syhdesign Posted May 10, 2019 Posted May 10, 2019 Hello Dear All, I really need that lisp but no idea how to fix that script! Can anyone tell me where is the problem in that script please? I cant even find command name! Thank you & Best Regards Original Script Spot: // 1) Enable support for the BRep API in StdAfx.h #define _BREP_SUPPORT_ //- Support for the BRep API // 2) Code to retrieve the IsoLines from a surface Acad::ErrorStatus es; ads_point pt; ads_name ename; if (RTNORM != acedEntSel(L"Select a Surface", ename, pt)) return; AcDbEntity *pEnt = NULL; AcDbObjectId id; es = acdbGetObjectId(id, ename); es = acdbOpenAcDbEntity(pEnt, id, AcDb::kForWrite); AcDbSurface *pSurface = AcDbSurface::cast(pEnt); if(NULL == pSurface) { acutPrintf(ACRX_T("\nPlease select a surface.")); return; } AcDbNurbSurfaceArray nsArray; es = pSurface->convertToNurbSurface(nsArray); if(es == Acad::eOk) { if(nsArray.length() == 1) { AcDbDatabase *pDb = acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase(); AcDbBlockTable *pBlockTable = NULL; es = pDb->getBlockTable(pBlockTable, AcDb::kForRead); AcDbBlockTableRecord *pMS = NULL; es = pBlockTable->getAt( ACDB_MODEL_SPACE, pMS, AcDb::kForWrite); AcDbNurbSurface *pNS = NULL; pNS = AcDbNurbSurface::cast(; Adesk::UInt16 uIsoDensity = pSurface->uIsolineDensity(); Adesk::UInt16 vIsoDensity = pSurface->vIsolineDensity(); AcDbBody* pBody = new AcDbBody(); es = pBody->setASMBody(pSurface->getLockedASMBody()); AcBr::ErrorStatus ebs; AcBrBrep* pBrep = new AcBrBrep(); ebs = pBrep->set(*pBody); if(AcBr::eOk == ebs) { AcBrBrepFaceTraverser* pFaceTrav = new AcBrBrepFaceTraverser; ebs = pFaceTrav->setBrep(*pBrep); if(AcBr::eOk == ebs) { for(pFaceTrav->restart(); !pFaceTrav->done();pFaceTrav->next()) { AcBrFace face; ebs = pFaceTrav->getFace(face); if(AcBr::eOk == ebs) { AcGeSurface *pGeSurface; ebs = face.getSurface(pGeSurface); Adesk::Boolean isClosedInU = pGeSurface->isClosedInU(); Adesk::Boolean isClosedInV = pGeSurface->isClosedInV(); int ucMax = uIsoDensity+2; if(isClosedInU) ucMax = uIsoDensity; int vcMax = vIsoDensity+2; if(isClosedInV) vcMax = vIsoDensity; AcGeInterval intervalU, intervalV; pGeSurface->getEnvelope (intervalU, intervalV); double boundMinU = 0.0, boundMaxU = 0.0, boundMinV = 0.0, boundMaxV = 0.0; intervalU.getBounds (boundMinU, boundMaxU); intervalV.getBounds (boundMinV, boundMaxV); double paramIncrU = (boundMaxU - boundMinU) / (isClosedInU ? uIsoDensity : (uIsoDensity+1)); double paramIncrV = (boundMaxV - boundMinV) / (isClosedInV ? vIsoDensity : (vIsoDensity+1)); double paramU = boundMinU; for(int uc = 0; uc < ucMax; uc++) { double paramV = boundMinV; for(int vc = 0; vc < vcMax; vc++) { AcArray<AcDbCurve*> uIsoLines; es = pNS->getIsolineAtU( paramU, uIsoLines); if(es == Acad::eOk) { for(int cnt = 0; cnt < uIsoLines.length(); cnt++) { AcDbCurve *pCurve = uIsoLines[cnt]; pCurve->setColorIndex(1); pMS->appendAcDbEntity (pCurve); pCurve->close(); } } AcArray<AcDbCurve*> vIsoLines; es = pNS->getIsolineAtV( paramV, vIsoLines); if(es == Acad::eOk) { for(int cnt = 0; cnt < vIsoLines.length(); cnt++) { AcDbCurve *pCurve = vIsoLines[cnt]; pCurve->setColorIndex(1); pMS->appendAcDbEntity (pCurve); pCurve->close(); } } paramV += paramIncrV; } paramU += paramIncrU; } } else { acutPrintf( ACRX_T("\nSorry, BRep error.")); break; } } } else { acutPrintf(ACRX_T("\nSorry, BRep error.")); } delete pFaceTrav; } else { acutPrintf(ACRX_T("\nSorry, BRep error.")); } delete pBrep; es = pMS->close(); es = pBlockTable->close(); } else { acutPrintf(ACRX_T("\nSorry, this code cannot handle multiple Nurb surfaces yet.")); } // Cleanup for(int cnt = 0; cnt < nsArray.length(); cnt++) { AcDbNurbSurface *pNS = NULL; pNS = AcDbNurbSurface::cast(; if(pNS != NULL) { delete pNS; } } } else { acutPrintf( ACRX_T("\nSorry, could not convert to Nurb surface.")); } pSurface->close(); Quote
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