Raja_Shahbaz Posted January 5, 2017 Posted January 5, 2017 Yes i want this lisp because i give the co-ordinate the surveyors for stake out...so give me your lisp file and tell me how i use it and take coordinate from autocad to excel Quote
Monica Lola Posted January 9, 2017 Posted January 9, 2017 Just GREAT use this succesfuly. Thanks Quote
rl6662 Posted February 24, 2017 Posted February 24, 2017 Dear Sir, I like the lisp used for exporting coordinate X,Y,Z. Do possible to change the Elevation Z to Length of the Drawing, and remain output of Coordinate X and Y? Quote
Munawar Posted July 1, 2017 Posted July 1, 2017 VVA said: stevesfrwhat version MS OFFICE do you use ? (I did not test with Office 2007) In any case I have a little changed programs. Now it is possible to keep in a text file csv or txt a format. If option Excell does not work, try option Text file (csv a format) and to answer "YES" inquiry "Open text file? [Yes/No] :" Commands: COOR - export of coordinates COORN-export of coordinates with numbering. Numbers of points are drawn by the text on the current layer, the current style, current height (TEXTSIZE) COORT-export of coordinates with numbering where number considers the text nearest to a point CoorNP-Coordinates + Numbers + Points. Draw points with current value of PDMODE and PDSIZE COORNB - CoorNB-Coordinates + Block (Numbers + Points) ... Rev9 - 2014-05-05 Settings (export XYZ YXZ; round) HI, My friend i need ur help when i use CoorNP command and try to save it in text file there is comma "," missing in between Numbers E N Z Quote
shobo2006 Posted November 5, 2017 Posted November 5, 2017 it worked just fine until suddenly giving me this when i run and select a polyline Quote Select objects: ; error: no function definition: nil any thoughts on how to make it work Quote
Phoenix-Fire Posted March 9, 2018 Posted March 9, 2018 Hi, I have used this LISP Routine with great success, however im running into a problem when working in a UCS. The coordinates output in the current UCS which is what i want, but the text is drawn in the world system. Which means i have to move the text and rotate it back to the ccorrect position. Is this something i am doing wrong or is there a Workaround for this? Quote
JuniorNogueira Posted March 9, 2018 Posted March 9, 2018 (defun c:Test0008 (/ p1 oFile sFile tmp Separator i ;|Functions|; GetFormatFile aux:SelectFile grdx ) ;;_________________________________________________ (defun GetFormatFile (/ lsts) (or *Format* (setq *Format* "csv")) (setq lsts '(("csv" ";" "[<Csv>/Txt/Xls]") ("txt" " " "[Csv/<Txt>/Xls]") ("xls" "\t" "[Csv/Txt/<Xls>]"))) (setq mens (last (assoc *Format* lsts))) (initget "Csv Txt Xls _csv txt xls") (if (setq tmp (getkword (strcat "\nFormat file;" mens ": "))) (setq *Format* tmp) ) (setq Separator (cadr (assoc *Format* lsts))) ) ;;_________________________________________________ (defun aux:SelectFile ( Extension / ff) (if (setq ff (getfiled "Select File" (if *TmpRutaFile* *TmpRutaFile* "") Extension 1)) (setq *TmpRutaFile* (strcat (vl-filename-directory ff) "\\")) );c.if ff );c.defun ;;_________________________________________________ ; grdx - graphic cross utility (defun grdx (p col size / h) (setq h (/ (getvar "viewsize") size)) (grdraw (list (- (car p) h) (- (cadr p) h)) (list (+ (car p) h) (+ (cadr p) h)) col 0) (grdraw (list (- (car p) h) (+ (cadr p) h)) (list (+ (car p) h) (- (cadr p) h)) col 0) p );c.defun ;;--------------------- MAIN ----------------- (or *Prec* (setq *Prec* 4)) (setq p1 (getpoint "\nPick first point: ")) (while p1 (grdX p1 213 125) (setq lstFile (cons p1 lstFile)) (setq p1 (getpoint " >> Pick Next point: ")) ) (cond (lstFile (initget (+ 4)) (if (setq tmp (getint (strcat "\nPrecisión;<" (itoa *Prec*) ">: "))) (setq *Prec* tmp) ) (GetFormatFile) (setq sFile (aux:SelectFile *Format*)) (cond (sFile (setq i 1) (setq oFile (open sFile "w")) (write-line "COORDINATES OF POINTS" oFile) (write-line (strcat "#" Separator "X" Separator "Y" Separator "Z") oFile) (mapcar (function (lambda (pt) (write-line (strcat (itoa i) Separator (rtos (car pt) 2 *Prec*) Separator (rtos (cadr pt) 2 *Prec*) Separator (rtos (last pt) 2 *Prec*) ) oFile) (setq i (1+ i)) ) ) lstFile );c.mapcar (close oFile) (alert (strcat "File: \n\n[" sFile "]\n\nhas been created.")) ;;(startAPP (strcat "notepad.exe " sFile)) (command "shell" (strcat "start " sFile)) ) ) ) );c.cond (princ) ) (princ) Quote
leo321 Posted June 12, 2021 Posted June 12, 2021 Hi Guys I come to ask for an adaptation in a table, I will post the images and attachment to better understand, I'm grateful for help. MODEL WORK.dwgFetching info... R5 tabord3.lspFetching info... Quote
leo321 Posted June 12, 2021 Posted June 12, 2021 (edited) MODEL WORK.dwgFetching info... R5 tabord3.lspFetching info... Hi Guys I come to ask for an adaptation in a table, I will post the images and attachment to better understand, I'm grateful for help. As this is important to me, I will make a donation of 20 U$ for those who can, as thanks for the help. bye Edited June 12, 2021 by leo321 edit text Quote
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