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Hello Engineers

I wish to get a help from you regarding taking measurements in between two lines.

my requirements are

Generate points at 1m

generate perpendicular lines from its base location

extend till the magenta line

give line length.

can you guys help me?

Kindly see the attachment.

Thank you.


Posted (edited)

This is known in civil engineering as Peg & shift. The code is pretty straight forward, just checking something I have.


Try this it is a start. If you want it all dimensioned etc then thats a biggger task.


; simple peg & shift at constant distance
; By Alan H Jan 2018

(defun chktstyle ( /  )
(setq  doc (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
(setq cursty (getvar "textstyle"))
(setq stys (vla-get-textstyles doc))
(vlax-for sty stys 
(if (= cursty (vla-get-name sty))
(setq ht (vla-get-height sty))
(if (and (/= ht nil)(> ht 0.0))(setq tsy "Y")(setq ht 2.5))

(defun pegoff ( / len len2 newpt ang ht)
(setq newPt (vlax-curve-getClosestPointTo Obj2 Pt))
(setq len2 (distance newpt pt))
(setq ang (angle newpt pt))
(command "line" newpt pt "")
(if (= tsy "Y")
(command "Text" pt ang (rtos len2 2 2))
(command "Text" pt ht ang (rtos len2 2 2))

;(alert (strcat "The ch is " (rtos ch 2 2) "\n\nOffset is " (rtos len2 2 2))) ; dummy to see something

(defun pegsh ( / obj obj2 lstch num olen inc)
(setq obj   (vlax-ename->vla-object (car (entsel "\nPick peg line"     ))))
(setq obj2 (vlax-ename->vla-object (car (entsel "\nPick offset line"))))

(setq olen (vla-get-length obj))

(setq inc (getreal "\nEnter your increment"))
(setq num (fix (/ olen inc)))
(setq lstch (list 0.0)) ; accept 1st pointc
(setq ch 0.0)
(repeat num
(setq lstch (cons (setq ch (+ ch inc)) lstch))
(setq lstch (cons olen lstch))

(repeat (setq x (length lstch))
(setq ch (nth (setq x (- x 1)) lstch))
(setq pt (vlax-curve-getpointatdist obj ch))

) ;defun pegsh 

(setq oldsnap (getvar 'osmode))
(setq luprecc (GETVAR "LUPREC" ))
(setvar 'osmode 0)
(setvar 'osmode oldsnap)
(SETVAR "ANGBASE" angbasee)
(SETVAR "ANGDIR" angdirr)
(SETVAR "LUPREC" luprecc)
(SETVAR "AUNITS" aunitss)

Edited by BIGAL

thank you so much Bigul

i wish to remain the value at end or start of line, instead of displaying in a window

no need of dimensioning.

can you modify this lisp please?

thank a lot

Posted (edited)

The code above has been updated I will leave it to you to play with the exact text location, also not it expects text style to have height set. Put a fix in for text ht as zero you may want to change the 2.5.

Edited by BIGAL

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