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Creating multiple viewports issue


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This subroutine can create ONE rectangular viewport (as a part of other main routine)

(Defun VportRET (/ Ang Diag Pt1 Pt2 Pt2Lay Ptmed)
(setvar "clayer" LayFIN)
(setq Pt1 (getpoint "\nSpecify first window corner: "))
(setq Pt2 (getcorner pt1 "\nSpecify opposite corner: "))
(setq Ang (angle pt1 pt2))
(setq Diag (distance pt1 pt2))
(setq PtMed (polar Pt1 Ang (/ Diag 2)))
(setvar "CTAB" Lay)
(if (/= 1 (getvar "cvport"))(command "_.Pspace"))
  (if (/= SCA "Add")
        (setq Pt2Lay (polar '(0 0) Ang (* Diag (atof FattZoom))))
        (command "_.dragmode" "_auto")
        (setvar "osmode" 0)
        (command "_.-vports" "0,0" Pt2Lay)
        (setq Ent (entget (entlast)))
        (setq Entname (cdr (assoc -1 Ent)))
        (setq NumVP (cdr (assoc 69 Ent)))
        (command "_.zoom" "_w" "0,0" Pt2Lay)
        (command "_.mspace")
        (setvar "cvport" NumVP)
        (command "_.zoom" "_c" Ptmed ScXP)
        (command "_.pspace")
        (Command "zoom" "_all")
        (setvar "osmode" oldsnap)
        (princ "\nSpecify insertion point of viewport in Layout: ")(princ)
        (command "_.move" Entname "" "0,0" pause )
        (command "_.mview" "_l" "_on" Entname "")
  (if (= SCA "Add")
        (setq Wc1 (getpoint "\nSpecify first window corner: "))
        (princ "\nSpecify opposite corner: ")
        (command "_.-vports" Wc1 pause)
        (setq Ent (entget (entlast)))
        (setq Entname (cdr (assoc -1 Ent)))
        (setq NumVP (cdr (assoc 69 Ent)))
        (command "_.mspace")
        (setvar "cvport" NumVP)
        (command "_.zoom" "_w" Pt1 Pt2)
        (command "_.pspace")
        (Command "zoom" "_all")
        (command "_.mview" "_l" "_on" Entname "")
        (setq WriteScala "0")

 need to add option to create multiple viewports (more than one) depend of number given by user like it shown in a different subroutine (also a part of other main routine)


                 (setq lpno 2) ; Loop counter for making separate viewports
                  (setq vpno (getint "\nNumber of separate viewports to make from this viewport <1>: ")) ; Will divide single viewport into separate viewports for othagonal views of 2D part
                  (if (>= vpno 2) ; Proceed to copy current viewport if 2 or more separate viewports desired
                      (while (<= lpno vpno) ; Check if viewport loop counter less than number of viewports desired
                        (command "copy" ssvp "" "0,0" "@0,0") ; Make copy of new viewport laying exactly on top of first viewport
                        (setq lpno (1+ lpno)) ; Increment viewport loop counter
			(ssadd (entlast) ssvp1) ; Add viewport copy to selection set
                  (setq ssnum 0) ; Loop counter for fine-tuning separate viewports
                  (while (< ssnum (sslength ssvp1)) ; Opportunity to fine-tune each separate viewport border
		    (setq vpent (ssname ssvp1 ssnum)) ; Get entity name of next viewport in selection set
		    (if (>= vpno 2) ; Check for multiple viewports
		      (setq clt (strcat " #" (rtos (+ ssnum 1) 2 0))) ; Make command prompt string if using multiple viewports
		      (setq clt "") ; Make command prompt string if using single viewport
                    (initget 128) ; Enable string responses from point prompt
(setvar "osmode" 32)
		    (setq nvpc1 (getpoint (strcat "\nSpecify first corner of viewport" clt " window area: "))) ; Pick actual part corner, program will apply offset
		    (if nvpc1 ; Will repeat asking for first corner if none specified
			    (setq nvpc2 (getcorner nvpc1 (strcat "\nSpecify opposite corner of viewport" clt " window area: "))) ; Window rectangle can be designated in any direction, pick actual part corner, program will apply offset
			    (if nvpc2 ; Will repeat asking for first corner if none specified
                                (setq nvpc1x (car nvpc1)) ; Find X portion of first corner
                                (setq nvpc1y (cadr nvpc1)) ; Find Y portion of first corner
	                        (setq nvpc2x (car nvpc2)) ; Find X portion of second corner
                                (setq nvpc2y (cadr nvpc2)) ; Find Y portion of second corner
			        (if (> nvpc2x nvpc1x) ; Determine horizontal direction of viewport window rectangle
			            (setq nvpc2x (+ nvpc2x ofs)) ; Add horizontal offset to right of specified left-to-right window rectangle
			            (setq nvpc1x (- nvpc1x ofs)) ; Add horizontal offset to left of specified left-to-right window rectangle
  			            (setq nvpc2x (- nvpc2x ofs)) ; Add horizontal offset to left of specified right-to-left window rectangle
			            (setq nvpc1x (+ nvpc1x ofs)) ; Add horizontal offset to right of specified right-to-left window rectangle
			        (if (> nvpc2y nvpc1y) ; Determine vertical direction of viewport window rectangle
			            (setq nvpc2y (+ nvpc2y ofs)) ; Add vertical offset to top of specified lower-to-upper window rectangle
			            (setq nvpc1y (- nvpc1y ofs)) ; Add vertical offset to bottom of specified lower-to-upper window rectangle
			            (setq nvpc2y (- nvpc2y ofs)) ; Add vertical offset to bottom of specified upper-to-lower window rectangle
			            (setq nvpc1y (+ nvpc1y ofs)) ; Add vertical offset to top of specified upper-to-lower window rectangle
			        (setvar "osmode" 0) ; Turn osnap off
			        (command "rectang" (list nvpc1x nvpc1y) (list nvpc2x nvpc2y)) ; Make rectangle with offset to clip existing viewport
			        (setvar "osmode" 2559) ; Turn osnap on
			        (setq ssvp (ssget "L")) ; Select last rectange
			        (command "vpclip" vpent ssvp) ; Clip existing viewport to rectangle
                                (command "vpclip" ssvp "d" ) ; Convert Polygonal Vport to Rectangular
			        (setq ssnum (1+ ssnum)) ; Increment fine-tuned viewport loop counter

On this stage It's very complicated for me to do it because of different combinations of variables in these 2 subroutines


Can somebody help me to do it and add necessary addition to the first subroutine?

Any help will be very appreciated  

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