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Hello everyone, everything good.

First apologies for my pessimo ingles.

(defun c:Test0008 (/ p1 oFile sFile tmp Separator i
	     ;|Functions|; GetFormatFile aux:SelectFile grdx

(defun GetFormatFile (/ lsts)
 (or *Format* (setq *Format* "csv"))
 (setq lsts '(("csv" ";" "[<Csv>/Txt/Xls]")
	      ("txt" " " "[Csv/<Txt>/Xls]")
	      ("xls" "\t" "[Csv/Txt/<Xls>]")))
 (setq mens (last (assoc *Format* lsts)))
 (initget "Csv Txt Xls _csv txt xls")
 (if (setq tmp (getkword (strcat "\nFormat file;" mens ": ")))
  (setq *Format* tmp)
 (setq Separator (cadr (assoc *Format* lsts)))
(defun aux:SelectFile ( Extension / ff)
 (if (setq ff (getfiled "Select File" (if *TmpRutaFile* *TmpRutaFile* "") Extension 1))
  (setq *TmpRutaFile* (strcat (vl-filename-directory ff) "\\"))

; grdx - graphic cross utility
(defun grdx (p col size / h)
  (setq h (/ (getvar "viewsize") size))
  (grdraw (list (- (car p) h) (- (cadr p) h))
          (list (+ (car p) h) (+ (cadr p) h)) col 0)
  (grdraw (list (- (car p) h) (+ (cadr p) h))
          (list (+ (car p) h) (- (cadr p) h)) col 0)
;;--------------------- MAIN -----------------
(or *Prec* (setq *Prec* 4))
(setq p1 (getpoint "\nPick first point: "))
(while p1
 (grdX p1 213 125)
 (setq lstFile (cons p1 lstFile))
 (setq p1 (getpoint " >> Pick Next point: "))
  (initget (+ 4))
  (if (setq tmp (getint (strcat "\nPrecisión;<" (itoa *Prec*) ">: ")))
   (setq *Prec* tmp)
  (setq sFile (aux:SelectFile *Format*))
    (setq i 1)
    (setq oFile (open sFile "w"))
    (write-line "COORDINATES OF POINTS" oFile)
    (write-line (strcat "#" Separator "X" Separator "Y" Separator "Z") oFile)
      (lambda (pt)
(write-line (strcat (itoa i) Separator
		    (rtos (car  pt) 2 *Prec*) Separator
		    (rtos (cadr pt) 2 *Prec*) Separator
		    (rtos (last pt) 2 *Prec*)
(setq i (1+ i))
    (close oFile)
    (alert (strcat "File: \n\n[" sFile "]\n\nhas been created."))
    ;;(startAPP (strcat "notepad.exe " sFile))
    (command "shell" (strcat "start " sFile))


I use this routine that exports coordinates, from points clicked to excel, in Csv / Txt / Xls

but the exports in descending order _the last point I clicked is the first_

Can anyone reverse this? Are the points imported in the order they are clicked?



Another thing, the great Lee-mac created a subroutine that would help me a lot if it were attached to the program.

this link http://www.lee-mac.com/grtext.html

has the subroutine, and here is the demo.


(defun c:demo2 ( / *error* pnt str )

   (defun *error* ( m ) (princ m) (redraw) (princ))

   (while (= 5 (car (setq pnt (grread nil 13 0))))
       (setq str (mapcar 'rtos (trans (cadr pnt) 1 0)))
       (LM:DisplayGrText (cadr pnt) (LM:GrText (strcat "X=" (car str) "\nY=" (cadr str))) 3 15 -31)
   (redraw) (princ)


This subroutine would work as a preview, so I know if I'm clicking the correct location.


I thank the help of all you.


not sure if my Spanish or whatever is so good either...



    (lambda (pt)
      (write-line  (strcat (itoa i) Separator (rtos (car  pt) 2 *Prec*) Separator
                                 (rtos (cadr pt) 2 *Prec*) Separator (rtos (last pt) 2 *Prec*))  oFile)
                      (setq i (1+ i))))
    [b](reverse lstFile)[/b]

not sure if my Spanish or whatever is so good either...



    (lambda (pt)
      (write-line  (strcat (itoa i) Separator (rtos (car  pt) 2 *Prec*) Separator
                                 (rtos (cadr pt) 2 *Prec*) Separator (rtos (last pt) 2 *Prec*))  oFile)
                      (setq i (1+ i))))
    [b](reverse lstFile)[/b]


Thanks, that solves my problem very well.

But what about the preview? is there a way to add the sub-routine from lee-mac to code?

My intention is to make the program of this link with a preview >>

Thanks, that solves my problem very well.

But what about the preview? is there a way to add the sub-routine from lee-mac to code?

My intention is to make the program of this link with a preview >>



I think that's not gonna be a problem. Will try to find some time 2nite or 2morrow have done enough computing for this day. And if sombody else want to have a go... be my guest...

Here you are...






thanx for stepping in Marko :thumbsup:

Here you are...




Marko ribar Very good apparently you are understanding me, but the routine does not work, when the text should be saved the message is displayed (Format file; [ / Txt / Xls]: T

; error: bad argument type: stringp nil)


Another thing, as you see in the video the coordinates are automatically exposed to Excel, is it possible?


Think the problem lies with *Format* and (assoc *Format* lsts) ... case sensitive?



just a dirty fix

(if (not (setq Separator (cadr (assoc (strcase *Format* t) lsts))))
      (setq Separator ","))


Yes rlx, that was the problem... Haven't repeated routine... Thanks...

Yes rlx, that was the problem... Haven't repeated routine... Thanks...


Doing some research on the internet, I discovered using ActiveX.

to make this "bridge" necessary to transfer the coordinates instantly to Excel.

Any suggestions on where I could find something like this?

Yes rlx, that was the problem... Haven't repeated routine... Thanks...


What about the instant link between AutoCAD and Excel? Is there a way to do this for whenever I click on autocad

coordinate is exported instantially?

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