivity you are getting from using the free lisp programs!


4 hours ago, Abdulellah said:

i will post all lisp for free

If you are posting these anywhere - we expect you to give credit to the original Author.

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