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Tool Palettes 2020

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I have been asked to help some one migrate their tool palettes to 2020 and was wondering if any body has had problems, some of the palettes objects work and other don't for inserting blocks. Some of the dynamic blocks are not coming in whilst others are working.


The majority are single dwgs with 1 object, there seems no reasoning from my limited testing that dwg has a block, or has the object in it. Tried it with both atc and xtp files.


Any sort of suggested rules would be handy.

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I always use xtp files exporting from the customise palettes dialogue box, I haven't made the switch yet to 2020, so no idea if this version gives errors. Certainly up to 2019 I've never had problems. An xtp file is just a text file if you make a copy and change the extension to .txt you can open it in notepad, make sure you use full screen and that you have wordwrapping set or it is just garbage, even then it is just a list of codes, but it does make sense. Look for things like file paths for your blocks and see if they match up to the actual drawing files you are expecting.

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The ATC file is a text file and I believe it's Javascript language. I always used a notepad editor like Notepad++ to batch-rename the paths when I needed to migrate Tool Palettes. 



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They are XML files but still readable if you open it a text editor. But they are more 'system' files, the export function in the customize palettes is an easier way to go for 'users' as atc files need to be loaded into the system by programming, whereas xtp files are more user friendly being imported/exported via a dialogue.

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Thanks guys the person I am helping is remote help so you dont always know if they are doing what you ask I did suggest make a XTP and try that I think it has something to do with the actual dwg being opened. Waiting for a reply from them. I made new ones no probs, edited a xtp for dwg path and both work fine. 

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