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lsp file won't recognize attribute block - need help

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I have used this lisp file for a long time, modifying it over the years but now I can't get it to work with an attribute block.  I want it to call ATTEDIT when an attribute block is selected.  This is from 1994 so I am sure there are more elegant ways to do this code but if this can be quickly patched that would be good enough for me.

; TIP1011.LSP: ME.LSP    Multiple Editing   (c)1994, Gary Goode
;;;modified 4.9.2003 to include mtext, dimensions, attdef and arctext
;This program will let you pick and edit multi text and attributes
;by window, pick or crossing using dialog boxes.
;modified to use textedit
(defun C:ME (/ A B C D E F G H J K L M N P R)      
   (setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
   (setvar "HIGHLIGHT" 1)
   (prompt "\nMulti-Edit is loaded ...  ")
   (setq A (ssget) B (sslength A) C 0)                  
   (while (< C B) (setq D (ssname A C) E (entget D))
      (setq F (car E))
      (setq G (cdr E))
      (setq H (car G))
      (setq J (cdr H))
      (setq K "TEXT")
      (setq L "INSERT")
      (setq M "DIMENSION")
      (setq N "MTEXT")
      (setq P "ATTDEF")
      (setq R "ARCALIGNEDTEXT")
;;updated with next section using textedit for most objects
      (if (= J K)(command ".TEXTEDIT" D ""))   
      (if (= J L)(command ".ATTEDIT" D ""))
      (if (= J N)(command ".TEXTEDIT" D ""))
      (if (= J M)(command ".TEXTEDIT" D "")) 
      (if (= J P)(command ".TEXTEDIT" D ""))
      (if (= J R)(command ".ARCTEXT" D ""))
   (setq C (1+ C)))
); end me.lsp

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Posted (edited)

Try something like this:

(defun c:me ( / e i l s )
    (setq l
            ("ATTDEF"         . "_.TEXTEDIT")
            ("INSERT"         . "_.ATTEDIT")
            ("TEXT"           . "_.TEXTEDIT")
            ("MTEXT"          . "_.TEXTEDIT")
            ("DIMENSION"      . "_.TEXTEDIT")
            ("ARCALIGNEDTEXT" . "_.ARCTEXT")
    (if (setq s
            (ssget "_:L"
                    (-04 . "<OR")
                        (000 . "ATTDEF,*DIMENSION,TEXT,MTEXT,ARCALIGNEDTEXT")
                        (-04 . "<AND")
                            (000 . "INSERT")
                            (066 . 1)
                        (-04 . "AND>")
                    (-04 . "OR>")
        (repeat (setq i (sslength s))
            (setq i (1- i)
                  e (ssname s i)
            (command (cdr (assoc (cdr (assoc 0 (entget e))) l)) e)


Edited by Lee Mac


Thanks for looking at this.  Your version doesn't edit the inserts in the order picked and it stops after the first mtext object rather than continuing when more than one has been selected.




Heres a modification of Lee's suggestion - 

; Multiple Editing   (c)1994, Gary Goode
; Updated version at: https://www.cadtutor.net/forum/topic/65888-lsp-file-wont-recognize-attribute-block-need-help/
(defun C:ME nil (C:MultipleEditing)(princ))
(defun C:MultipleEditing ( / *error* acDoc c e i L s )
  (setq L
      ("ATTDEF"         (x) (command "_.TEXTEDIT" x  ""))
      ("INSERT"         (x) (if (member '(066 . 1) (entget x)) (command "_.ATTEDIT" x)))
      ("TEXT"           (x) (command "_.TEXTEDIT" x  ""))
      ("MTEXT"          (x) (command "_.TEXTEDIT" x  ""))
      ("DIMENSION"      (x) (command "_.TEXTEDIT" x  ""))
      ("ARCALIGNEDTEXT" (x) (command "_.ARCTEXT" x))
  (defun *error* ( m )
    (and c (setvar 'cmdecho c))
    (and acDoc (vla-EndUndoMark acDoc))
    (and m (princ m)) (princ)
  ); defun *error*
    ( (setq s (ssget "_:L-I" '((000 . "ATTDEF,*DIMENSION,TEXT,MTEXT,ARCALIGNEDTEXT,INSERT"))))
      (if vlax-get-acad-object
          (setq acDoc (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))) 
          (vla-EndUndoMark acDoc) (vla-StartUndoMark acDoc)
        ); progn
      ); if
      (and (setq c (getvar 'cmdecho)) (setvar 'cmdecho 0))
      (repeat (setq i (sslength s))
          i (1- i)
          e (ssname s i)
        ((cdr (assoc (cdr (assoc 0 (entget e))) L)) e)
      ); repeat
  ); cond
  (*error* nil) (princ)
); defun C:MultipleEditing


Couldn't figure out the ssget filter to select all the object types + attributed blocks (in theory Lee's suggestion should work - but I got XOR behavior, rather than OR).

So I had to iterate and check every block reference if its attributed.

And I hate posting "corrected" versions from a professional lispers that did 90% of the work.. but oh well, sorry Lee.

I find this routine quite useful, so thanks guys!


  On 8/27/2018 at 10:56 PM, rkent said:


Thanks for looking at this.  Your version doesn't edit the inserts in the order picked and it stops after the first mtext object rather than continuing when more than one has been selected.




Odd - it worked in my brief testing.

The following should correct the pick order -

(defun c:me ( / e i l s )
    (setq l
            ("ATTDEF"         . "_.TEXTEDIT")
            ("INSERT"         . "_.ATTEDIT")
            ("TEXT"           . "_.TEXTEDIT")
            ("MTEXT"          . "_.TEXTEDIT")
            ("DIMENSION"      . "_.TEXTEDIT")
            ("ARCALIGNEDTEXT" . "_.ARCTEXT")
    (if (setq i -1 s
            (ssget "_:L"
                    (-04 . "<OR")
                        (000 . "ATTDEF,*DIMENSION,TEXT,MTEXT,ARCALIGNEDTEXT")
                        (-04 . "<AND")
                            (000 . "INSERT")
                            (066 . 1)
                        (-04 . "AND>")
                    (-04 . "OR>")
        (while (setq i (1+ i) e (ssname s i))
            (command (cdr (assoc (cdr (assoc 0 (entget e))) l)) e)



Grr - when I select the objects one at a time the order for editing is last picked is edited first, with the first pick being the last one edited.  If I use a crossing window or a selection window then I see the order of editing the way you show in your video.

Lee - yours still edits in the opposite order picked when  pick individually.  When selecting other than attributes it will halt and wait for me to select the next text again, I edit that, then it pauses to have be pick the next text.

With the original you can pick individually text, attributes, etc, hit enter and then each one will be in edit mode in the order picked, first, second, third,...last.

Thanks again for working on this, I appreciate your time and effort.



I finally narrowed the problem with the original to the ATTEDIT not working in the lisp.  After a search on the internet I found someone using


     (command (initdia) ".ATTEDIT" "0,0" ""))

in their lisp file.  I have no idea, yet, what the (initdia) does, but I used it and the original works just fine now.  

; TIP1011.LSP: ME.LSP    Multiple Editing   (c)1994, Gary Goode
;;;modified 4.9.2003 to include mtext, dimensions, attdef and arctext
;This program will let you pick and edit multi text and attributes
;by window, pick or crossing using dialog boxes.
;modified to use textedit
(defun C:ME (/ A B C D E F G H J K L M N P R)      
   (setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
   (setvar "HIGHLIGHT" 1)
   (prompt "\nMulti-Edit is loaded ...  ")
   (setq A (ssget) B (sslength A) C 0)                  
   (while (< C B) (setq D (ssname A C) E (entget D))
      (setq F (car E))
      (setq G (cdr E))
      (setq H (car G))
      (setq J (cdr H))
      (setq K "TEXT")
      (setq L "INSERT")
      (setq M "DIMENSION")
      (setq N "MTEXT")
      (setq P "ATTDEF")
      (setq R "ARCALIGNEDTEXT")
;;updated with next section using textedit for most objects
      (if (= J K)(command ".TEXTEDIT" D ""))   
      (if (= J L)(command (initdia) ".ATTEDIT" D ""))
      (if (= J N)(command ".TEXTEDIT" D ""))
      (if (= J M)(command ".TEXTEDIT" D "")) 
      (if (= J P)(command ".TEXTEDIT" D ""))
      (if (= J R)(command ".ARCTEXT" D ""))
   (setq C (1+ C)))
); end me.lsp

Thanks to everyone for helping with this request.


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