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function to convert decimal degree to DM


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hi all, i wrote a program to calculate degree ,and now, i want a function to convert decimal degree to degree and minute, can anyone help me about this?

(sorry for my poor english)

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Its just maths 1 min = 60 secs 1 sec = 360 etc just keep taking the FIX of the decimal and moving it.


30d 30' 30" = 30.50833333


so fix = 30

rem = .508333 * 60 = 30.49999

fix = 30 mins

rem = .499999

* 60 = 29.999999 secs

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BIGAL said:
Its just maths 1 min = 60 secs 1 sec = 360 etc just keep taking the FIX of the decimal and moving it.


30d 30' 30" = 30.50833333


so fix = 30

rem = .508333 * 60 = 30.49999

fix = 30 mins

rem = .499999

* 60 = 29.999999 secs



another DIESEL method but not so precise , needs rounding 0.01

(defun hp:deg->dms (x) ;hanhphuc 
 (strcat (if (minusp x) "-" "")(itoa (fix (setq x (abs (atof (rtos x 2 5))))))
  (menucmd (strcat "M=$(edtime,"
		   (rtos (/ (* (+ x 1e-8) 3600.) 86400.) 2 15)
		   ",° MM' SS)" ) 

(hp:deg->dms 30.50833333)

(hp:deg->dms -36.87)

(hp:deg->dms (cvunit (atan 3 4) "radians" "degrees"))
;"36° 52' 11\"
(defun c:BD2P ( / p1 p2 sudut jarak )
  (ai_sysvar (mapcar 'cons '( "ANGBASE" "ANGDIR" "OSMODE" "DIMZIN") (list (/ pi 2.) 1 9 0)))
  (and (setq p1 (getpoint "\nPilih titik 1 : "))
       (setq p2 (getpoint p1 "\nPilih titik 2 : "))
       (setq sudut (angle p1 p2))
       (mapcar '(lambda (x) (set x (mapcar '+ '(0. 0.) (trans (eval x) 1 0)))) '(p1 p2))
       (setq jarak (distance p1 p2))
         (list '(0 . "MTEXT")
               '(100 . "AcDbEntity")
               '(100 . "AcDbMText")
               '(8 . "BDIST")
               (cons 1 (strcat (hp:deg->dms (distof (angtos sudut 0 16))) "\\P" (rtos jarak 2 3)))
               (cons 10 (mapcar '(lambda (a b) (/ (+ a b) 2.)) p1 p2))
               (cons 40 (* jarak 0.025))
               (cons 50 (angle p1 p2))
               '(71 . 5)
               '(72 . 5)
  (ai_sysvar nil)


Edited by hanhphuc
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