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Solution: lwpolyline node optimization algorithm.

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Posted (edited)

Why are they wrong in 1st place ? Fix that 1st 


For me a new line trim, then fillet rad=0, erase line in some cases use that line as part of new pline. A few seconds to fix. Could macro/lisp the common steps.


Break and fillet maybe.

Edited by BIGAL

I don't think this is possible without runniing some sort of slim polyline or pldiet lisp on the lines first. There are multiple vertices between between the proposed "fillets", and any lisp would have to work via some sort of distance, which could remove vertices that shouldn't be removed.


There is another way very complicated explode erase all unwanted remake plines yes now two, fillet the two with nearest ends. Lee has find ends make pline.


A lot of effort for Fix the problem in 1st place.


It was so fast to fix manually. Yeah I know but I have hundreds.

Posted (edited)

Just curious how did OP come up with these weird shapes polylines?


tested if PLDIET.lsp fuzz factor - 90%

depends on angle fuzz factor too


minimal tested

(defun c:test ( / foo v s l ls nl vp vl)
  ;c:vtrim - trim sharp vertices
  ;hanhphuc 20.11.19
  (mapcar 'set
          '(foo v)
              (cddr l)
              (cons (list (car l) (cadr l) (caddr l)) (foo (cdr l)))
            ((x) (polar '(0.0 0.0) (apply 'angle x) 1.0))
  (prompt "\nPlease select LWPolyline.. ")
  (if (setq s (ssget 
                     '((0 . "LWPOLYLINE")
                       (-4 . ">")
                       (90 . 3)
                       (-4 . "<NOT")
                       (-4 . "<>")
                       (42 . 0.0)
                       (-4 . "NOT>")
    (foreach en (vl-remove-if 'listp (mapcar 'cadr (ssnamex s))) ;(acet-ss-to-list s)
      (and (setq l  (mapcar 'cdr (vl-remove-if ''((x) (/= 10 (car x))) (entget en)))
                 ls (foo l)
                 nl (cons
                      (caar ls)
                      (append (vl-remove nil
                                         (mapcar ''((x)
                                                     (not (equal (angle (car x) (cadr x)) (apply 'angle (cdr x)) (* pi 0.25))) ; angle fuzz factor
                                                     (cadr x)
                              (list (caddr (last ls)))
           (setq vp ((lambda (l fuzz)
                         ''((x) (> (abs (distance '(0. 0.) (car x))) fuzz))
                         (mapcar ''((x) (cons (mapcar '+ (v (list (car x) (cadr x))) (v (cdr x))) x)) (foo l))
           (setq vl (mapcar ''((x) (mapcar ''((x) (vlax-curve-getDistAtPoint en x)) (cdr x))) vp))
           (foreach p l
             (if (vl-some ''((v) (< (car v) (vlax-curve-getDistAtPoint en p) (caddr v))) vl)
               (setq l (vl-remove p l))
           (entmakex (vl-list* '(0 . "LWPOLYLINE")
                               '(100 . "AcDbEntity")
                               '(100 . "AcDbPolyline")
                               '(70 . 0)
                               '(62 . 1)
                               (cons 90 (length l))
                               (mapcar ''((x) (cons 10 x)) l)
    (princ "\nOops..")


@Marco Ribar has many polyline routines perhaps has solution 




Edited by hanhphuc

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