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LISP can make you faster?


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Another CAD user on reddit/career advice suggested I learn AutoLISP to boost my speed in drawings (Engineers want more speed from me). I use a few default ones that my companies template provided but they are nothing special.


It sounds that LISP can be powerful. Where do I start learning about them? 

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Autolisp can make you a way faster. I once wrote a lisp for drawing development for sheet metal box that proved to be 150 times faster than doing it without the lisp.


Start with Afralisp.

Edited by paulmcz
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47 minutes ago, paulmcz said:

Autolisp can make you a way faster. I once wrote a lisp for drawing development for sheet metal box that proved to be 150 times faster than doing it without the lisp.


Start with Afralisp.

thanks Paul

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There is a lot at Autodesk, many are free or a couple $$. https://apps.autodesk.com/en


Sometimes LISP can speed you up, it really depends on what you do.


I still use a lot of the Express Tools, but for the most part, I do not use nearly as many as I did at some previous jobs.

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Like BIgAl says, what do you do all the time that takes more than a simple command or mouse click? Start simple and work from there - and you will learn as you go

This forum is great for advice and LISPs, often what I want has been asked before so there are ready made solutions. Another great resource is Lee Macs LISP website.


I started with 'utilities' rather than automating my work itself. For example my first one was 'Zoom All' (command line command 'ZA') which only saved typing 6 characters but.. its still quicker. The other one I use all the time is a plotting lisp, 'plota3' and off it goes, A3 plot without the dialogue box (so long as the drawing is set up OK in the first place), saves time. Worth doing I can take these anywhere with me.


After that I looked at my actual work and have a few that will automate tasks I do often. Often I will use a LISP for work more for consistency and accuracy rather than the speed boost itself (eliminating typing errors).


The 'Zoom All' LISP might be a good start, if you can type the command into the command line you can make it into a LISP really easily. Just save as a new LISP name, and change the command and away you go:


(defun c:za() ;define name of LISP, use c: to enable you to run it fromt he command line
  (command "zoom" "a") ;start with 'command' to tell it your runnign a command line LISP - and then between "" everything you type in and off you go
) ;end the LISP defnition


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  • 10 months later...
On 7/22/2019 at 4:27 AM, BIGAL said:

Just look at something you draw all the time and have a think about it, have a look at this example for a 3d table. The docx has numerous lisp examples.


Just appload "make furniture table"



Multi GETVALS.lsp 2.11 kB · 11 downloads Make furniture table.lsp 1.5 kB · 10 downloads Lisp files march 2019-3.docx 559.06 kB · 12 downloads

Hello Mr BIGAL

Your words are gem.i saw the file "Lisp files march 2019-3.docx" .where can we  find the file lisp mentioned.??

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