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AutoCAD LT feature missing?


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Lenovo ThinkPad P50
Intel Core i7-6820HQ
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
NVIDIA Quadro M2000M
GPU Driver: (have also tried driver "R415 U2" and "418 U3.")
P.162.0.0 AutoCAD LT 2019.1.2


I'd used AutoCAD LT from appx 1995 until 2000, then switched to full AutoCAD.  About 5-6 years ago, I started at a new company that used an AutoCAD clone, but after a long history of bad support, they've switched everyone to AutoCAD LT.  I'm not sure what happened to a specific feature that used to be in AutoCAD, but asking about it on AutoDesk's site resulted in the question being deleted, and my account being 'archived' and locked when I started asking why the question was deleted.  I don't know if I asked about a taboo subject, or if I inadvertently broke some rule or guideline (I made certain to review their policies/guidelines prior to asking, so I really don't know what I did to hack them off.)  Apologies if this is a forbidden question!



A customer has provided us with drawing templates to be used for all drawings we provide them.  I am trying to copy everything from one drawing to another drawing that includes the title block.  I've also tried copying the title block to the initial drawing.

There used to be a feature in AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT that was very useful in a case like this, but appears to be missing on the newer version.  At one time, for selecting multiple geometry, one simply had to click and drag to create a rectangle on screen; depending on how the rectangle was drawn, different elements would be selected.  e.g. If the rectangle was drawn by clicking and dragging to the right, then everything contained within the rectangle would be selected.  If it was drawn by clicking and dragging to the left, then not only everything contained within the rectangle would be selected, but also every element which touched the selection rectangle would be selected as well.

The newest version of AutoCAD LT is not drawing a rectangle, but rather a diagonal line.  The commandline indicates I can press the spacebar for options, but the only thing that the space bar does is cycle the diagonal linetype from solid to dashed, then to a different dashed, then back to solid. No rectangle.

I should point out that our previous CAD system was having issues prior to installing AutoCAD LT... I could not select any geometry on any drawings, even brand new drawings that were simply a circle.  They had me switch video drivers multiple times, then passed it off to a total of three additional people, then they just gave up.


I'm doing my best to make certain not to mention any companies by name or knowingly touch on any touchy subjects, so apologies if I have said something offensive, it is truly not my intention.

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Instead of clicking and dragging which activates the new lasso selection feature, use two clicks to draw your rectangle. Click once and release to start. Move cursor to other corner, click and release again to finish selection window.

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There are two system variables which control selection windowing.


The first is PICKAUTO which should be set to 1 to enable automatic windowing.


The other is PICKDRAG which when set to 0 draws the selection window by clicking at each corner in turn, and when set to 1, the window is drawn by clicking at one corner, holding the button down and dragging to the other corner and releasing the button.

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