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Posted (edited)

Hi guys,



Since CADTutor transitioned from vBulletin to the new Invision forum software,

BBCode (e.g. color tags) are no longer permitted within code blocks and are consequently now displayed as part of the code itself



i.e: previous codes with formatted BBcode tags became messy & erroneous!



erroneous code copied from forum

(setq [b] [color="blue"] pl [/color][/b]'((10. 50.)(20. 50.)(30. 50.)(40. 50.)(50. 50.))[color="green"]; point list[/color]
ss ([color="blue"] ssget [/color]
 (append ([color="blue"] [b]vl-list*[/b] [/color] '(0 . [color="purple"]  "CIRCLE,TEXT,INSERT" [/color] ) [color="green"]; filter [/color]
	    '(-4 . "<OR")(apply 'append (mapcar ''((x) (list '(-4 . [color="purple"] "=,=,*"  [/color]  ) (cons 10 x))) [b] pl [/b])) ) 
  '((-4 . "OR>"))

After BB codes removed which contents within the brackets "[" "]".

(setq   pl '((10. 50.)(20. 50.)(30. 50.)(40. 50.)(50. 50.)); point list
ss ( ssget 
 (append ( vl-list*  '(0 .   "CIRCLE,TEXT,INSERT"  ) ; filter 
	    '(-4 . "<OR")(apply 'append (mapcar ''((x) (list '(-4 .  "=,=,*"    ) (cons 10 x)))  pl )) ) 
  '((-4 . "OR>"))


ATM i could only edit for single post using this simple code merely remove contents within the brackets "[" "]".  Hope this help?

here's is very basic idea with minimal error handling. you can put addition ideas in cond etc..



(defun c:forum (/ cbdata *error* $ fn fi fo l) ; example: [B] hanhphuc [/B] [Color=blue] defun [/color]
;; command: forum or command: BBCU (abbreviation of BBCode Unformat) - hanhphuc
;; babe see you

(defun *error* (msg) (if fi (close fi)))
(defun cbdata (/ cb html) ;optimized hp
   (setq cb (vl-catch-all-apply
		 (list ((lambda	(doc)
			  (foreach x '(parentwindow clipboarddata)
			    (setq doc (vlax-get doc x))
			 (setq html (vlax-create-object "htmlfile"))
     (vlax-release-object html)
     (if (not (vl-catch-all-error-p cb) ) cb )
  (and (setq fn	(strcat (getvar 'tempprefix) "tmp.txt")
		     fi	(open fn "w")
       (setq $ (cbdata))
       (write-line $ fi)
       (progn (close fi)

       (setq fi (open fn "r")))
       (while (setq $ (read-char fi)) (setq l (cons $ l)))
       (progn (if fi
		(close fi)
	      (setq fn (strcat (getvar 'tempprefix) "cadtutor.lsp"))
	      (setq fo (open fn "w"))
       (foreach	x (vl-remove-if
		    '(lambda ( x )(or (listp x) (> x 191 )))
		    (read (strcat "("
				  (apply 'strcat
					 (mapcar '(lambda (x)
						      (numberp x)
						       ((= 91 x) "(")
						       ((= 93 x) ")")
						       (t (itoa x))
						     " "
						 (reverse l)
	 (write-char x fo)
       (progn (if fo
		(close fo)
	      (findfile fn)

       (vl-cmdf "_.SHELL" (strcat "CLIP < " fn ))
       (alert "[BBCode Tags] removed! Try [Ctrl^C] in the forum!")

(defun c:BBCU () (c:forum)(princ))



1.save the above lisp, save in your valid path. APPLOAD in ACAD active drawing.
2.copy any 'infected' codes from forum
3.load this "forum.lsp" invoke --> command: BBCU or command: forum
4. simply paste it back to forum active editor (for coders - if you wanna to modify your previous code)

    for user - paste it to notepad etc.. save your file as '*.lsp' extension. e.g: 'cadtutor.lsp' 



Any ideas for multiple editing? RegEx ? 

Here's another alternative removing color tags using Notepad++ by Lee Mac


Edited by hanhphuc
Code updated with clipboard function, lambda new comments
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Hi hanhphuc

Here is my program to reform the AutoLISP codes regardless of the file format if it is .lsp or .txt :)


  • Thanks 1
4 hours ago, Tharwat said:

Hi hanhphuc

Here is my program to reform the AutoLISP codes regardless of the file format if it is .lsp or .txt :)



as usual Tharwat another way to skin the cat :)

It maybe difficult for them (novice or anyone knows nothing/little about Lisp) to debug or unformat these old forum codes.

Hope this thread helps members who maybe have copied 'formated' codes from this forum.


since my simple methodology is just to remove brackets "[ ]" , the hiccup if brackets in the prompt string example: 

(getkword "Enter [Yes/No] ? <Y> : ")

i follow your idea to save output as lisp :)


Posted (edited)

I had the same thought as hanhphuc since the forum updates, about the "old" forum code tags.

However didn't had enough time to practice, but now managed to get some.

So this is a variation of Lee's stripcomments that uses regex (I had a hard time to figure out the regex pattern) :


; (StripForumCodeTags (getfiled "Specify LISP file" (strcat (getenv "userprofile") "\\Desktop\\") "lsp" 16))
; StripForumCodeTags is a variation routine of the "stripcomments" one by Lee Mac https://www.theswamp.org/index.php?topic=53746.30  (Get rid of comments)
(defun StripForumCodeTags ( lsp / des rgx rtn str tmp )
  (if (and (eq 'STR (type lsp)) (setq des (open lsp "r")))
      (while (setq str (read-line des)) (setq tmp (vl-list* "\n" str tmp))) (close des)
        ( (null (setq rgx (vlax-create-object "vbscript.regexp"))) (prompt "\nUnable to interface with RegEx object.") )
            (setq rtn
                  (lambda ( )
                    (foreach x '(Global Multiline Ignorecase)
                      (vlax-put-property rgx x acTrue)
                    ); foreach
                    (vlax-put-property rgx 'pattern
                      (strcat ;  \[\s*\w*\s*=\s*"\s*\w*\s*"\s*\]|\[\s*/*\s*[a-z]\s*\]|\[\s*/*\s*\w*\s*\]
                        "|" "\\[\\s*\/*\\s*[a-z]\\s*\\]"
                        "|" "\\[\\s*\/*\\s*\\w*\\s*\\]"
                      ); strcat
                    ); vlax-put-property
                    (vlax-invoke rgx 'replace (apply 'strcat (reverse tmp)) "")
          (prompt (strcat "\nError: " (vl-catch-all-error-message rtn)))
        ( (princ rtn) )
    (princ "\nUnable to read the file.")
  (and (eq 'VLA-OBJECT (type rgx)) (vl-catch-all-apply (function vlax-release-object) (list rgx)))
); defun StripForumCodeTags


And a sample code that I tested:

(defun [b][i][u]C:SampleCode[/b][/i][/u] ( / str SS i e o )
  ; unformat forum code tags, example
  ; [I][u][B] Grrr [/B][/u][ / I ] [ color = " blue " ] sample defun [ / color ]
  ([ color = " blue " ]cond[ / color ] 
    ( (not (setq str (getstring [ color = " purple " ]"\nSpecify a string: "[ / color ]))) (prompt "\nBye") )
    ( (= "" str) (prompt "\nBYE!") )
    ( (setq SS (ssget [color="purple"]"_:L-I"[/color] '(0 . "*TEXT")))
      (repeat (setq i (sslength SS))
          (setq e (ssname SS (setq i (1- i))))
          (setq o (vlax-ename->vla-object e))
          (if (vlax-property-available-p o 'TextString) (vlax-put-property o 'TextString str))
        )[color="green"]; and [/color]
      )[color="green"]; repeat [/color]
    )[  color = "green" ]; setq SS [/color]
  )[ color = "green"  ]; cond [/  color  ]
)[ color =  "green" ]; defun [B][I][U]C:SampleCode[/B][/I][/U] [  /  color  ]
[ color = " blue " ] [color="green"]

[ attribute = " value " ] ; something [attribute="value"]
[ font = " arial " ] [font="arial"] 
[ color = " blue " ] [color="green"]
[/color] [  /  color  ]
[/whatever] [  /  whatever  ]
[b][i][u] [ / i ] [ / u ] [ / b ]
[a] [ a ] [k] [ k ] [ / a ] [ / k ]
[ ] [ / ]

that will yield result of:

(defun C:SampleCode ( / str SS i e o )
  ; unformat forum code tags, example
  ;  Grrr   sample defun 
    ( (not (setq str (getstring "\nSpecify a string: "))) (prompt "\nBye") )
    ( (= "" str) (prompt "\nBYE!") )
    ( (setq SS (ssget "_:L-I" '(0 . "*TEXT")))
      (repeat (setq i (sslength SS))
          (setq e (ssname SS (setq i (1- i))))
          (setq o (vlax-ename->vla-object e))
          (if (vlax-property-available-p o 'TextString) (vlax-put-property o 'TextString str))
        ); and 
      ); repeat 
    ); setq SS 
  ); cond 
); defun C:SampleCode 

 ; something 

So you can get an idea of what "stuff" it gets rid off..

NOTE that one must be careful with the square brackets in his .lsp code, that are usually used within ssget/wcmatch patterns or regex (inception). :lol:


Cheers! :beer:

Edited by Grrr
  • Like 2

Thanks for the work guys. We have noticed a few problems with code in moving to the new forum. It didn't help that there was a bug in the code translation programme 🙄 But there has also been a character set translation from Latin1 to UTF-8. As you may know, UTF-8 is the new (actually not so new) universal character set standard on the Web. So at least we are now operating with a modern, universal character set. It's difficult to predict what sort of issues this may have thrown up so it's a good policy always to check any old scripts before you use them or recommend them to novices.


I've pinned this topic as it will be useful in the future. 👍

  • Thanks 3
  • CADTutor pinned this topic
Posted (edited)
On 9/25/2018 at 10:14 PM, Grrr said:


NOTE that one must be careful with the square brackets in his .lsp code, that are usually used within ssget/wcmatch patterns or regex (inception). 



(defun StripForumCodeTags ...


My 'listp' fix limitation brackets must be 'paired' otherwise error missing or extra parentheses.

@Grrr thanks, RegEx literally fixes regardless brackets not paired.


another issue is to fix missing fuzz '1e-8)' due to the new code tags do not support smiley '8)'  or '8 )' ?

Append '1e' with '-7)'  or '-9)'


Cheers 🍻



Edited by hanhphuc
Posted (edited)

[BBC] 2 <HTML>


Hey guys,

I had fun today, while assembling this:


(defun C:BBC2HTML nil
  (BBC2HTML (getfiled "Specify LISP file" (strcat (getenv "userprofile") "\\Desktop\\TestFolder\\") "bbc;lsp;txt" 16))
); defun C:BBC2HTML

; https://www.cadtutor.net/forum/topic/66065-new-forum-code-tags/
; <!-- BBC 2 HTML, assembled by Grrr, credits to Lee Mac -->
; Substitutes [color="???"][/color] [b][i][u] BBC tags with html ones
; and then it creates an unique .html file and opens it
; NOTE: one still has to be careful and must check where he did used square brackets for his lisp code [] ! - are usually used within ssget/wcmatch patterns or regex 
; 'src' - filepath that contains a BBC-formatted code
(defun BBC2HTML ( src / des rgx rtn str tmp r )
  (if (and (eq 'STR (type src)) (setq des (open src "r")))
      (while (setq str (read-line des)) (setq tmp (vl-list* "\n" str tmp))) (close des)
        ( (null (setq rgx (vlax-create-object "vbscript.regexp"))) (prompt "\nUnable to interface with RegEx object.") )
            (setq rtn
                  (lambda ( )
                    (foreach x '(Global Multiline Ignorecase)
                      (vlax-put-property rgx x acTrue)
                    ); foreach
                    (setq tmp (apply 'strcat (reverse tmp)))
                    (foreach x
                        ("<" . "&lt")
                        (">" . "&gt")
                        ("\\[\\s*\/*\\s*(color)\\s*\\]" . "<\/font>")
                        ("\\[\\s*(color)\\s*=\\s*\"" . "<font color=\"")
                        ("\"\\s*\\]" . "\">")
                        ("\\[\\s*b\\s*\\]" . "<b>")
                        ("\\[\\s*i\\s*\\]" . "<i>")
                        ("\\[\\s*u\\s*\\]" . "<u>")
                        ("\\[\\s*\/\\s*b\\s*\\]" . "<\/b>")
                        ("\\[\\s*\/\\s*i\\s*\\]" . "<\/i>")
                        ("\\[\\s*\/\\s*u\\s*\\]" . "<\/u>")
                        ("\\[\\s*\/*(code)\\s*\\]" . "")("\\[\\s*(color)\\s*=\\s*" . "<font color=") ("\\s*\\]" . ">") ; for David Bethel's lsp2bbc
                      (vlax-put-property rgx 'Pattern (car x))
                      (setq tmp (vlax-invoke-method rgx 'Replace tmp (cdr x)))
                    ); foreach
                  ); lambda
          (prompt (strcat "\nError: " (vl-catch-all-error-message rtn)))
            (setq rtn
                "\n<!-- Open this resulted 'html' file with IE/Chrome/Mozilla -->"
                "\n<!-- BBC 2 HTML, assembled by Grrr, credits to Lee Mac -->"
                "\n<head><title>" (cadr (fnsplitl src)) "</title></head>"
                "\n<div style=\"white-space: pre;\">"
              ); strcat
            ); setq rtn
            (setq des
                (setq tmp
                  ; (vl-filename-mktemp ; << not required, (I didn't knew this lol)
                  ( ; unique filename sub
                    (lambda (s / i tmp) 
                      (setq i 0)
                      (while (findfile (setq tmp (strcat s "_" (itoa i) ".html"))) (setq i (1+ i))) tmp
                    ); lambda
                    (apply (function (lambda (a b c) (vl-string-translate "/" "\\" (strcat a b)))) (fnsplitl src)) 
                  ; ); vl-filename-mktemp
                ); setq tmp
              ); open
            ); setq des
          ); princ
          (close des)
          (princ (strcat "\nTemporary html file created at \"" tmp "\", don't forget to erase it.")) 
            (lambda ( fpath / shell ) ; ShellOpen
              (if fpath
                    (lambda nil
                      (setq shell (vlax-get-or-create-object "Shell.Application"))
                      (vlax-invoke-method shell 'Open fpath)
              (vl-catch-all-apply 'vlax-release-object (list shell))
            ); lambda 
          (setq r rtn)
        ); rtn
    (princ "\nUnable to read the file.")
  (and (eq 'VLA-OBJECT (type rgx)) (vl-catch-all-apply (function vlax-release-object) (list rgx)))
); defun BBC2HTML

Basically it will attempt to replace the bold/underline/italic/color BBC tags with HTML ones (I'm not so familiar with bbc formatting, so I couldn't figure out any other tags).

Then it will create an unique .html file and open it with your browser to display the colored code.





I tested it with

• David Bethel's LSP2BBC,

• Lee Mac's LM:Lispstyler (BBC conversion),

• aswell some manual BBC modifications that you saw in the above posts

and it seems to work fine! Although still be careful with your square brackets [ ] in your lisp code!

Hm, now I see that the admins work on that issue!


Edited by Grrr
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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice idea html idea not sure if work with unicode file? 

i tried another forum powered by Invision has independent color schema like:

[code=lisp] your code here [/code]


- avoid comment ,i.e: semi-colon ';'

- missing bracket if 8 is present  

- display weird function name


  • Thanks 1


On 12/10/2018 at 05:36, hanhphuc said:

i tried another forum powered by Invision has independent color schema like:

[code=lisp] your code here [/code]


Interesting. Can you give me a link to that forum? I'd like to take a look and see how they've implemented that.

Posted (edited)


p/s: i recall there was discussions regarding LISP code tags schema at theswamp.org but i couldn't find it now

Edited by hanhphuc
link removed as formated code too buggy, not recommended
  • Like 1
  • 3 weeks later...

Well done guys. I've been looking for something like this for a while.


J. Logan

ACAD 2018

Posted (edited)

In fact my intention was simple, in order to clean up the [BBcodes] 
within the new code tags in this forum. 


Therefore, IMO optimized with CLIPBOARD without using 'getfiled' is much more convenient, isn't it? 

code updated - post#1


Copy text (from forum) ->  run 'FORUM'   (in ACAD) ->  [Ctrl+V] Paste (in forum active editor) Done!



Edited by hanhphuc
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  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Written for fun and practice - a windows form project (the .rar contains the .exe file of the program).

Now you don't have to need to run ACAD for just to strip the code with LISP. :)



Updated the program (included a vertical bar, so one could scroll through the code) - I've forgot that they can get quite lengthy :D

Also modified a bit the default regex pattern,

so it would strip also patterns like [color=#87d6ee] or ( previous pattern was looking just for )





Edited by Grrr
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  • hanhphuc changed the title to New Forum Code Tags
  • 3 years later...
Posted (edited)




Edited by Nikon
  • 4 months later...
Posted (edited)

To remove those pesky legacy color tags in forum code I use this regex in Notepad++ :     \[.*?\]

     The "Find what" box should contain  \[.*?\]

     The "Replace with" box should be kept empty. 

     The "Wrap around" option should be selected  

     The "Search Mode" should be set to "Regular Expression".

Hitting the "Replace All" button will remove everything within Square Brackets including the brackets.



Edited by ymg3
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