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Read file .txt from the Internet and assign the variable text from this file

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Posted (edited)

Hello everyone!
Found a code on the forum:

(defun readwwwtxt ( / obj rtn )
        (if (setq obj (vlax-get-or-create-object "winhttp.winhttprequest.5.1"))
                (setq rtn
                            (lambda ( )
                                (vlax-invoke-method obj 'open "GET"
                                (vlax-invoke-method obj 'send)
                                (vlax-get-property  obj 'responsebody)
                (vlax-release-object obj)
                (if (vl-catch-all-error-p rtn)
                    (princ (vl-catch-all-error-message rtn))
                            (mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (lsh (lsh x 24) -24))
                                (vlax-safearray->list (vlax-variant-value rtn))


This program reads the contents of a text file from the Internet and writes to the command line.

Specifically, in this case, it is written to the command line: Test file.

Please tell me how I can assign the result of the program to a variable?

Tried to do just:

(setq simple_variable (readwwwtxt))

But I did not work. 

Edited by dilan
Posted (edited)

hi,simply remove the last




which suppressed the rtn value

Edited by hanhphuc
  • Thanks 1
  On 10/20/2018 at 10:30 AM, hanhphuc said:

hi,simply remove the last




which suppressed the rtn value


thank you

Posted (edited)

Here is the original code for my function:



Here is another implementation of the method:



And here is the likely source of where you found the code in your post:


Edited by Lee Mac
  • Thanks 2
  On 10/20/2018 at 1:01 PM, Lee Mac said:

Here is the original code for my function:




Thank you Lee! Do you know is it possible to access the HTML DOM ?



  On 10/20/2018 at 1:01 PM, Lee Mac said:

Here is another implementation of the method:



And here is the likely source of where you found the code in your post:




I've found these too, because OP didn't mentioned the source. 🕵️‍♂️

  • Thanks 1

One more question, how to check from lisp internet connection ?

Posted (edited)


  On 10/20/2018 at 10:30 PM, dilan said:

One more question, how to check from lisp internet connection ?



I learned a bit 'ipconfig' & 'ping' from telco technician during troubleshoot. eg: ping etc..

my attempt not an elegant way, simply uses windows 'command' ping'ing  IP address merely checking for connection




ping /?

Usage: ping [-t] [-a] [-n count] [-l size] [-f] [-i TTL] [-v TOS]
            [-r count] [-s count] [[-j host-list] | [-k host-list]]
            [-w timeout] [-R] [-S srcaddr] [-c compartment] [-p]
            [-4] [-6] target_name



i.e:  test count = 4

(defun c:ping (/ fn str ret i f )
    (strcat "\nConnection is "
	    (if	(and (setq fn (strcat (getvar 'tempprefix) "ping.txt"))
		     (vl-cmdf "_.shell" (strcat "ping www. -n 4 > " fn))
		     (progn (alert "\nChecking internet.. \nOK to continue.") (findfile fn))
		     (setq f (open fn "r"))
		     (progn (while (setq str (read-line f))
			      (if (wcmatch str "*#%*")
				(setq ret str)
			    (if	f
			      (close f)
		     (setq i (mapcar ''((a b) (+ a (vl-string-search b ret))) '(2 1) '("(" "%")))
		     (zerop (read (substr ret (car i) (apply '- (reverse i)))))



Edited by hanhphuc
sym f localized, ping /? info
  On 10/20/2018 at 10:30 PM, dilan said:

One more question, how to check from lisp internet connection ?



Just browse on google:  Is internet connection available

Although makes me thing if the readwwtxt returns nil,

wouldn't that mean that either the txt file cannont be accessed, or theres no internet connection?

  • Thanks 1

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