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Lisp: coordinates of points to excel sheet (+point number)

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Hey dude,


Give this a shot:


(defun c:pExt (/ *error* acc doc spc ent tmp file pt)

 (setq acc 2)  ;; Accuracy

 (defun *error* (msg)
   (if doc (vla-EndUndoMark doc))
   (if (not (wcmatch (strcase msg) "*BREAK,*CANCEL*,*EXIT*"))
     (princ (strcat "\n** Error: " msg " **")))

 (setq doc (vla-get-ActiveDocument
       spc (if (zerop (vla-get-activespace doc))
             (if (= (vla-get-mspace doc) :vlax-true)
               (vla-get-modelspace doc)
               (vla-get-paperspace doc))
             (vla-get-modelspace doc)))
     (setq ent (car (entsel "\nSelect Polyline: ")))
     (cond (  (eq 'ENAME (type ent))
              (if (not
                        (cdr (assoc 0 (entget ent)))) "*POLYLINE"))
                (princ "\n** Invalid Object Selected **")))
           (t (princ "\n** Nothing Selected **")))))  

 (or *def* (setq *def* 2.0))
 (initget 6)
 (and (setq tmp
          (strcat "\nSpecify Interval for Measurement <"
                  (vl-princ-to-string *def*) "> : ")))
      (setq *def* tmp))

 (if (setq file (getfiled "Select Output File" (cond (*out) ("")) "txt;csv" 9))
     (vla-StartUndoMark doc)      

     (setq *out file file (open file "a") i -1)
     (write-line (delim '("X" "Y" "Z") 9) file)
     (while (setq pt (vlax-curve-getPointatDist ent (* (setq i (1+ i)) *def*)))
       (vla-AddPoint spc (vlax-3D-point pt))
       (write-line (delim (mapcar
                              (lambda (x)
                                (rtos x 2 acc))) pt) 9) file))
     (close file)
     (vla-EndUndoMark doc))
   (princ "\n*Cancel*"))

(defun delim (lst chc / x y)
 (setq x (car lst))
 (foreach y (cdr lst)
   (setq x (strcat x (chr chc) y)))

  • 2 months later...


i have many blocks in autocad file, i want to import xyz of any block to an Excel file. i dont know to use CoorN som one tell me step by step please

  • 2 weeks later...
  VVA said:

you use what version MS OFFICE? (I did not test with Office 2007)

In any case I have a little changed programs. Now it is possible to keep in a text file csv or txt a format.


If option Excell does not work, try option Text file (csv a format) and to answer "YES" inquiry "Open text file? [Yes/No] :"



COOR - export of coordinates

COORN-export of coordinates with numbering. Numbers of points are drawn by the text on the current layer, the current style, current height (TEXTSIZE)

COORT-export of coordinates with numbering where number considers the text nearest to a point

CoorNP-Coordinates + Numbers + Points. Draw points with current value of PDMODE and PDSIZE

**ADD 2009-12-16 **

EcoorE.lsp - lisp file without russian text


PS especially it was not tested, mistakes are possible

PPS and one was found

EcoorE.lsp works perfect on my machine ,it is really a good LISP file.

  • 5 months later...
  VVA said:

you use what version MS OFFICE? (I did not test with Office 2007)

In any case I have a little changed programs. Now it is possible to keep in a text file csv or txt a format.


If option Excell does not work, try option Text file (csv a format) and to answer "YES" inquiry "Open text file? [Yes/No] :"



COOR - export of coordinates

COORN-export of coordinates with numbering. Numbers of points are drawn by the text on the current layer, the current style, current height (TEXTSIZE)

COORT-export of coordinates with numbering where number considers the text nearest to a point

CoorNP-Coordinates + Numbers + Points. Draw points with current value of PDMODE and PDSIZE

**ADD 2009-12-16 **

EcoorE.lsp - lisp file without russian text


PS especially it was not tested, mistakes are possible

PPS and one was found


this is great, but could you amend this as to put a leader to the point and then the number and if possible the number with S in front of it eg S1, S2 etc


Many thanks


Using Autocad 2010


Lee Mac

this is great, but could you amend this as to put a leader to the point and then the number and if possible the number with S in front of it eg S1, S2 etc


Many thanks


Using Autocad 2010


Dear VVa


want one help from you want extract xyz and rotation angel of blocks on polyline is their any lisp? and one more thing i tried with coorn in that i can extract xyz but cant extract rotation angel plz help me

  • 6 months later...
  VVA said:

you use what version MS OFFICE? (I did not test with Office 2007)

In any case I have a little changed programs. Now it is possible to keep in a text file csv or txt a format.


If option Excell does not work, try option Text file (csv a format) and to answer "YES" inquiry "Open text file? [Yes/No] :"



COOR - export of coordinates

COORN-export of coordinates with numbering. Numbers of points are drawn by the text on the current layer, the current style, current height (TEXTSIZE)

COORT-export of coordinates with numbering where number considers the text nearest to a point

CoorNP-Coordinates + Numbers + Points. Draw points with current value of PDMODE and PDSIZE

**ADD 2009-12-16 **

EcoorE.lsp - lisp file without russian text


PS especially it was not tested, mistakes are possible

PPS and one was found



How If I want to Extport Dimension of an autocad object to excels? (sorry, my english not good)....



Irawanaja, my English is not good too.

And accordingly I did not understand.

What do you mean when you say Dimension?

AutoCAD Dimension object 46f18fb24fb1.jpg or a length of object, such as line, or polyline?


Tanks to your time Geobuilder, i mean length of object and the text of the object and i want to sort all to excels, like this image



ScreenHunter_02 Jan. 02 10.13.gif

Posted (edited)

1. The figure shows a polyline or lines ?

2. Marked text will always be in the middle of segment?

Edited by VVA
  • 4 months later...
Posted (edited)

Can ECoorE.lsp be made to do Midpoints as well as Endpoints???

And also to include Z co-ordinates along with the XY co-ords???

Edited by kcrawford

Where are the Coor, CoorN and CoorNP commands?


the figure shows as polylines and / or lines (both) and the marker texts does not always in the middle of segment, i want to use the marker texts as sign where the lines / p. line if the dimension exsported to ms excels. tks

  • 3 months later...

Thank you for the lisps - I work in Acad 2000 and they did the job. Great!

  • 3 weeks later...

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